1200字范文 > 英文写作中最常用的文学手法:明喻 隐喻 提喻等等 您都会了吗

英文写作中最常用的文学手法:明喻 隐喻 提喻等等 您都会了吗

时间:2023-03-13 14:33:47


英文写作中最常用的文学手法:明喻 隐喻 提喻等等 您都会了吗

Literary Devices: Most Commonly Used Literary Devices Used In Writing文学手法:写作中最常用的文学手法

Literary Devices: Most Commonly Used Literary Devices Used In Writing文学手法:写作中最常用的文学手法

You have probably heard the term literary device when studying then English language especially if you are studying English literature. But the term covers a wide range of things so what exactly does it mean? In this article, we are going to be looking at the definition of the term literary device. We will then dive deeper into the subject and find out what some of the most commonly used literary devices are and how they work. We will do this by looking at some examples of them in action. 你可能在学习英语的时候听说过文学手法这个词,尤其是如果你学习英国文学的话。但是这个术语涵盖了很广泛的东西,那么它到底是什么意思呢?在这篇文章中,我们将着眼于文学手法这个术语的定义。然后我们将深入研究这个主题,找出最常用的文学手法是什么以及它们是如何起作用的。我们将通过观察一些实际操作的例子来做到这一点。

What Is A Literary Device? 什么是文学手法?

A literary device is essentially a technique used by a writer which adds substance or an effect to the text they are writing. It is used to help the reader create a more detailed image of what is happening within the writing and is employed often in various types of written work. These can include works of fiction, poetry, song and non fiction pieces amongst others. 文学手法本质上是作者使用的一种技巧,为他们正在写作的文本添加内容或效果。它用于帮助读者对写作中发生的事情有一个更详细的形象,经常用于各种类型的写作工作中。这些作品包括小说、诗歌、歌曲和非小说作品。

There are many different types of literary devices, some are used more often than others but each one has its own effect on the writing and is used in a specific way. 文学手法有许多不同的类型,有些使用得比较频繁,但每一种都对写作有自己的影响,并以特定的方式使用。

Why Do Writers Use Literary Devices? 为什么作家要使用文学手法?

As we mentioned previously, a literary device is used to paint a picture for the reader. They can add an effect such as sarcasm, rhythm or detail to a piece of writing as well as creating many other effects which further pull the reader in. 正如我们前面提到的,文学工具是用来为读者描绘一幅图画的。他们可以在一篇文章中添加一种效果,如讽刺,节奏或细节,以及创造许多其他效果,进一步吸引读者。

They are a great way to assist the reader in gaining a deeper understanding of what is being said in the writing and are also used as a way to emphasise a point or to make it more clear. Many literary devices are put in place in order to convey certain information, especially if the writer wishes to do so in a more creative fashion, therefore making the text much more appealing and interesting to the reader. 它们是帮助读者对写作中所说的内容有更深入理解的一种很好的方式,也可以用来强调一个观点或使其更清楚。为了传达特定的信息,人们会使用许多文学手段,尤其是当作者想要以一种更有创意的方式这样做的时候,从而使文本对读者来说更有吸引力和趣味。

Literary devices are an excellent way for writers to make their readers connect with the character within a story on a much more profound level and they can create a deeper meaning to these characters and their situations. 文学手法是作者让读者在更深层次上与故事中的人物产生联系的一种极好的方式,它们可以为这些人物和他们的处境创造更深层的意义。

What Are The Most Common Literary Devices Used In Writing? 写作中最常用的文学手法是什么?

When thinking about literary devices in the English language, you are confronted with a lot of them, all offering different ways to influence the text. However, there are some that are used more often than others, and in this section, we will be looking at some of the most commonly used literary devices, what they are used for and how we can apply them in writing. 当你想到英语中的文学手段时,你会遇到很多,它们都提供了不同的方式来影响文本。然而,有一些比其他的使用更频繁,在这一节中,我们将看看一些最常用的文学手法,它们的用途以及我们如何在写作中应用它们。


One of the literary devices that you will see very frequently in writing is alliteration. This literary device is used to add rhythm by the use of repeated sounds at the beginning of adjacent words or words which are very close to one another in a sentence. Let’st take a look at some examples of how alliteration works. 你在写作中经常看到的文学手法之一是头韵。这种文学手法是通过在句子中相邻词或相邻词的开头重复发音来增加节奏的。让我们看一些头韵的例子。

