1200字范文 > 人教版小学一年级上学期英语期中考试卷


时间:2021-08-01 16:36:58





一、 听录音,给下列图片标序号。(20分)



( )Hello. (你好!)

( ) What’s your name? (你叫什么名字?)

( )I’m Miss Wu. (我是吴老师。)

( ) Good morning! (早上好!)

( )My name is Bill. (我叫比尔。)


( )It’s yellow. (黄色。)

( )Oh, a bird! (噢,一只鸟!)

( )A dog! (一条狗!)

( ) What colour is it? (它是什么颜色?)

( )It’s black. (黑色。)

三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,在括号内打“√ ”。(20分)

1. A. I have a book.(我有一本书。) ( )

B. I have a ruler.(我有一把尺子。) ( )

2. A. It’s a bird. (是只鸟。) ( )

B. It’s yellow. (是黄色。) ( )

3. A. Good morning.(早上好。)( )

B. Goodbye! (再见!) ( )

4. A. Stand up! (起立!) ( )

B. Sit down, please. (请坐下。) ( )

5. A. Touch your ear. (摸你的耳朵。) ( )

B. This is my nose. (这是我的鼻子。) ( )

6. A. Good afternoon. (下午好。)( )

B. Bye. (再见!) ( )

7. A. Show me your pencil. (出示你的铅笔。) ( )

B. I have a pencil. (我有一只铅笔。) ( )

8. A. Act like a monkey. (模仿猴子动作。) ( )

B. It’s a tiger. ( 是只老虎。) ( )

9. A. Show me five. (出示“5”。)( )

B. Show me six. (出示“6”。)( )

10. A. Yes, I do. (是的,我喜欢。)( )

B. No, I don’t. ( 不,我不喜欢。)( )


1. Good morning!(早上好!) ( )

Goodbye! (再见!)( )

2. This is my mouth. (这是我的嘴。) ( )

This is my nose. ( 这是我的鼻子。) ( )

3. This is my eye. (这是我的眼睛。) ( )

Hi! I’m Lily. (你好,我是莉莉。) ( )

4. I’m Billy. (我是比尔。) ( )

It’s a cat. (是小猫。)( )

5. It’s a bird. (是只鸟。) ( )

Nine.(九只。) ( )

6. It’s red. (是红色)( )

It’s a pencil. (是铅笔。) ( )

7. Yes, I do. (是的,我喜欢。) ( )

Three. (三个。) ( )

8. Thank you. (谢谢。) ( )

Good afternoon. (下午好。) ( )

9. Bye. (再见。)( )

Hello. (你好。)( )

10. I have a ruler. (我有一把尺子。) ( )

This is my eye. (这是我的眼睛。) ( )


五、 读一读,看一看,选一选。(20分)

( ) 1.I have a ____ .

A. schoolbag B. book

( ) 2. Touch your _____ .

A. mouth B. face

( ) 3.It’s a ______.

A. cat B. dog

( ) 4.Show me ____ .

A. ten B. four

( ) 5. It’s ____ .

A. red B. blue

( ) 6. This is my ___ .

A. teacher B. ruler

( ) 7.Show me _____ .

A. tiger B. green

( ) 8. Yes, I ______ .

A. do B. don’t

( ) 9. Show me an ____ .

A. banana B. orange

( ) 10. ____ down, please.

A. Sit B. Stand
