1200字范文 > 求!~周杰伦歌词的英文版~越多越好~~~


时间:2024-06-29 06:55:26



最后的战役Jay Chou - Last Battle

We are looking for action will quietly sheltered trenches

But lost the castle destroyed the center with a like

But you could not finish it even wash the empty military jacket

Even the prayer was said, two bad

Off campus, fur hat, the taste of soft drinks

And those who do nothing the whole summer, a young

We are like memories of last year, had already graduated school

Tears has been forgotten can be out

Ridiculed the voices in the wind, was temporary attack

This wood is full of hostility idle

Do not have to stick to their positions you insist want me to go away

How can I give up

I accompany you Retention

Tolerate a teardrop

Some things are really too late to be able to return

You face in the smoke animal

No effort on the fast

Home do not let me mention the

I accompany you Retention

The final distance

Is your side faces down in my arms

Please take your time to sleep

I shake your unconscious

Tears in the tabard of the embankment where decision


The Class

Discipline Office report

The Class Jay Chou

Immediately to the disciplinary office to

Eyes you want to polish

Remember me look like

Expression need not be overly

The Class I

I concentrate on playing side faces quite a good-looking

Blackboard is a place to absorb knowledge

The sun is just the classroom

That I do not like the color

There is no natural playground

Why are more attractive in the next class

There are answers to exam papers

I just can not do it

Never mind

Continue efforts

Never mind

Why is difficult to raise their hands in class

Why was a simple online treasure

Why do girls do not like being too fat

Why are people the phone rang

Forehand long hair play only a junior ping-pong ball

Backhand bunt the ball and then mercilessly kill the senior table tennis

Rotary Table Tennis Tips

Front-speed attack ping-pong

Ping-pong ping-pong on the wall in practice

This is the first in the end to be stronger,

No need to ask a certain someone to challenge you

How many off in the end but also

Do not be afraid to tell them who is the man

Can not have this award

Do not want to ask me just want to stay a little sweat

I became my own referee

Do not want to choose your opponents must fight a war with the

This is the first in the end to be stronger,

No need to ask a certain someone to challenge you

How many off in the end but also

Do not be afraid to tell them who is the man

Can not have this award

Do not want to ask me just want to stay a little sweat

I became my own referee

Do not want to choose your opponents must fight a war with the

Attention all teachers and students

Today I pay tribute to a classmate

Win glory for his school

We would like to match him

I do not want to go this way has been

Hostile encounter every day, the kind of vision

Such opportunity is to overthrow the other side

Such a result I do not want

This is the pride of vanity

This is the purpose of a good laugh

In fact, I know

You just want to show off

I will never fail

You can never win can not

I will never fail

You can never win can not

Can not always win

Go to the countryside looking for how can there be flowers

Why are so simple you can not do

Train ride south towards the direction of

Why did you fail to recover this speed

Birds fly through the lanes

Why are so simple you can not do

Carefully to the quiet life

Why did you fail to recover this speed

Not funny not funny not funny ... ...

This is the first in the end to be stronger,

No need to ask a certain someone to challenge you

How many off in the end but also

Do not be afraid to tell them who is the man

Can not have this award

Do not want to ask me just want to stay a little sweat

I became my own referee

Do not want to choose your opponents must fight a war with the

This is the first in the end to be stronger,

How many off in the end but also

Can not have this award

I became my own referee

Go to the countryside looking for how can there be flowers

Train ride south towards the direction of

Birds fly through the lanes

Carefully to the quiet life


Today is Grandmas birthday, I put on retro suit, carrying a grandmother drove the wind pulling antique cars pocket Doudou Feng, the car that she had a favorite, back belongs to her age, to the big rice buried Ferry to put all and the grandfathers past quietly recalls her grandmothers face ripples, the beautiful but difficult to hide depression, lost love, affection just hope to make up for response, the adults thought out even before the table and placed 600 of caring for, day and night to fight of life, care for less money What is the significance, and grandmother to her expectations, we will gradually become helpless, adults still do not understand, she wanted to accompany, rather than 600, more than you give is also simple, and grandmothers frustration ,

