1200字范文 > 计算机减法英语 英语加减乘除的表达

计算机减法英语 英语加减乘除的表达

时间:2019-06-10 04:55:24


计算机减法英语 英语加减乘除的表达

1. 加: “一加二等于三”可以这样表达

One plus two is three.

One plus two makes three.

One plus two equals three.

One and two are three.

One and two make three.

One and two equal three.

2. 减: “八减四等于四” 可以这样表达

Eight minus four is four.

Eight minus four makes four.

Eight minus four equal four.

3. 乘: “二乘以三等于六” 可以这样表达

Two times three is/are six.

Two times three make(s) six.

Two times three equal(s) six.

Two multiplied by three is/are six.

Two multiplied by three make(s) six.

Two multiplied by three equal(s) six.

4. 除: “十除以二等于五” 可以这样表达

Ten divided by two is five.

Ten divided by two equals five.

Ten divided by two makes five.

Two into ten is five.

Two into ten equals five.

Two into ten makes five.

上一篇: 英语倍数的表达

下一篇: 泛指的数目
