1200字范文 > 残忍而美丽的情谊:The?Kite?Runner?追风筝的人(2)


时间:2019-11-09 05:14:59





When we were children

Hassan and I used to climb the poplar trees in the driveway of my fathers house and annoy our neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their Homes with a shard of mirror. We would sit across from each other on a pair of high branches

our naked feet dangling

our trouser pockets filled with dried mulberries and walnuts. We took turns with the mirror as we ate mulberries

pelted each other with them


laughing; I can still see Hassan up on that tree

sunlight flickering through the leaves on his almost perfectly round face

a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood: his flat

broad nose and slanting

narrow eyes like bamboo leaves

eyes that looked

depending on the light



even sapphire. I can still see his tiny low-set ears and that pointed stub of a chin

a meaty appendage that looked like it was added as a mere afterthought. And the cleft lip

just left of midline

where the Chinese doll makers instrument may have slipped; or perhaps he had simply grown tired and careless.


up in those trees

I talked Hassan into firing walnuts with his slingshot at the neighbors one-eyed German shepherd. Hassan never wanted to

but if I asked


he wouldn deny me. Hassan never denied me anything. And he was deadly with his slingshot. Hassans father


used to catch us and get mad

or as mad as someone as gentle as Ali could ever get. He would wag his finger and wave us down from the tree. He would take the mirror and tell us what his mother had told him

that the devil shone mirrors too

shone them to distract Muslims during prayer. "And he laughs while he does it

?he always added

scowling at his son.



"Hassan would mumble

looking down at his feet. But he never told on me. Never told that the mirror

like shooting walnuts at the neighbors dog

was always my idea.

The poplar trees lined the redbrick driveway

which led to a pair of wrought-iron gates. They in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my fathers estate. The house sat on the left side of the brick path

the backyard at the end of it.

Everyone agreed that my father

my Baba

had built the most beautiful house in the Wazir Akbar Khan district

a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul. Some thought it was the prettiest house in all of Kabul. A broad entryway flanked by rosebushes led to the sprawling house of marble floors and wide windows. Intricate mosaic tiles

handpicked by Baba in Isfahan

covered the floors of the four bathrooms. Gold-stitched tapestries

which Baba had bought in Calcutta

lined the walls; a crystal chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling.


driveway n. 车道

annoy vt. 搅扰,骚扰,干扰,使生气

These flies are annoying me.


reflect vt. 反射(光线)

shard n. 陶瓷的碎片

naked adj. 光着的,裸着的

dangle vi. 悬垂,悬荡

His keys dangled from a chain.


mulberriy n. 桑葚

pelt vt. (连续地)投射,投掷,发射

We pelted our friends with snowballs.


giggle vi. 咯咯笑

flicker vi. 摇曳,闪烁

chisel vt. 凿,雕刻

slant vi. 倾斜,歪斜

sapphire n. /adj. 蓝宝石;天蓝色的

meaty adj. 肉的,多肉的

appendage n. 附属物,附加物

cleft n. 裂缝,裂口

instrument n. 工具,设备

I talked Hassan into firing walnuts talk *** . into doing 劝说(说服)某人做某事

slingshot n. 弹弓

deny vt. 否定,否认;拒绝,拒绝……的要求

deadly adj. 致命的

mumble vi./vt. 含糊地说,咕哝着说

When the old lady speaks she often mumbles her words.


wrought-iron n. 熟铁,锻铁

extension n. 延伸,延展

estate n. 地产,庄园

district n. 区,地区,地带,街区

affluent adj. 富裕的,丰富的;流畅的

flank vt. 位于……的侧面

sprawl vi. 蔓生,蔓延,扩展

intricate adj. 错综复杂的,复杂精细的

The intricate machine requires a skilled operator.


mosaic n. 马赛克

crystal n. 水晶

chandelier n. 枝形吊灯

vaulted adj. 圆顶的,拱形的

小时候,爸爸的房子有条车道,边上种着白杨树,哈桑和我经常爬上去,用一块镜子的碎片把阳光反照进邻居家里,惹得他们很恼火。在那高高的枝桠上,我们相对而坐,没穿鞋子的脚丫晃来荡去,裤兜里满是桑椹乾和胡桃。我们换着玩那破镜子,边吃桑椹干,边用它们扔对方,忽而吃吃逗乐,忽而开怀大笑。我依然能记得哈桑坐在树上的样子,阳光穿过叶子,照着他那 *** 的脸庞。他的脸很像木头刻成的中国娃娃,鼻子大而扁平,双眼眯斜如同竹叶,在不同光线下会显现出金色、绿色,甚至是宝石蓝。我依然能看到他长得较低的小耳朵,还有突出的下巴,肉乎乎的,看起来像是一团后来才加上去的附属物。他的嘴唇从中间裂开,这兴许是那个制作中国娃娃的工匠手中的工具不慎滑落,又或者只是由于他的疲倦和心不在焉。





(1)恒河? 黄麻? 麻

(2)港口? 棉? 棉花

(3)煤? 铁? 猛


(5)原子能? 航天? 计算机软件? 班加罗尔
