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机械制图课 the course of mechanical drafting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-10 10:17:16


机械制图课 the course of mechanical drafting英语短句 例句大全

机械制图课,the course of mechanical drafting

1)the course of mechanical drafting机械制图课

1.Cultivating the space-thinking ability of the students will play an important role inthe course of mechanical drafting.空间思维能力是促进人类创造活动的一个重要因素,又是高职院校学生应具备的基本技能,对学习机械制图课程起着十分重要的作用。


1.How to Teach AutoCAD in Mechanical Drawing;浅谈机械制图课程中AUTOCAD的教学

2.Research and Reform of the Teaching of the Course in Mechanical Drafting;机械制图课程教学研究及其改革实践

3.Teaching Reformation and Practice the Course of Mechanical Drafting in Adult higher Learning;成人高校机械制图课教学改革与实践

4.On application of object teachingin mechanical drawing course;浅论直观教学在机械制图课中的应用

5.Reform of Mechanical Drawing Teaching;机电专业《机械制图》课教学改革浅见

6.The Desiging and Making of Electronic Teaching Plans of Mechanical Drawing CAI;机械制图CAI教学课件的设计与制作


8.I"m taking two Mechanical Engineering, and Engineering Drawing.我修两门课程:机械工程和工程制图。

9.Thinking and Practice of Building Fine Quality Course of Mechanical Drawing;机械制图精品课程建设的思路与实践

10.Exploration About the Reform of Mechanical Drawing Project Course in Practice;《机械制图》课程“项目化”改革的实践探索

11.Discussion on Course Teaching "Mechanical Drawing and CAD";《机械制图与CAD》课程教学探讨

12.Reform and Construction on Excellent Mechanical Drawing Course for Higher Education;机械制图精品课程的教学改革与建设

13.Research on Teaching Methods of the Graphing of Engineering for Non-mechanism;非机械类《工程制图》课程教学方法探讨

14.Thinking on the Teaching Reform and Practice of Machine Cartography;《机械制图》课程教学改革与实践的思考

15.Improvement of Class-teaching Method in "Mechanical Drawing" to Promote the Teaching Quality.;改进《机械制图》课堂教学 提高教学质量

16.On Constructing Dummy Tests Bank for Machinery Drawing in Higher Vocational Schools;高职《机械制图》课程虚拟模型库的建立

17.New Teaching Exploration of Mechanical Charting in Higher Vocational Colleges- Education and Teaching;高职学院《机械制图》课程教学新探

18.Use CAI Courseware Correctly and Ingeniously to Optimize Teaching of Mechanical Drawing;巧用CAI课件 优化机械制图教学


the course of machinery drawing机械制图课程

1.Trough analyzing the drawbacks in the parts of the teaching content and system inthe course of machinery drawing,synthesizing the education reform achievements and the tendency of this course in our country and the other countries in the world,we put forward some education reform suggestions which can basically satisfy the demands of the modern engineering drawing.通过分析机械制图课程部分教学体系和教学内容 ,综合国内外工程图学教学改革的成果及发展趋势 ,提出了一些基本符合工程图学现代化教学要求的改革建议。

3)engineering graphics for nonenginery students非机械类《工程制图》课程

1.Along with the progress of technology from day to day,the courses ofengineering graphics for nonenginery students are not adapted to the demand for present times in the way of their setting and content so that the effect of teaching is not very well.随着科学技术进步,非机械类《工程制图》课程的设置、内容等方面已无法适应时代的要求,教学效果难以保证。

4)mechanical drawing机械制图

1.Research on Teaching Methods of Mechanical Drawing lesson;《机械制图》多媒体教学手段研究

2.About the Mechanical Drawing Teaching Based on 3D Design;基于三维实体化设计的《机械制图》教学

3.How to Improve Students,learning Interest in Teaching of Mechanical Drawing;在《机械制图》教学中如何增强学生的学习兴趣

