1200字范文 > 托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理


时间:2019-04-10 15:45:34




托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 环境类高频词一览

污染物 n. pollutant

尽可能减少,最小化 vt. minimize

倾倒 vt. dump

循环使用 vt. recycle

灌溉 n. irrigation

居住于…… vt. inhabit

节约使用 v. conserve

保护 v. preserve

再利用 v. reuse/ recycle

短缺 n. shortage/ scarcity/ dearth/ lack

污染 v. pollute

生态系统 the ecosystem

有益于环保的 adj. eco-friendly

环境恶化 environmental degradation/ environmental deterioration

当地的居民 local resident/ local inhabitants

紫外线 ultraviolet (UV) rays

皮肤癌 skin cancer

防晒霜 n. sunscreen

有毒的 adj. poisonous/ toxic

无毒的 adj. non-toxic

免疫系统 immune system

一次性的 adj. disposable

(人)吸入 vt. inhale

负面影响 adverse effects

沙尘暴 n. sandstorm

砍伐森林 n. deforestation

可以被环境吸收的 adj. biodegradable

联合的 joint effort/ concerted effort

国际社会而不是国际社区 the international community

臭氧层 ozone layer

对……形成压力 put a strain on…

有环保意识的 adj. environmentally-conscious

不可逆的 adj. irreversible

化学反应 chemical reactions

安静的,宁静的 tranquil and serene

有限的自然资源 limited/ finite natural resources

替代性能源 alternative energy

商品包装的总称 n. packaging

污染 vt. contaminate

二氧化碳排放 carbon dioxide emission(s)

汽车尾气 exhaust fumes

酸雨 acid rain

冰川 n. glacier

排放(污染物) vt. discharge

可持续发展 sustainable development

节约 vt. conserve

植被 n. vegetation

光合作用 n. photosynthesis

太阳能 solar energy

风能 wind energy

核能 nuclear energy

水电 n. hydropower

烟雾重的 adj. smoggy

呼吸系统疾病 respiratory disease

极大的痛苦 n. agony

人造的 adj. artificial

改变,变更 vt. alter

适当的 adj. appropriate

愤慨的 adj. indignant

鼓励环保 go green

开采自然资源 exploit natural resources

热带雨林 n. rainforests

侵蚀 vt. erode

连锁反应 chain reaction

水波效应,连锁反应 ripple effect

蝴蝶效应,连锁反应 butterfly effect

彻底改变我们的生活 reshape our lives

贫瘠的土地 barren/ infertile land

肥沃的土地 fertile land

警惕 n.&vt. caution

化肥 chemical fertilizer

杀虫剂 n. pesticide

丰富的,充裕的 adj. abundant

辐射 n. radiation

(多指对环境、建筑等)破坏 wreak havoc on sth.

恶化 v. deteriorate/ aggravate

生态平衡 ecological balance ecological equilibrium

可持续发展 sustainable development

环保主义者 n. environmentalists/ conservationists

对环境无害的 adj. environmentally-friendly

各国必须携手解决环境问题 countries on this planet must join forces/ make a concertedeffort unite/ combat environmental problems

增强公众关于……的意识 raise (or elevate) the public awareness of sth.

让资源承受很大压力 put a strain on the resources/ stretch resources to the limit

破坏自然环境 wreak havoc on natural resources

砍伐森林 n. deforestation

增加农产品产量 boost crop yield

可再生资源 renewable resources

消耗 v. consume/ deplete

用尽 use up exhaust

严厉的措施 n. harsh actions/ measures

某一地区所有生物总称 the wildlife in a region

生物的多样性 n. biodiversity

污水 n. effluent/ sewage

温室效应 greenhouse effect

严重的 adj. severe

白色污染产生的垃圾 non-biodegradable garbage

谴责而不是纵容 condemn rather than condone sth.

肥沃的土壤 fertile soil

贫瘠的土壤 infertile soil

耕地 n. arable land

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:advertisements promote things we do not need


Do advertisements promote things we do not need or products that mayimprove our lives?

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really donot need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that mayimprove our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.




Over the last twenty years the amount of adverting we are subjected to inour daily lives has increased dramatically. It has got to the point where onecan hardly turn his/her head without seeing a wide array of media images. I tendto agree the fact that advertisements more often than not persuade us intobuying things that we do not need. Often it is difficult to discern what aproduct is from an advertisement. Advertisers prey on our basal emotions,conjuring strong relationships between our primary drives and their productnames or logos.

