1200字范文 > 周杰伦蜗牛歌词 周杰伦蜗牛歌词英文版

周杰伦蜗牛歌词 周杰伦蜗牛歌词英文版

时间:2018-07-28 04:48:20


周杰伦蜗牛歌词 周杰伦蜗牛歌词英文版















雨下整夜 我的爱溢出就像雨水

院子落叶 跟着哭泣的秋天






Jay Chous \"Snail\" Lyrics in English: A Heartfelt Ballad about Love and Perseverance


Jay Chou is one of the most successful musicians in Asia, known for his unique style of blending Chinese and Western music. One of his most popular songs, \"Snail,\" is a heartfelt ballad that showcases his lyrical skills. In this article, we will take a closer look at the lyrics of \"Snail,\" exploring its themes and meaning.

The Lyrics:

The opening lines of \"Snail\" set the tone for the entire song. The lyrics go,

\"Im just an ordinary snail, searching for a trace of love

I don need a magnificent life, just need a little sparkle.\"

These lines convey a sense of longing and perseverance. They show that the protagonist is eager to find love but is willing to take it slow and steady, like a snail. The second line also implies that the protagonist doesn need material wealth to be happy, but rather just a little bit of love and joy.

The chorus of the song is equally powerful. It goes,

\"Embrace the pain and sufferings, even if the road ahead is arduous

Love still exists in this world; don be afraid of getting hurt.\"

These lines encourage the listener to persevere in finding love, even if it means going through hardships. They suggest that love is worth fighting for and that the rewards far outweigh the risks.

The next verse talks about the protagonists journey to find love. It says,

\"I might be slow, but Im still moving forward; Im not giving up on love

The wind might blow me off track, but Ill stay on course.\"

These lines show that the protagonist is determined to find love, no matter how difficult the journey might be. The use of the metaphor of a snail is particularly effective here, as it implies that even though he might be slow, he is still making progress.

The bridge of the song is particularly touching. It goes,

\"I know its not easy to understand me

But my heart is true, I won change for anyone.\"

These lines show the protagonists conviction and sincerity. He is willing to be himself, even if others don understand him. This is an important message, as it encourages listeners to stay true to themselves and not compromise their values for the sake of others.


The themes of \"Snail\" are universal and relatable. They include:

1. Love: The song is ultimately about the protagonists search for love. It shows that love is worth fighting for, even if it means going through hardships.

2. Perseverance: The use of the metaphor of a snail implies that even though the journey might be slow, progress is still being made. This encourages listeners to persevere in the face of obstacles and to stay focused on their goals.

3. Authenticity: The protagonist is portrayed as someone who stays true to himself, even if others don understand him. This is an important message about the importance of being authentic and not compromising ones values.