The callous cat clawed at the cowcontinually.那只冷酷的猫不断地抓着牛。She sells sea shells by the sea shore.她在海边卖贝壳。Big bears bowl brashly through the bush.大熊在灌木丛中猛冲。Simile明喻

A simile is a form of literary device which is used for comparison. They use the words like or as in order to make the comparison and are a very popular form of literary device, most famously used by William Shakespeare. Let’s now see some examples of how a simile would look. 明喻是一种用于比较的文学手段。他们使用like或as来进行比较,这是一种非常流行的文学手法,最著名的是威廉·莎士比亚使用。现在让我们看一些明喻的例子。


Similar to the simile, a metaphor is used to make a comparison but rather than making a direct comparison, it does so indirectly. The metaphor makes a non literal comparison between two things which are not directly related. There are many examples of this literary device used throughout various texts, so let’s take a look at how it works. 与明喻类似,隐喻是用来作比较,但不是直接比较,它是间接比较。这个比喻是对两个不直接相关的事物进行非字面上的比较。在各种文本中都有这种文学手法的例子,所以让我们来看看它是如何使用的

The singer is truly a shining star.这位歌手确实是一颗闪亮的星星。She has a heart of stone.她铁石心肠。Euphemism委婉语

This type of literary device is used to talk about something that may be construed as offensive and so the writer will use a variant on the wording in order to make what is being referred to, more palatable. Euphemism is another one of the literary devices which is closely associated with Shakespeare but is also used by many other writers. Let’s take a look at some examples of this. 这种文学手法是用来谈论一些可能被理解为冒犯的东西,所以作者会在措辞上使用一种变体,以便使所指的东西更容易被接受。委婉语是另一种与莎士比亚密切相关的文学手法,但也被许多其他作家使用。让我们来看一些例子。

The dearly departed parents were sadlymissed at Christmas – In this case the words dearly departed are used inplace of the word dead, which sounds much more harsh.The dearly departed parents were sadlymissed at Christmas--在这个例子中,用dearly departed这个词代替了dead这个词,听起来更加刺耳。The couple, who had been together for sixmonths, finally did the deed – In this example, the phrase did the deed isreferencing sex which could be much more offensive to readers.The couple, who had been together for sixmonths, finally did the deed--在这个例子中,did the deed这个词组是指性,这可能会让读者更反感。Anaphora回指

Anaphora is a form of literary device in which the writer uses a repeated phrase at the beginning of consecutive sentences. The reason for doing this is to make a stronger point by using the repetition to almost drill the point into the readers mind. This form of literary device is often used in the writing of speeches, especially those designed to motivate or convince the audience. We are now going to look at some examples of how anaphora is used. 回指是作者在连续句的开头使用重复短语的一种文学手法。这样做的原因是通过重复,使论点更有力,几乎把论点牢牢地钉在读者的脑子里。这种形式的文学手法常用于演讲的写作,特别是那些旨在激励或说服听众的演讲。我们现在来看一些回指法是如何使用的例子。

Every day I wake. Every day I love. Everyday I listen.每天我醒来。我爱的每一天。我每天都在听。My life is my aim. My life is my meaning.My life is my dream.我的生命是我的目标。我的生命就是我的意义。我的人生是我的梦想。Hyperbole夸张

This is a very commonly used literary device which you are likely to come across in many texts when reading. Hyperbole is the used of a statement which is not meant to be seen as literal by the reader. It is used to emphasise something and to exaggerate something in order to stress the importance. Here are some examples of sentences which feature the use of hyperbole. 这是一种非常常用的文学手法,你在阅读时可能会在许多文本中遇到。夸张是一种不打算让读者认为是字面意思的陈述。它用来强调某事和夸大某事以强调其重要性。这里有一些使用夸张手法的例句。

My dad was so hungry that he could haveeaten a horse.我爸爸非常饥饿,他可以吃下一匹马。The traffic was terrible on the way tothe beach, it took us a million years to get there.交通很糟糕在去海滩的路上,我们花了一百万年。Have you seen the weather today?It’s raining cats and dogsout there!你看到今天的天气了吗?外面下着倾盆大雨!Irony反讽

