1200字范文 > 传播技术学派 Technical school of Communication英语短句 例句大全

传播技术学派 Technical school of Communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-29 22:08:28


传播技术学派 Technical school of Communication英语短句 例句大全

传播技术学派,Technical school of Communication

1)Technical school of Communication传播技术学派

2)technical communication studies技术传播学

3)the school of diffusion传播学派


1.Twin Stars over Toronto:A Comparison of Marshall McLuhan and Harold A.Innis;加拿大传播学派的双星:伊尼斯与麦克卢汉

2.American Chicago School from the View of Communication Science试论传播学视野中的美国芝加哥学派

3.The Impact of New Aristotelian School on the Study and Subdivision of Communication新亚里士多德学派对传播学形成和学派分流的影响

munication Theory of Cultural Studies and the Effect on China;文化研究学派的传播理论及其对中国的影响

5.Dissemination of French Modernist Literature in the Early New Period in China;论新时期初法国现代派文学在中国大陆的传播

6.On the Reformists Dissemination and Application of Modern Scientific Method;略论维新派对近代科学方法的传播与运用

7.The Spread and Influence of Herbart School Education Theory in China赫尔巴特学派教育理论在华传播及影响

8.Westernization of the culture of sports choice behavior interpretation of communication洋务派体育行为选择的文化传播学解读

9.The influence of Neo-Criticism on McLuhan’ communication studies文学新批评派对麦克卢汉传播研究的影响

10.On Chicago School of Sociology and Construction of Communication Technology Paradigm试论社会学芝加哥学派与传播学技术主义范式的建构

11.Early American thoughts on communication and their evolution: from Chicago school to the establishment of the studies of mass communication美国早期的传播思想及其流变——从芝加哥学派到大众传播研究的确立

12.The spreading and reception of Han-Meng School of poetry;从历代选本看韩孟诗派之传播与接受

13.The Spreading and Development of Tibetan Buddhism (Gelugpa) in Drun’ger Kingdom藏传佛教格鲁派在准噶尔汗国的传播和发展

14.Integrated Marketing Communication, from Theory of Communications;整合营销传播:一种传播学视角的观照

15.Public communication of water culture from viewpoint of the communications;从传播学的角度看水文化的大众传播

16.Dissemination Characteristics of Dream of the Red Mansion;从传播学角度看《红楼梦》的传播特色

17.Disquisition on Rhetorics Transmitting--Transmission of the Rhetorical Information;传播修辞学研究——修辞信息的传播

18.The Elements Research and Functional Study of Science Blog科学博客的传播要素及传播功能研究


technical communication studies技术传播学

3)the school of diffusion传播学派

4)School of Communication传播学流派

5)communication technology传播技术

1.Sociological Cognition of the Impact of Communication Technology;对传播技术作用力的社会学认识

2.On Media Humanization in the Changing Procedure of Communication Technology;传播技术变迁中媒介人性化解读

3.The evolution history of the media has indicated the interactive and dynamic relation betweencommunication technology and society: on the one hand, the needs of the society led to the exclusion of the outdated technology and stimulation to the new technology; on the other hand,.媒介进化史表明,传播技术与社会之间是一种动态的互动关系:一方面,社会需要导致了对过时技术的排斥和对新技术的刺激;另一方面,与过时技术有关的社会压制因素会延缓新技术的扩散。

6)technology communication技术传播

1.Applying the theory of modern sociology,the paper has discussed the sociological mechanism of thetechnology communication from the aspects of social structure,social mobility and social change.本文运用现代社会学理论,从社会结构、社会流动、社会变迁三个方面分析讨论了技术传播的社会学机制。