5)mechanical drafting机械制图

1.According to the characteristics of themechanical drafting course,the reform and investigation of teaching content and teaching method etc.高职院校着重培养社会需要的高技能人才,根据机械制图课程的特点,通过对教学内容、教学方法和教学手段等诸方面的改革与探索,对提高学生学习兴趣,增强综合应用能力有很大帮助。

2.In the courses ofmechanical drafting teaching and the Auto CAD Software, coping with the correct relations between the contents of two courses is the requirement to guarantee the teaching efficiency.在机械制图课程与AutoCAD软件教学中,正确地处理好两门课程之间的内容关系是保证教学效果的必要条件。

3.This paper describes a reform in the teaching of the course inmechanical drafting in the areas of course structure, teaching materials and teaching methods.本文介绍了《机械制图》课程从课程结构、教材内容和教学方法等全方位的教学改革实践活动。

6)machine drawing机械制图

1.The application of software Pro/Engineer in the teaching reform of the course of《machine drawing》;Pro/Engineer软件在《机械制图》课程教学改革中的应用

2.Machine Drawing Course in Higher Vocational Education and the Study of Its Teaching Reformation;高职《机械制图》课程及其教学改革探讨

3.Study and Discussion on Creativeness Teaching Method of Machine Drawing at Vocational and Technical College高职高专《机械制图》课创造性教学方法的研究与探讨


AutoCAD机械制图英语词汇(一)2D Solid 二维实体 2D 实面 2D Wireframe 二维线框 3D Array 三维阵列 3D 阵列 3D Dynamic View 三维动态观察 3D 动态检视 3d objects 三维物体 3D 物件 3D Orbit 三维轨道 3D 动态 3D Orbit 三维动态观察 3D 动态 3D Studio 3D Studio 3D Studio 3D Viewpoint 三维视点 3D 检视点 3dpoly 三维多段线 3D 聚合线 3dsin 3DS 输入 3D 实体汇入 3DSolid 三维实体 3D 实体 3dsout 3DS 输出 3D 实体汇出 abort 放弃 中断 abort 中断 中断 absolute coordinates 绝对坐标 绝对座标 abut 邻接 相邻 accelerator key 加速键 快速键 access 获取 存取 acisin ACIS 输入 ACIS 汇入 acisout ACIS 输出 ACIS 汇出 action 操作 动作 active 活动(的) 作用中 adaptive sampling 自适应采样 最适取样 add 添加 加入 Add a Printer 添加打印机 新增印表机 Add mode 添加模式 Add Plot Style Table 添加打印样式表 Add Plot Style Table 添加打印样式表 Add Plotter 添加打印机 Add Plotter 添加打印机 Add to Favorites 添加到收藏夹 加入我的最爱 ADI ADI(Autodesk 设备接口) ADI (Autodesk 设备介面) adjacent 相邻 相邻 Adjust 调整 调整 Adjust Area fill 调整区域填充 调整区域填满 AdLM (Autodesk License Manager) AdLM(Autodesk 许可管理器) Administration dialog box 管理对话框 管理对话方块 Advanced Setup Wizard 高级设置向导 进阶安装精灵 Aerial View 鸟瞰视图 鸟瞰视景 affine calibration 仿射校准 关系校正 alert 警告 警示 alias 别名 别名 aliasing 走样 锯齿化 align 对齐 对齐 aligned dimension 对齐标注 对齐式标注 alignment 对齐(方式) 对齐 allocate 分配 配置 Altitude 标高 高度 ambient color 环境色 环境颜色 ambient light 环境光 环境光源 angular dimension 角度标注 角度标注 angular unit 角度单位 角度单位 annotation 注释 注解 anonymous block 无名块 匿名图块 anti-aliasing 反走样 消除锯齿 aperture 靶框 锁点框 apparent intersections 外观交点 外观交点 append 附加 附加 Application key 授权申请号 应用程式码 appload 加载应用程序 载入应用程式 Apply 应用/申请 套用approximation points 近似点 近似点 arc 圆弧 弧 Architectual Ticks 建筑标记 建筑斜线 area 区域,面积 区域 ,面积