Can not be turned into expectations, only love can understand it, walk in the Tamsui blood in sacrifice, listening to her favorite, the warmth back into the pocket, I remember that last years grandmothers birthday, cousin and grandmother took me to participate, she attaches the utmost importance of the awards the ceremony, the result is unable to get half the prize, I wonder if the laughter does not laugh, I giggle the camera just felt ridiculous, I am saddened, but not because there are no winners but sorry, I am lost, because to see grandmother lost and Lost, big people can not understand, cousin of his intentions, as if they are happy with can be completely negative, negative my work, the decision lies in mood, style, they insist they want to feel joy, not

Surprise has not changed, Ive been listening to for three years, I told Grandma, I did not lose, do not change, cousin said we should not feel pity, this is just a game, as long as the grandmother that sounds good, it is a form of encouragement, and grandmother exposed the smile that I am proud of her, and the light smile, let me feel it even more than winning glory


Wenshan ah wait for you finish the word

I was out the next album through!

It does not matter slowly

This song on my own

Speaking of secondary school home a piece terrace

Yes I have seen the most beautiful green spaces

So let me also got Best Cinematography

Inexplicable on the screen of my

Are like a poet does not Xieci

I am sitting in the bus to school

Looking out at the cattle chew grass

Is a kind of freedom can not say

Hoi Ya E Ya Naruwan Na E Na Ya Hei

Oh ~ my dear ox ah

Hoi Ya E Ya Naruwan Na E Na Ya Hei

Oh ~ Where did it go

Noodle shop beside a small ditch

Retention has raised us dream

Jump to harvest around naive

The peoples sweat mixed with satisfaction and joy

Yes I am most reluctant to screen

Is also another of my films scheduled

Relying on recall

Painted canvas

Get awards


Encourage you to remember is not it more

Well I really wanted to tear up the exchange of natural

Terraces not see how more than several hotel

Sit inside watching Western films

Buffalo turned into a few paintings hanging on the wall

A symbol of peoples flourishing

Occasionally, a bunch of tourists want to see out the window of the tourist attractions

But only to see than if you live in another high-level hotels

Hoi Ya E Ya Naruwan Na E Na Ya Hei

Oh ~ my dear ox ah

Hoi Ya E Ya Naruwan Na E Na Ya Hei

Oh ~ Where did it go

Comprehensive Utilization of local conditions

The use of right or wrong

Selfish human wolves do not panic

Will the destruction of nature, eco-tired

You say that art needs to cut down a tree in order to

Sauce right or wrong

You said do I ask what matter in order to decorate

Is not only with the camera records are naturally

Showed the next generation of the next generation of aftertaste

Poor sad

Forest green is all in the documentary

Smell the green and lush

Just enjoy the smoke-filled

I can not educate your

I am not your teacher

I am not a Vice-Chancellor

It does not give you a slap in the face

Palm ... long ... long ... long-winded

You do not want to hear

I know, but I can not

I just want to write

You may never be able to understand

We are under the microscope

Would be more realistic self-serving

This art is really difficult to comprehend


I heard that usually would be in exchange for peace after the war

Why do I see my father was always playing my mother

Just because he can get drunk My mother Outgassing

I really thought I could not stand it smaller han

From small to large that only the warmth of my mother why my father Name Xiong

If I have a pair of wings, two pairs of wings,

I have to start at any time starting sneak away with my mother

Education in the past someone elses home someone elses dad

All these factors must be influential, there will be reasons for violence

However, it is nothing wrong with me Mom Ill call you soon as Dad Deficit ~ Dad I am back

Do not hit me so my mother said to me, then you would be willing to listen to?

Do not beat my mom Do you like hands do not hurt?

