1200字范文 > 定量订货管理法 Theory of rational order management英语短句 例句大全

定量订货管理法 Theory of rational order management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-08 06:39:06


定量订货管理法 Theory of rational order management英语短句 例句大全

定量订货管理法,Theory of rational order management

1)Theory of rational order management定量订货管理法

1.In this dissertation, the first time to ues inventory management theory into dairy production management, to compare the different inventory management and control methods, to determine the suitable inventory management method in dairy farm, that is, ABC classification management andTheory of rational order management.本文第一次把库存管理理论引入到奶牛场的生产管理中,通过对不同库存管理控制方法的比较,确定了适合奶牛场使用的库存管理方法,即ABC分类管理法和定量订货管理法。

2)fixed-quantity ordering method定量订货法

3)quantitative order method定量订货方法

1.The paper suggests a practicalquantitative order method with price-waved characteristics,namely hollow order method,discusses its order point,order lots and implementing method and compares it with the conventional quantitative or- der method.在常规库存控制理论中定量订货方法的基础上。


1.A Quantitative Order Method with Price-waved Characteristics;一种具有价格波动特征的库存定量订货方法

2.Methods of EOQ and ordering different kinds of cargo in certain time are used in stock management.在库存管理部分应用了经济订货批量方法以及多品种定期订货方法。

3.To order(goods)by purchase order or official requisition.定货用官方订货单或购买单订(货)


5.A Kind of Adaptive Fuzzy Prediction Method Study onShaanxi Defence Industry Military Orders;军品订货量的一种自适应模糊预测方法研究

6.Buyers may select from a limited number of available order quantities at the reduced price.购买方可在所提供折扣价格条件下从有限种订货量中选择最小的订货量,但不一定是最优订货量。

7.Your total order last year was small, and in no way demonstrates your ability to act as our agent.你方去年的订货总量不大,这无法证明您方可以胜任我们的代理。

8.A Study on the Supplier Selection and Order Quantity Allocation Problem Based on Improved Particles Swarm Optimization Algorithm基于改进粒子群优化方法的供应商优选与订货量分配模型

9.Research on Ordering and Pricing Decision Methods and the Allocation Mechanism in Supply Chain Based on Game Theory;基于博弈的供应链订货定价策略及分配机制方法研究

10.Generally speaking, commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered.一般来说,佣金多少由订货量决定。

11.Study on Fixed Quantity Order Model of Inventory Management in Apparel Enterprises;服装库存管理中的定量订货模型研究

12.Based on Expired Cost and Stockout Cost Monocycle Volume of Order Determination;基于过期成本与缺货成本的单周期订货量确定

13.A contract model of a batch order contract with some flexibility was given and validated by the emulator.双方折中的结果是,买方必须许诺一个基本的订货量,但拥有一定次数和范围的改变订货量的机会。

14.Method study of increasing measure accuracy for batching delivery提高液体定量发货计量精度的方法研究

15.Because of the overburden of our commitments, we are unable to ship your order within the agreed period.由于我方订货负担过重,无法在协议期限内交货。

16.Joint Determination of Pricing,Order Quantity and Advertising Investment for Perishable Goods易逝品最优定价、订货量和广告投入的联合确定

17.Sheller represents that the merchandise covered by this order was not manufactured and is not being sold or priced in violation of any federal, state or local law.供方保证本订单所定之货物的生产、销售及定价均不违反任何联邦、州或地方法律。

18.We presume that you will provide these on an FIS basis; please confirm.我方认为你方将以定期订货方式来提供货物,请确认。


fixed-quantity ordering method定量订货法

3)quantitative order method定量订货方法

1.The paper suggests a practicalquantitative order method with price-waved characteristics,namely hollow order method,discusses its order point,order lots and implementing method and compares it with the conventional quantitative or- der method.在常规库存控制理论中定量订货方法的基础上。

4)Order Management订货管理

1.Research and Application ofOrder Management System for Special Iron & Steel Industry;特钢行业订货管理系统的研究与应用

5)deciding ordering amount确定订货量

6)quantitative order model定量订货模型

1.In order to reduce the cost of stock and guarantee airplanes continuous airworthiness,thequantitative order model is established.为达到降低库存费用、保障飞机持续适航的目的,建立定量订货模型,并通过对部分航材消耗数据的分析,提出利用中心移动平均法求得季节指数的方法,将其作为权系数对该模型进行修正,以提高航材采购数量的精确性。


