1200字范文 > 为何中国没有亚伦 斯沃茨_史蒂夫·斯沃茨(Steve Swartz)让我们想起了靛蓝的意图...

为何中国没有亚伦 斯沃茨_史蒂夫·斯沃茨(Steve Swartz)让我们想起了靛蓝的意图...

时间:2021-05-06 04:31:39


为何中国没有亚伦 斯沃茨_史蒂夫·斯沃茨(Steve Swartz)让我们想起了靛蓝的意图...

为何中国没有亚伦 斯沃茨

Steve Swartz, an original COM+ Architect, now an Indigo Architect (who hasn't blogged it seems, in a while) had this to say when presented with some FUD around Indigo and its place in the world. (emphasis is mine)

Steve Swartz是一位最初的COM +架构师,现在是Indigo架构师(一段时间以来没有写博客),当他提出一些关于Indigo及其在世界范围内的FUD时,要说这句话。 (重点是我的)

I would want to differentiate between what Indigo actually is and what I might think of as ideal programming practice.


If you want to pass complex object graphs by value across tiers, you will be able to in Indigo. If you want to share types between client and server, you will be able to in Indigo. If you want to deploy proxy classes in MSI files, you will be able to in Indigo. If you want to marshal around references to service instances, you will be able to in Indigo. Each of these techniques involves additional coupling of one sort or another. Theoretically, minimizing coupling is good.Didactically, people who are teaching other people to program will always take a hard line against coupling. Practically, in the real world there’s always some coupling: how much is a matter of taste and situation.


When you speak about Indigo as a manifestation of a programming ideal (service orientation), it sounds as different from the existing products as a[pneumatic] nail-driveris from a hammer.In fact, Indigo as it feels under your hands is quite similar to the existing technologies.

- Steve Swartz in a private listserv 10/

当您说Indigo是编程理想(服务导向)的体现时,它听起来与现有产品有所不同,就像[气动]钉子钉子是用锤子敲打一样。实际上,Indigo感觉就像与您现有的技术非常相似。”-史蒂夫·斯沃兹(Steve Swartz)在私人列表服务中10/

翻译自: /blog/steve-swartz-reminds-us-of-indigos-intent

为何中国没有亚伦 斯沃茨
