1200字范文 > 订货管理 Order Management英语短句 例句大全

订货管理 Order Management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-18 04:51:37


订货管理 Order Management英语短句 例句大全

订货管理,Order Management

1)Order Management订货管理

1.Research and Application ofOrder Management System for Special Iron & Steel Industry;特钢行业订货管理系统的研究与应用


1.Research and Application of Order Management System for Special Iron & Steel Industry;特钢行业订货管理系统的研究与应用

2.The Application Research of Three-tier Component Architecture in Ordering Management System;三层组件结构在订货管理系统中的应用研究

3.Inventory Manaement of Assemble-to-Order Systems with the Order Fill Rate Considerration;基于订货满足率的订单装配系统中的库存管理

4.Study on Fixed Quantity Order Model of Inventory Management in Apparel Enterprises;服装库存管理中的定量订货模型研究

5.The Management on Combined Strategy of Automobile Parts Supply;进口汽车零件订货组合策略管理研究

parison and analysis of ordering approaches to multiple products in supply chain management;供应链管理中订货策略的比较与分析

7.A Model of EOQ and Equilibrium Price in Supply Chain Management供应链管理中的订货批量与均衡价格模型研究

8.Research on inventory management with fuzzy defective rate and fuzzy ordering cost;具有模糊缺陷率和订货费用的库存管理研究

9.Supply chain management: Optimizing order strategies oftwo-echelon distribution system;供应链管理∶两级分销系统的最优订货策略

10.Decision-making on feed quantity and order quantity in materials management物料管理中投料批量和订货批量的决策

11.Requirements and Scope of the Mannagement Research and Application in the Project of the‘Source-Order Organizations’按订单组织货源项目中需求管理和范围管理的研究和应用

12.Methods of EOQ and ordering different kinds of cargo in certain time are used in stock management.在库存管理部分应用了经济订货批量方法以及多品种定期订货方法。

13.Orders are processed in our warehouse .订货由我们的库房处理。

14.The indent agent takes a commission on the value of his purchase.这种订货代理商按所订购的货物价值收取佣金。

15.Realization of Stock-of-demander-in-supplier JMI Based on BTO基于订单制生产的货存供方联合库存管理的实现

16.On 1 May, amended Regulation Methods on Exemption and Refund of Taxes of Exported Goods took into effect.5月1日,新修订的《出口货物退(免)税管理办法(试行)》开始施行。

17.Realization of Sales Management System and Research on Order Due Date Forecasting Method;销售管理系统的实现及订单交货期预测方法研究

18.Research on the Retailors Ordering Policy for Quantity Discount with Supply Chain Management;供应链管理中考虑数量折扣的零售商订货策略研究


outer order management外部订货管理

3)Theory of rational order management定量订货管理法

1.In this dissertation, the first time to ues inventory management theory into dairy production management, to compare the different inventory management and control methods, to determine the suitable inventory management method in dairy farm, that is, ABC classification management andTheory of rational order management.本文第一次把库存管理理论引入到奶牛场的生产管理中,通过对不同库存管理控制方法的比较,确定了适合奶牛场使用的库存管理方法,即ABC分类管理法和定量订货管理法。

4)order management订单管理

1.Agile development of onlineorder management system based on Oracle HTML DB;基于Oracle HTML DB的在线订单管理系统敏捷开发

work Order Management System for Automobile Assembly-to-order Manufacturing Enterprises;面向订单装配汽车制造企业网络订单管理系统

3.Research of Network Collaborative Order Management System for Automobile Assembly-to-order Manufacturing Enterprises;面向订单装配汽车制造企业协同订单管理系统研究

5)subscriber administration订户管理

6)indent management订单管理


