1200字范文 > 现代隐喻理论 modern metaphor theory英语短句 例句大全

现代隐喻理论 modern metaphor theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 01:52:34


现代隐喻理论 modern metaphor theory英语短句 例句大全

现代隐喻理论,modern metaphor theory

1)modern metaphor theory现代隐喻理论

2)the contemporary conceptual metaphor theory现代认知隐喻理论

1.Based on corpora, this paper mainly compares metaphors of five basic emotion concepts (love, happiness, sadness, anger, and fear) in English and Chinese in the theoretical framework ofthe contemporary conceptual metaphor theory.本文在现代认知隐喻理论的框架下基于一定的语料对英汉两种语言中5种基本情感隐喻——爱情、快乐、伤悲、愤怒和恐惧进行了对比研究,结果发现英汉两种语言情感隐喻表达式背后的概念隐喻在类指层面上存在许多相同之处;在特指层面上存在文化上的差异。

3)contemporary theory of metaphor当代隐喻理论

1.Thecontemporary theory of metaphor developed by Lakoff et al.Lakoff和Johnson等人提出的当代隐喻理论使隐喻研究发生了根本性的变化。

4)theory of metaphor隐喻理论

1.The contemporarytheory of metaphor in cognitive linguistics argued that metaphor, in a wider sense, is the basis of language and thought and it forms the conceptual system.认知语言学的当代隐喻理论却提出 :广义的隐喻 ,是语言和思想的最基本的成分 ,构成常规理性认知活动的概念系统。


1.A Pragmatic Approach to Metaphor:On Searle s Metaphor Theory;隐喻的语用学阐释——评塞尔的隐喻理论

2.A Deconstructionist Approach to Lakoff s Theory of Metaphor;解构Lakoff的隐喻理论——对概念隐喻的否定

3.The Comprehension of Metaphors in Context--A Discussion on Theory of Conceptual Mapping;隐喻在文章语境中的理解——概念隐喻理论探讨

4.Analysis on Time Metaphors in Shakespear s Works with Conceptual Metaphor Theory;用概念隐喻理论分析莎翁作品中的时间隐喻

5.A comparative study of conceptual metaphor theory and conceptual integration;试比较概念隐喻理论和概念整合理论

6.On Misreading and Criticism of Metaphor Theory;关于隐喻理论的误读与批判——也论“隐喻是天才的标志”

7.Aristotle′s theory on metaphor made a notable impact on the subsequent western study.亚里斯多德的隐喻理论对其后西方隐喻研究产生了很大影响。

8.A Review of Lakoff s Metaphor Theory--An Examination from Modern English Metaphorical Corpus;莱可夫隐喻理论探析——来自当代英语词汇隐喻语料库的检验

9.Discussing the Discourse Teaching of CSL from the Grammatical Metaphor Theory从语法隐喻理论探对外汉语语篇教学

10.Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Its Pedagogical Implications for Idiom Teaching;概念隐喻理论及其对习语教学的启示

11.The Explanatory Power of Conceptual Metaphor Theory for Cross Cultural Communication;概念隐喻理论对跨文化传播的阐释力

12.Enlightenment of Conceptual Metaphor Theory on EFL Teaching;概念隐喻理论及其对外语教学的启示

13.Cognitive Metaphor Theory and Its Functions in English Teaching;隐喻理论及其对英语教学的主要启示

14.The Application of Metaphor Theories in SLA and FLT;隐喻理论在二语习得中的应用(英文)

15.Grammatical Metaphor and Cognitive Metaphor:A Comparative Study;语法隐喻与认知隐喻的理论比较研究

16.Metaphor Everywhere--to Explore Translation Studies from Simile and Metaphor;无处不在的隐喻——从明喻、隐喻看翻译理论研究

17.Metaphor, Metonymy, and Their Interaction: From Theory to Practice;隐喻、转喻及其相互作用:从理论到实践

18.The Influence of Context on Metaphor--Metaphor Expression and Interpretation in the Context;论语境对隐喻的影响——语境下的隐喻表达与理解


the contemporary conceptual metaphor theory现代认知隐喻理论

1.Based on corpora, this paper mainly compares metaphors of five basic emotion concepts (love, happiness, sadness, anger, and fear) in English and Chinese in the theoretical framework ofthe contemporary conceptual metaphor theory.本文在现代认知隐喻理论的框架下基于一定的语料对英汉两种语言中5种基本情感隐喻——爱情、快乐、伤悲、愤怒和恐惧进行了对比研究,结果发现英汉两种语言情感隐喻表达式背后的概念隐喻在类指层面上存在许多相同之处;在特指层面上存在文化上的差异。

3)contemporary theory of metaphor当代隐喻理论

1.Thecontemporary theory of metaphor developed by Lakoff et al.Lakoff和Johnson等人提出的当代隐喻理论使隐喻研究发生了根本性的变化。

4)theory of metaphor隐喻理论

1.The contemporarytheory of metaphor in cognitive linguistics argued that metaphor, in a wider sense, is the basis of language and thought and it forms the conceptual system.认知语言学的当代隐喻理论却提出 :广义的隐喻 ,是语言和思想的最基本的成分 ,构成常规理性认知活动的概念系统。

5)metaphor theory隐喻理论

1.Inspirations of the application of Metaphor Theory in Business English vocabulary teaching隐喻理论对商务英语词汇教学的启示

2.The paper elaborated the essence ofmetaphor theory,analyzed the history and current state of metaphor research through out the world.本文阐述了隐喻理论的本质,分析了国内外隐喻研究的历史和现状,并指明了隐喻理论研究的发展方向。

3.The paper discussesmetaphor theory of cognitive linguistics as well as its guidance for English words teaching.讨论认知语言学中隐喻理论对英语词汇教学的指导作用。

6)metaphor theories隐喻理论

1.Since metaphor, as a cognitive phenomenon, is pervasive, it is urgent for us to combine themetaphor theories in the second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.把隐喻理论应用到二语习得中去也是隐喻理论发展的需要,它可以极大地丰富隐喻理论,从而具有更广的应用价值。


