1200字范文 > 亚伦·斯沃茨 (Aaron Swartz) 是怎么样一个人?

亚伦·斯沃茨 (Aaron Swartz) 是怎么样一个人?

时间:2022-09-17 01:04:51


亚伦·斯沃茨 (Aaron Swartz) 是怎么样一个人?



When I was a kid, I thought a lot about what made me different from the other kids. I don"t think I was smarter than them and I certainly wasn"t more talented. And I definitely can"t claim I was a harder worker — I"ve never worked particularly hard, I"ve always just tried doing things I find fun.


Instead, what I concluded was that I was more curious— but not because I had been born that way. If you watch little kids, they areintensely curious, always exploring and trying to figure out how things work.


The problem is that school drives all that curiosity out. Instead of letting youexplore things for yourself, it tells you that you have to read these particular books and answer these particular questions. And if you try to dosomething else instead, you"ll get in trouble. Very few people"s curiosity can survive that.


But, due to some accident, mine did. I kept being curious andjust followed my curiosity. First I got interested in computers, which led meto get interested in the Internet, which led me to get interested in building online news sites, which led me to get interested in standards (like RSS), which led me to get interested in copyright reform (since Creative Commons wanted to use similar standards). And on and on.

但意外的是我成功了。我依然保持好奇而且跟随着我的好奇心。最初我是对电脑感兴趣,这让我对互联网产生了兴趣,进而我开始喜欢建网站,这又让我对一些诸如RSS的规范产生兴趣,然后我又对版权改革感兴趣了(因为Creative Commons 想采用类似的标准)。就这样不断持续下去。

Curiosity builds on itself —each new thing you learn about has all sorts of different parts and connections, which you then want to learn more about. Pretty soon you"re interested in more and more and more, until almost everything seems interesting. And when that"s the case, learning becomes really easy — you want to learn about almost everything, since it all seems really interesting.


I"m convinced that the people we call smart are just people who somehow got a head start on this process. I fell like the only thing I"ve really done is followed my curiosity wherever it led, even if that meant crazy things like leaving school or not taking a "real" job. This isn"t easy — my parents are still upset with me that I dropped out of school — but it"s always worked for me.




Aaron was quiet and introspective. He was an active listener.


He was very smart but never made me feel bad for not being as smart as him. He was patient in explaining things to me. He was creative -- in talking with him, I"d usually get a great idea I had not considered.

他非常聪明,但是从不会让我因为没他那么聪明而感觉不爽。 他给我解释东西的时候很耐心。他很有创造力——和他谈话我经常想到之前没考虑过的主意。

He was kind and thoughtful. He thought about the consequences of whatever we were talking about. He had a subversive side, but it had a purpose.


Despite being outspoken, he was introverted -- most of our interactions were because I wrote to him. He had great follow through. Always wrote back.


I did favors for him whenever I could. Not because he ever asked me for help, but because talking with him inspired me and made me want to help any way I could.


He was very, very sharp and I think this was because he really used to listen very thoughtfully to what other people said.


I met him twice at the same conference a few years back. He was a bit away from the crowd and not too social although most people did know him at the event.


3. 他因为编程而年少成名,然而二十岁之后志向已不在编程。