Actually, I want to prevent all coming home for the family back to sweet

The joy of a warm scent Although this is the fact that I fabricated out of

Somewhat ironically, a bit acidic, but it does happen in this happy community to resonate

To prevent all acts of violence resonate with tears of blood as the emotional notes inhalation

From small to large you asked me to learn you have to treat you as an example a lot of illusion

Mama used to say well-behaved ~ ~ listen to your dad, if you ask me how to tell you like (you go away)

Do not hit me so my mother said to me, then you would be willing to listen to?

Do not beat my mom Do you like hands do not hurt?


Ill call your dad hit my mom like you Why do not you like

Why let wine be led by ~ blind ~ that said they do not listen to

Pain is our Itai-itai


My life as a drama filmed

Became director, screenwriter

Just say the lines a

His mother back to his fathers abandonment of

Control with my emotions

That is not my tone

Want the audience Kanhao Xi

The purpose of the final

Is not yet in the promotion of ratings

I do not know that I have the courage to

Take off their masks

I only know that

If conscientious man of the most beautiful


Have been satisfied to carry on so that they can


Oo I can not go back

Oo I can always go forward

I was home on the road

See the signs pointing to the entertainment world

If you choose to move forward

I must be strong


Somehow rushed out a few dogs

I thought to myself when I have so many dogs

They called the sick dogs in his hand according to the lens

Lens hand

I have made what seemed to be facing the plot

Talking Dog

He said that he was to sneak look at

See if he can beat me to the bone hair Jigen

If I were you posted is new you are my left and right-ming

Dogs Dogs

Care you need me

His way home, I will send you a very steep Department of flashlight

I told them

Gossip is in the past years

News is the moment

Life is a permanent

Music will be left behind

I helped them write songs

Because I never wrote a song like bd

I have always, or I

No one can not change the I

Although I know a lot of archers to shoot my next climb

When I went to the Peak on top of

No one can not hurt me

The archers are all behind him, carrying dv in hand

I will you as a friend

Because I know that this is the work of all of you

Refueling shook ass dogs

Although not my opponent can still be my dog

The following lyrics please wait


1. 最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。——《不能说的秘密》

2. 也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在所服下的毒药。——《彩虹》

3. 我一路向北,离开有你的季节,你说你好累,已无法再爱上谁。风在山路吹,过往的画面全都是我不对,细数惭愧,我伤你几回——《一路向北》

4. 翻着我们的照片,想念若隐若现,去年的冬天,我们笑得很甜。——《借口》

5. 转身离开,分手说不出来,海鸟跟鱼相爱,只是一场意外。——《珊瑚海》








12. 缓缓飘落的枫叶像思念 为何挽回要赶在冬天来之前 爱你穿越时间 两行来自秋末的眼泪 让爱渗透了地面 我要的只是你在我身边---《枫》


14.看着那白色的蜻蜓 在空中忘了前进 还能不能重新编织 脑海中起毛球的记忆---《黑色毛衣》





18.你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻 我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了 怎么了 你累了说好的 幸福呢 我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了---《说好的幸福呢》


20.能不能给我一首歌的时间 紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远---《给我一首歌的时间》

21. 乘着风游荡在蓝天边,一片云掉落在我面前,捏成你的形状,随风跟着我,一口一口吃掉忧愁。——《星晴》

22.我陪你走到最后 能不能别想太多 会不会手牵着手 晚一点再到尽头 你说不该再相见只为了瞬间 谢谢你让我听见 因为我在等待永远---《白色风车》

23.而我已经分不清 你是友情 还是错过的爱情---《蒲公英的约定》

24.天灰灰会不会 让我忘了你是谁 累不累睡不睡 单影无人相依偎 夜越黑梦违背 有谁肯安慰 我的世界将被摧毁 也许颓废也是另一种美----《世界末日》

25.心里的雨倾盆的下 也沾不湿她的发 ---《心雨》


27.知道分手后你不难过 你比从前快乐 那祝福的话叫我如何能够说的出口 过往的欢乐是否褪色想问你怎么舍得 不要在耳边再说你会想我---《你比从前快乐》

