1200字范文 > 机械制图 mechanical drawing英语短句 例句大全

机械制图 mechanical drawing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-22 01:42:07


机械制图 mechanical drawing英语短句 例句大全

机械制图,mechanical drawing

1)mechanical drawing机械制图

1.Research on Teaching Methods of Mechanical Drawing lesson;《机械制图》多媒体教学手段研究

2.About the Mechanical Drawing Teaching Based on 3D Design;基于三维实体化设计的《机械制图》教学

3.How to Improve Students,learning Interest in Teaching of Mechanical Drawing;在《机械制图》教学中如何增强学生的学习兴趣


1.Mechanical drawings--LinesGB/T4457.4-1984机械制图图线

2.Mechanical drawings--Axonometric drawingsGB/T4458.3-1984机械制图轴测图

3.Analyses on Teaching Method of Mechanical Drawing of Non-enginery Major;非机械类专业《机械制图》教法浅析

4.Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing画法几何及机械制图

5.Mechanical drawings--Graphical symbols for kinematic diagramsGB/T4460-1984机械制图机构运动简图符号

6.Development and Research on Internet CAD Drawing Tool Used in Mechanical Drawing;《机械制图》作业网络绘图工具开发研究

7.Be familiar with mechanical drawing, tolerance matching and some mechanical design knowledge.熟悉机械制图、差配合和一定的机械设计知识。

8.Having the knowledge of generator.具有发电机知识,掌握机械制图标准。

9.Reform of Mechanical Drawing Teaching;机电专业《机械制图》课教学改革浅见

10.Application of Computer Technique in the Teaching of Mechanical Drawing;计算机技术在《机械制图》教学中的应用

11.Microcomputer Technology Applied in the Course Reform of <Mechanical Engineering Drawing>;微机技术在《机械制图》教改中的应用

12.Template Custom-tailor Based on AutoCAD Mechanical Drawing Criterion;基于AutoCAD机械制图规范的模板化定制

13.The Desiging and Making of Electronic Teaching Plans of Mechanical Drawing CAI;机械制图CAI教学课件的设计与制作

14.CAI software of brushwork geometry and machine-drawing;画法几何及机械制图CAI软件制作


16.The Development and Fabrication of Education Resources in Mechanical Drawing《机械制图》教学资源库的开发与制作

17.Research on the Teaching Quality Evaluation of Mechanical Drawing Course;机械制图与计算机绘图课教学质量评价的研究

18.Teaching Reform of Mechanical drawing and CAD;《机械制图与微机绘图》课程教改实践探索


mechanical drafting机械制图

1.According to the characteristics of themechanical drafting course,the reform and investigation of teaching content and teaching method etc.高职院校着重培养社会需要的高技能人才,根据机械制图课程的特点,通过对教学内容、教学方法和教学手段等诸方面的改革与探索,对提高学生学习兴趣,增强综合应用能力有很大帮助。

2.In the courses ofmechanical drafting teaching and the Auto CAD Software, coping with the correct relations between the contents of two courses is the requirement to guarantee the teaching efficiency.在机械制图课程与AutoCAD软件教学中,正确地处理好两门课程之间的内容关系是保证教学效果的必要条件。

3.This paper describes a reform in the teaching of the course inmechanical drafting in the areas of course structure, teaching materials and teaching methods.本文介绍了《机械制图》课程从课程结构、教材内容和教学方法等全方位的教学改革实践活动。

3)machine drawing机械制图

1.The application of software Pro/Engineer in the teaching reform of the course of《machine drawing》;Pro/Engineer软件在《机械制图》课程教学改革中的应用

2.Machine Drawing Course in Higher Vocational Education and the Study of Its Teaching Reformation;高职《机械制图》课程及其教学改革探讨

3.Study and Discussion on Creativeness Teaching Method of Machine Drawing at Vocational and Technical College高职高专《机械制图》课创造性教学方法的研究与探讨

4)Mechanical Cartography机械制图

1.Research and Practice on Reforming the Curriculum of "Mechanical Cartography" in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校机械制图课程教学改革的研究与实践

2.Development and Application ofMechanical Cartography Virtual Model Depot;机械制图虚拟模型库的开发及应用

3.This paper discusses the training of innovation idea in learning mechanical cartography.在机械制图课的学习中对学生进行创新思维的培养,可以开阔学生思路,激发学生的创新意识,为学生将来做一名优秀的技术工作者奠定基础。

5)mechanical drawings机械制图

1.On the basis of elaborating the system of normal sort,the standardized situation ofmechanical drawings,technical drawings and computer drawings are summarized and concluded comprehensively.在阐述标准分类体系的基础上 ,全面归纳总结了《机械制图》、《技术制图》及《计算机绘图》标准的标准化状况。

2.This article has expounded and proved a question of lack strict in the actual application, which on sectional descriptive provided for by themechanical drawings GB/T4458.通过生产中的3个实例,对机械制图GB/T4458。

6)Mechanical Graphing机械制图

1.Investigation of AutoCAD forMechanical Graphing小议AutoCAD在机械制图教学中的应用

2.On the functions of the Autocad three-dimensional object in teaching the mechanical graphing;关于Autocad三维实体在机械制图学习中的作用

3.Consideration on teaching reform of mechanical graphing;机械制图的教学改革思考


