1200字范文 > MySql:从任何主机授予根用户登录权限


时间:2022-11-06 16:52:44



Note that this is Not very secure, and should only be used for a local development box where you don’t feel like setting up individual permissions, but still need to connect from other machines.


To configure this feature, you’ll need to update the mysql user table to allow access from any remote host, using the % wildcard.


Open the command-line mysql client on the server using the root account.


mysql -uroot

mysql -uroot

Then you will want to run the following two commands, to see what the root user host is set to already:


use mysql;select host, user from user;


Here’s an example of the output on my database, which is pretty much the default settings. Note that ubuntuserv is the hostname of my server.

这是数据库输出的示例,几乎是默认设置。 请注意,ubuntuserv是我的服务器的主机名。

mysql> use mysql;Reading table information for completion of table and column namesYou can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -ADatabase changed


mysql> select host,user from user;+—————+——————+| host | user |+—————+——————+|ubuntuserv | root | | localhost | debian-sys-maint | | localhost | root | +—————+——————+3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql>从用户中选择主机,用户; + —————— + —————— + | 主机| 用户| + —————— + —————— + | ubuntuserv | 根| | 本地主机| debian-sys-maint | | 本地主机| 根| + —————— + —————— ++ 3行(0.00秒)

Now I’ll update the ubuntuserv host to use the wildcard, and then issue the command to reload the privilege tables. If you are running this command, substitute the hostname of your box for ubuntuserv.

现在,我将更新ubuntuserv主机以使用通配符,然后发出命令以重新加载特权表。 如果您正在运行此命令,请用方框的主机名代替ubuntuserv。

update user set host=’%’ where user=’root’ and host=’ubuntuserv’;flush privileges;

更新用户集host ='%',其中user ='root'和host ='ubuntuserv';刷新权限;

That’s all there is to it. Now I was able to connect to that server from any other machine on my network, using the root account.

这里的所有都是它的。 现在,我可以使用根帐户从网络上的任何其他计算机连接到该服务器。

Again, note this isn’t very secure, and you should at least make sure that you’ve set a root password.


翻译自: /howto/programming/mysql-give-root-user-logon-permission-from-any-host/
