1200字范文 > jQuery实现左右切换焦点图【jquery】


时间:2018-09-17 04:39:18







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$(document).ready(function() {greyInitRedux(); ieDropdownsNav(); ieDropdownsFilter(); itemViewer(); jsTabsetInit(); slider(); headerTabs(); carousel(); emergencyClose(); replyLinks(); adjournLinks(); zebra_strip_rows(); visitor_site_slideshow(); }); var carousel_round = 0; /*------------------------------------------- Grey Initial Values-------------------------------------------*/function greyInitRedux() { $("input.filled, textarea.filled").focus(function(e){ if(this.value == this.defaultValue) {$(this).removeClass(filled); this.value= \; } $(this).blur(function(f){ if(this.value == this.defaultValue) { $(this).addClass(filled); } else if(this.value == "") {this.value = this.defaultValue;$(this).addClass(filled); }}); }) } /*------------------------------------------- IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns-------------------------------------------*/function ieDropdownsNav() { if(document.all&&document.getElementById) { navRoot = document.getElementById(main-nav); if (!navRoot) { return false; } for(i=0; i<navRoot.childNodes.length; i++){node = navRoot.childNodes[i];if (node.nodeName==LI) { node.onmouseover=function() {this.className+= over; } node.onmouseout=function() {this.className=this.className.replace( over, \); }} } }} /*------------------------------------------- IE6 CSS Main Nav Dropdowns-------------------------------------------*/function ieDropdownsFilter() { if(document.all&&document.getElementById) { navRoot = document.getElementById(filter-drop); if (!navRoot) { return false; } for(i=0; i .load, .filter-nav a, click, function (e) //$(document).delegate(.expandable > .load, .filter-nav a, click, function (e) $(document).delegate(.filter-nav a, click, function (e) { // get the src for the content we e trying to view var dataSrc = $(this).attr(data-src); // determine whether we e trying to sort the existing view if($(this).attr(data-sort)) {var dataSort = $(this).attr(data-sort); } else {var dataSort = $(.filter-nav > li > a).attr(data-sort); }// how many items do we have? var itemOffset = $(.expandable .listing > li).size(); //find out if we clicked the menu, if so, clear out everything and add data attribute to the load more if($(this).closest(div).hasClass("filter")) {var hiddenDiv = $(

, { "class": "items hidden spacer", "height": $(.expandable).outerHeight()});$(.expandable > .load).before(hiddenDiv); $(.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)).remove();$(.load).attr(data-src,dataSrc); // Change Class of Dropdown Togglevar clickedClass = $(this).parent().attr(class);$("#filter-drop strong").removeClass().addClass(clickedClass); // Change Text of Dropdown Togglevar thisLabel = $(this).text();$("#filter-drop strong span").text(thisLabel); // Grab datasrc from clicked-on menu item and populate the filters with it$(.filter-nav a).attr(data-src , dataSrc);$(.filter-nav li).removeClass(active);$(.filter-nav > li).eq(0).addClass(active); } //find out if we clicked the filter nav, if so lets switch the active class if($(this).closest(ul).hasClass("filter-nav")) {$(.filter-nav li).removeClass(active);$(this).parent().addClass(active); //Also lets remove all the items before replacing them with what we wantvar hiddenDiv = $(

, { "class": "items hidden spacer", "height": $(.expandable).outerHeight()});$(.expandable > .load).before(hiddenDiv); $(.expandable > ul, .expandable > div:not(.spacer)).remove(); } $.get(dataSrc, { offset: itemOffset, sort: dataSort }, function(data) {$(.expandable .spacer).remove();var hiddenDiv = $(