A prime example of this is perfume ads. In many of these types ofadvertisements there are women in compromising positions, but there is nomention of the actual product for sale. These ads draw us in and make us thinkthat we can be better and more beautiful if we have the product. In addition tobeing manipulative, advertisements also fill our environments and ourconsciousness. There is no taboo venue for advertisements; they fill ourtelevisions, radios, streets and elevators. Some advertisers have even taken toplacing images of their products in our urinals or on boxers' bodies. It isimpossible to get away from them. To illustrate this point, all one has to do isto pick up a popular magazine. While flipping through the pages, one will mostlikely find that for every page of content there are at least two pages ofadvertisements. It should also be noted that a significant portion of this socalled "content" is actually advertising in disguise.

Finally, advertisements feed on our insecurities and often successfullyconvince us that we have no value to society without their products. Advertisingwas originally designed to showcase products and inform us as to how they canimprove our lives. This harmless form has been replaced by a medium thatviciously attacks our self-confidence and self-esteem. In conclusion, I positthat the main goal of advertisements is to convince us to buy things that we donot need. As globalization continues to shrink the world, advertising coercesall countries to become consumer nations.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:traditional house or modern apartment building


Live in a traditional house or in a modern apartment building?

Would you prefer to live in a traditional house or in a modern apartmentbuilding? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


关于住宅从便利性的角度来展开是比较简单的,因此选择现代公寓更容易写。相比传统的房子:主要是方便,设施更完整,上下水(seweragesystem);互联网接入(accessing internet);有线电视系统(cable TV);煤气供应(gassupply);容易清扫,清扫范围少。


Choosing a home is a very personal decision to make. Some people prefer tolive in traditional houses, while others would rather live in modern apartmentbuildings. Personally, I would prefer to live in a modern building over atraditional house. Modern buildings provide better services, they are strongerand safer, and they are more conveniently located. When people move into amodern apartment building, they are immediately surrounded by all of thecomforts they could possibly want. Modern buildings typically have new plumbingand hardware. Because of this there are usually very few problems with newapartment buildings. In addition to this, they also come supplied withrefrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning, and the Internet. Many newbuildings have the added bonus of having a workout facility or a swimming pool.All of these advantages make an apartment a much more attractive option than atraditional house. Modern buildings are also stronger and safer than traditionalhouses. They are made completely of concrete, which is a very durable material.These buildings are always designed by important architects who have a detailedknowledge of building materials, and methods that ensure that natural disasterswill not affect the stability of the complex. In addition to this, all modernbuildings have to be inspected by engineers, who carefully evaluate thestructure to ensure that it is sound and can withstand natural or unnaturaldisasters. Many older structures were built using the experience of the builderrather than any empirical understanding of building materials and the forcesthey can withstand. Traditional houses are also usually built in quiet areasoutside the city. Most modern apartment buildings are constructed in the core ofthe city, offering the residents a wide range of services right outside theirdoor. Detailed analyses are made by civic engineers and city planners to ensurethat all necessary services are readily available. This includes transportation,shopping, employment and recreational facilities. Living too far outside thecity can be a hindrance to one's business and social life.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:a long vacation or several short vacations


Should students be given a long vacation or several short vacations?

Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation eachyear. Others believe that students should have several short vacationsthroughout the year. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your choice.




Vacation is a very important part of student life. I would agree that it isbest for the students to have many short vacations. School can be a very tiring,tedious experience at times. If students get regular breaks in between intensiveperiods of studies, they will be more relaxed and ready to learn new materialupon returning to school. In addition to this, a change in environment, even ifonly for a week, gives one the opportunity to relax while reflecting on one'sstudies. Many students find that even a short break allows them to refreshenough to continue with school. Having many breaks throughout the year is alsogood for one's social life. If people have the opportunity to catch up withfriends and family on a regular basis throughout the year, they will never feelas though they were losing touch with loved ones. Socializing with friends andfamily is also an excellent way to relax. If students frequently have this kindof opportunity, they will be more at ease and ready for the next semester ofschool. Moreover, if the school year is broken down into many short semesters,the schools will be able to put a greater amount of focus into the curriculum ofthe courses. Many students find that by the end of a long semester, they haveforgotten the information that they learned at the beginning of the term. Byhaving short, intensive study sessions, students will quickly learn a smallamount of information, and thus be able to keep it locked in their minds for along time to come. Consequently, I think that it is vastly preferable to havenumerous short vacations throughout the year. Students will find that they aremore relaxed, and can better focus on their studies all year round.