Irony comes in various forms and is often used in literature to express a meaning opposite to the one which is being construed. The three types of irony are verbal irony in which someone says something but in reality, means the opposite, situational irony in which an event occurs which was the complete opposite of what was expected to happen and dramatic irony where the reader is aware of a situation that the character is not and therefore see the characters behaviour in a different light. Let’s take a look at an example of each of these. 反讽的形式多种多样,在文学作品中经常被用来表达与被解释的意义相反的意思。三种类型的反讽是言语上的反讽,有人说了一些话,但在现实中,意思是相反的,情景上的反讽,发生的事件是完全相反的预期发生和戏剧性的反讽,读者意识到的情况下,字符是没有,因此看到的字符行为在不同的角度。让我们来看看这两种情况的例子。

Bill and Mary had been waiting for whatseemed like a lifetime, in the rain, for the shop to open its doors. “What lovely weather to be outside in”exclaimed Mary, who was wet through – This is verbal irony as Mary hasmade a statement when she actually means the opposite. 比尔和玛丽在雨中等待了似乎一辈子,等待商店开门。"外面的天气多好啊",玛丽感叹道,她全身都湿透了--这是言语上的讽刺,因为玛丽已经发表了声明,而她的实际意思恰恰相反。The firefighter went out for tea andcakes and while they were away, the fire station burned to the ground – This is situationalirony as the burning down on a building which is usually full of peoplewho put out fires, is something which is not expected. 消防员出去喝茶吃蛋糕,当他们离开的时候,消防站被烧成了一片废墟--这是情景讽刺,因为一栋通常都是救火的人的建筑被烧毁,是意料之外的事情。The audience are aware the the maincharacter in a book is being cheated on by his wife who is planning toleave him, but this character is currently arranging a romantic weekendaway for the two of them. This is dramatic irony asthe audience knows that the characters efforts are wasted. 观众意识到书中的主人公被他的妻子欺骗了,妻子打算离开他,但这个人物目前正在为他们两个人安排一个浪漫的周末旅行。这是一种戏剧性的讽刺,因为观众知道这个人物的努力是白费的。Onomatopoeia拟声词

Out of all the literary devices, this is one which you will see a lot more than you first realise.Onomatopoeia is a literary device which uses words to describe a sound, and these words actually sound like what they are describing. There are many examples of this literary device being used in written works, let’s take a look at some of the things you might see. 在所有的文学手法中,这是一种你将会看到的比你最初意识到的多得多的文学手法。拟声词是一种文学工具,它用词语来描述声音,而这些词的发音实际上和它们所描述的很像。在书面作品中使用这种文学手法的例子有很多,让我们来看看你可能会看到的一些东西。

The wind whispered through the woods.风在树林中低语。My dog barked and snarled at the burglar.我的狗对着窃贼狂吠咆哮。I screamed when I saw the spider.当我看到蜘蛛时我尖叫起来。Oxymoron矛盾修饰法

An oxymoron is a literary device which uses two words to make a phrase which comes across as contradictory. This type of literary device is usually used for a humorous effect but also in order to put an emphasis on what is being said, by grabbing the readers attention with the contradiction. Here are some examples of how oxymoron can be used. 矛盾修饰法是一种文学手法,它用两个词来制造一个看起来矛盾的短语。这种文学手法通常是为了达到幽默的效果,但也为了强调所讲的内容,用矛盾来吸引读者的注意力。下面是一些矛盾修饰法用法的例子。

My friend is a lovely woman but she ispretty ugly when it comes to looks.我的朋友是一个可爱的女人,但是从容貌上看她很丑。There was a tension in the room andnobody spoke, there was a deafening silence as I waited for someone to saysomething.房间里有一种紧张的气氛,没有人说话,有一种震耳欲聋的沉默,我在等待有人说些什么。Synecdoche提喻

Synecdoche is a literary device which uses a part of something to refer to the whole. It is used to give a more descriptive picture of what is going on. Let’s look at some examples of synecdoche being used. 提喻是一种文学手法,用事物的一部分来指代整体。它是用来给正在发生的事情一个更有描述性的画面。让我们来看看一些有关提喻的例子。

My brother had a big win on thelotteryand his first priority was to buy somenew wheels – In this example, new wheels is used to make reference to acar.我哥哥大赢彩票,他的首要任务是买一些新的轮子——在这个示例中,新的轮子用于提到车。The office was full of suits, all thereto make an executive decision – In this case, the word suits is used totalk about businessmen.办公室充满了西装,所有做出行政决定——在本例中,这个词适合用于谈论商人。Literary Device Infographic