);$(.expandable > .load).before(hiddenDiv);$(hiddenDiv).append(data).hide().removeClass("hidden").fadeIn();}); e.preventDefault(); });} function jsTabsetInit() { var $tabset = $(.heading-tabset).eq(0);var $tablist = $(\, {"class": "heading-tab"}); $tabset.prepend($tablist);$(div.heading-tab h3).each(function() { var $anchor = $(\, {"class": $(this).attr(class),"onClick": \_gaq.push([\\_trackEvent\, \Connect\, \Click\, \Head+$(this).attr(class)+\\, 3]);,"href": "#","html": $(this).html() }); var $li = $(\); $li.append($anchor); $tablist.append($li); });$(div.heading-tab).remove();$(.heading-tabset:gt(0)).each(function() { $tabset.append($(this).find(.listing)); $(this).remove(); });} function slider() { $(.slider).each(function() { // As we loop through the slider items well document the tallest one and the left position // of each element var maxHeight = 0, lastWidth = 0; // grab the slider and make sure the overflow is hidden and it has a defined width var $slider = $(this); $slider.css(width, $slider.outerWidth()); $slider.css(position, elative); $slider.css(overflow, hidden); // store the index (or the currently "selected" slide) $slider.prop(index, 0); // loop through each of the direct children $slider.find(> *).each(function() {// localize the child as a jQuery objectvar $li = $(this); // if this is the tallest child, document itif ($li.outerHeight() > maxHeight){ maxHeight = $li.outerHeight();} // position each child to the immediate right of its preceding sibling$li.css(position, absolute);$li.css( op, 0);$li.css(left, lastWidth); // update our maths so we know where to place the next siblinglastWidth+= $li.outerWidth(); }); // set the height of the slider based on the tallest child //$slider.css(height, maxHeight); // build the previous control button and store a reference to its related slider var $previous = $(\, {"class": "prev disabled", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"}); $previous.prop(slider, $slider); // build the next control button and store a reference to its related slider var $next = $(\, {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"}); $next.prop(slider, $slider); // build the controls div and add it to the markup var $controls = $(

, {"class": "controls"}).append($previous).append($next); $slider.after($controls); $slider.prop(controls, $controls); });// watch for clicks on the controls $(document).delegate(.listing + .controls .prev, .listing + .controls .next, click, function (event) { // stop our clicks from affecting the browser/url event.preventDefault(); // localize a jQuery version of the clicked link var $anchor = $(this); // grab the slider, that we previously stored while creating these links var $slider = $anchor.prop(slider); // localize the index for prettier code var focusedIndex = $slider.prop(index); // determine what slide is focused var $focus = $slider.find(> *).eq(focusedIndex); // grab the width of that focused slide var widthDelta = $focus.outerWidth(); // if we clicked the next button we e moving to the left (negative values, so // multiply by -1). if ($anchor.hasClass( ext)) {widthDelta *= -1; } focusedIndex += ($anchor.hasClass( ext)) ? 1 : -1; // check that the upcoming movement won push the first element too far to the right // leaving whitespace before the element if ($slider.find(> *).eq(0).position().left + widthDelta > 0) {return true; } // check that the upcoming movement won push the last element too far to the left // leaving whitespace after the element var $lastChild = $slider.find(> *).eq(-1) if ($lastChild.position().left + widthDelta *); // finally loop through each child and kick off the animation $siblings.each(function(index) {// well determine the `left` in just a second, sit tightvar left = 0; // localize the child elementvar $li = $(this); // loop through each sibling and determine the new leftif (index = focusedIndex && index = focusedIndex + 3){ left = $slider.outerWidth() * 2;} // start the animation$li.animate({left: left}, 300); // are we at the beginning?if (index == 0 && left == 0){ $slider.prop(controls).find(.prev).addClass(disabled);}else if (index == 0){ $slider.prop(controls).find(.prev).removeClass(disabled);} // are we at the end?if (index == $siblings.size()-1 && left == $slider.outerWidth() - $lastChild.outerWidth() - 1){ $slider.prop(controls).find(.next).addClass(disabled);}else if (index == $siblings.size()-1){ $slider.prop(controls).find(.next).removeClass(disabled);} }); // if we got down here then we actually moved the slider, update the reference to the // focused slide $slider.prop(index, focusedIndex); });} function headerTabs(){ var $tabset = $(.heading-tabset)$tabset.find(.listing:gt(0)).hide(); $tabset.find(.controls:gt(0)).hide(); $tabset.find(.heading-tab li).eq(0).addClass(active);$(document).delegate(.heading-tab a, click, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().addClass(active); $(this).parent().siblings().removeClass(active); var index = $(this).parent().prevAll(*).size(); $(this).parents(.heading-tabset).find(.listing).hide(); $(this).parents(.heading-tabset).find(.listing).eq(index).show(); $(this).parents(.heading-tabset).find(.controls).hide(); $(this).parents(.heading-tabset).find(.controls).eq(index).show(); });} function carousel(){ $(document).delegate(.carousel .next, .carousel .previous, click, function(event) { // prevent the default anchor action event.preventDefault(); // get the current carousel var $carousel = $(this).parents(.carousel); // check if we e already in the middle of a movement if ($carousel.prop(moving)) {return true; } // if we actually clicked it, then stop any running timers if (event.clientX) {stop($carousel); } // localize the index, so we know where we are var index = $carousel.prop(index); // determine if we e going forward or backward var movingForward = $(this).hasClass( ext); // grab all the slides var $slides = $carousel.find(.carousel-item); // grab the currently focused slide var $focus = $slides.eq(index); // figure out where e we going from here var nextObject = movingForward ? nextSlide($carousel, index) : previousSlide($carousel, index); // locaalize the next div to be shown var $next = nextObject.element; // localize the index of the next element to be shown var newIndex = nextObject.index; // determine where we should place the next element so it slides from the correct side var initialLeft = movingForward ? $(document.body).outerWidth() : -$next.outerWidth(); // save the current zero position, everything will move to/from here var zeroPosition = $focus.offset().left; // determine where the focus is moving to var targetLeft = zeroPosition + (movingForward ? -$next.outerWidth() : $next.outerWidth()); // we e comitted to moving now so set the flag to true so we don duplicate animations $carousel.prop(moving, true); // reset all z-indexes to 1 $slides.css(z-index, 1); // make the currently focused slide higher than all the rest $focus.css(z-index, 2); // setup the current slide so it can animate out $focus.css({"position": "absolute","top": 0,"left": zeroPosition }); // setup the next slide to slide in, moving it above the focused slide and off screen $next.css({"opacity": 0,"position": "absolute","top": 0,"left": initialLeft,"z-index": 3 }); // animate the current slide out $focus.animate({"opacity": 0,"left": targetLeft }, 800); // set up what we e animating var animation = {"opacity": 1,"left": zeroPosition } // horrible ie fix if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) <= 8) {delete animation.opacity;$focus.get(0).style.removeAttribute(filter);$next.get(0).style.removeAttribute(filter); } // animate in the next slide, then upon completion reset everything. switch it back to // relative positioning, remove our animation flag and hide the previous element $next.show().animate(animation, 800, function() {$focus.hide();$(this).css({ "position": "relative", "left": 0}); // fix msieif ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) 0 ) { stop($carousel);}else if ( index==1 ) { carousel_round++;} }, 5000); $carousel.prop( imer, timer); $carousel.find(.play.pause).removeClass(play); }// stop any existing timers, additionally update the play/pause button to the correct // visual state function stop($carousel) { clearInterval(timer); $carousel.prop( imer, false); $carousel.find(.pause).addClass(play); //N.C.: added to stop carousel after one round. carousel_round = 0; }function nextSlide($carousel, index) { var $slides = $carousel.find(.carousel-item); if (index+1 = 0) {return {"index":index-1, "element":$slides.eq(index-1)}; } return {"index":$slides.size()-1, "element":$slides.eq(-1)}; }// build the controls for inclusion into the page var $previousBtn = $(\, {"class": "previous", "href": "#", "text": "Previous"}); var $playPauseBtn = $(\, {"class": "play pause", "href": "#", "text": "Play/Pause"}); var $nextBtn = $(\, {"class": "next", "href": "#", "text": "Next"}); var $controlsDiv = $(

, {"class": "carousel-controls"}); $controlsDiv.append($previousBtn); $controlsDiv.append($playPauseBtn); $controlsDiv.append($nextBtn);// loop through each carousel and set some default properties/styles $(.carousel).each(function() { // localize the carousel to this function var $carousel = $(this); // set the positioning and a default height, becuase we e going to be taken out of the // flow once our animation starts $carousel.css({"position": "relative"//"min-height": $carousel.find(.carousel-item).eq(0).outerHeight() //N.C. commented out }); // store the currently visible slides index $carousel.prop(index, 0); // hide subsequent slides $carousel.find(.carousel-item:gt(0)).hide(); // append in our controls $carousel.prepend($controlsDiv.clone(true)); // add the previous/next images $carousel.find(.main-image).each(function(index) {// get the previous imagevar $prevImage = $(previousSlide($carousel, index).element).find(.main-image).clone(); // remove the class$prevImage.removeClass(main-image); // create a link for the previous imagevar $previousAnchor = $(\, { "href": "#", "class": "prev-image", "html": $prevImage});$previousAnchor.css(opacity, 0.2); // add in the previous image/anchor$(this).before($previousAnchor); // get the next imagevar $nextImage = $(nextSlide($carousel, index).element).find(.main-image).clone(); // remove the class$nextImage.removeClass(main-image); // create a link for the previous imagevar $nextAnchor = $(\, { "href": "#", "class": "next-image", "html": $nextImage});$nextAnchor.css(opacity, 0.2); // add in the next image/anchor$(this).after($nextAnchor); }); // start the carousel by default start($carousel); });} function emergencyClose() { //$(.emergency .wrap).append(Close);$(document).delegate(.emergency .close, click, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).parents(.emergency).remove(); });} function replyLinks() { //$close = $(\, {"class": "close", "href": "#", "text": "Close"}); $twitterWrap = $(

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, {"id": "twitter"}); $twitterWrap.append($twitter); $(document.body).append($twitterWrap);/*twttr.anywhere(function (T) { T("#twitter").tweetBox({"width": 515,"height": 133,"defaultContent": "","onTweet": function(){ $("#twitter-wrap").fadeOut(fast); $(#overlay).fadeOut(); $(#overlay).remove(); _gaq.push([ rackEvent, Home, SubmitReply, TwitterReply, 5]); //$twitter.remove();} }); });*/$(document).delegate(.link-reply, click, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //if ( !$(#overlay) ) {$(document.body).prepend($(

, {"id": "overlay"})); //}$(#overlay).fadeIn(); $("#twitter-wrap").css({"position": "fixed","top": 200,"left": ($(document.body).width()-515)/2 }); if ($.browser == msie) {$("#twitter-wrap").css({ "position": "absolute", "top": $(document.body).scrollTop() + 200}); } $("#twitter-wrap").fadeIn(fast); });$(document).delegate(#overlay, #twitter-wrap .close, click, function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(#twitter-wrap).fadeOut(fast); $(#overlay).fadeOut(fast, function() {$(this).remove(); }) });} function adjournLinks(){ $(.adjoin-options).each(function() { var headings = []; $(this).find(*[data-heading]).each(function() {headings[$(this).attr(data-heading)] = $(this).attr(data-heading); }); var $headings = $(\, {"class": "adjoin-header" }); for (var heading in headings) {var $li = $(\);var $a = $(\, { "href": "#", "onClick": \_gaq.push([\\_trackEvent\, \SocialDirectory\, \Click\, \Head+heading+\\, 3]);, "data-show": heading, "text": heading}) $li.append($a);$headings.append($li); } $(this).before($headings); });$(document).delegate(a[data-show], click, function(event) { // stop the default click action event.preventDefault(); // set active $(this).parent().siblings().find(.active).removeClass(active); $(this).addClass(active); // find the appropriate elements $(.adjoin-options *[data-heading]).hide(); $(.adjoin-options *[data-heading="+$(this).attr(data-show)+\"].).fadeIn(); });$(.adjoin-header).find(a[data-show]).eq(0).trigger(click);} $(document).ready(function (){ var $filter = $(#filter-drop); var $filterSpacer = $(

, { "class": "filter-drop-spacer", "height": $filter.outerHeight() }); var $homeShield = $(.home .primary); var $totalHeight = $(.carousel).outerHeight() + $(.header).outerHeight() if ($filter.size()) { $(window).scroll(function () {if($(window).scrollTop() > $totalHeight ) { $homeShield.addClass("shieldfix");} else if ($homeShield.hasClass(shieldfix) && $(window).scrollTop() $filter.offset().top){ $filter.css(width, $filter.width()); $filter.before($filterSpacer); $filter.addClass("fix");}else if ($filter.hasClass(fix) && $(window).scrollTop() 0 ) { jQuery("#home_items_loading").show(); jQuery.ajax({type: POST,url: ajax/home_items,data: imestamp=+curr_timestamp+&index=+views_left,dataType: json,success: function(data) {jQuery("#home_items_loading").hide(); jQuery("#home_content").append(data.html);curr_timestamp=data.timestamp;} }); views_left--; }var click_index = 2-views_left;_gaq.push([\_trackEvent, ViewMoreChannels, Click, ViewMore_+click_index.toString(), 3]); if ( views_left<=0 ) { jQuery("#view_more").hide(); }} /*------------------------------------------- Add Zebra Strip Rows of table with class "stripe" -- Chris Traganos-------------------------------------------*/function zebra_strip_rows() { $("table.stripe tr:odd").addClass("odd"); $("table.stripe tr:even").addClass("even");} function visitor_site_slideshow() { /* $(.visitors_slideshow).cycle({ fx: fade // choose your transition type, ex: fade, scrollUp, shuffle, etc... }); */ }


