1200字范文 > 科学传播专业 science communication major英语短句 例句大全

科学传播专业 science communication major英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-30 21:15:07


科学传播专业 science communication major英语短句 例句大全

科学传播专业,science communication major

1)science communication major科学传播专业

2)traditional discipline and specialty传统学科专业

1.In the era of knowledge economy, in order to meet university\"s own sustainable development demand, state economy development way transformation and the science and technology education servicing socialism new rural reconstruction\"s time mission, the current university must strengthen thetraditional discipline and specialty construction positively.运用高新技术整合提升传统学科专业,是21世纪高校面向未来的战略选择。


1.Study on High and New Technology Integrating and Optimizing the Traditional Discipline and Specialty高新科技整合提升传统学科专业研究

2.Enlarging Employment Channel for College Students Majoring in Traditional Engineering;传统工科专业大学生就业渠道的拓展

3.Reflections on the Organic Combination of the Traditional Engineering Teaching and the Multi-media Teaching;工科专业传统教学与多媒体教学有机结合思考

4.Current situation of management of the (regular) traditional national physical education specialty in China;我国高校民族传统体育(本科)专业办学现状调研

5.Academic Degree and Classification of Disciplines of German Universities and Colleges-Tradition,Status Quo and Inspiration;德国高等学校学位制度及学科专业设置——传统、现状和启示

6.The Reformation of Statistics Teachig of Non - Statistics Major in jurnior Colleges;专科院校非统计专业统计学教学改革初探

7.The practice teaching is an important part for undergraduates of oceanography, not only because oceanography is a wide open undergraduate major but also the university has traditional advantages in practice teaching.实践教学是我校传统的教学优势,也是新建的海洋科学专业需要强化的教学特色。

8.On Teaching of Communication Theory of Advertising Specialty for Undergraduates;广告学本科专业的传播学理论课程教学思考

9.An Exploration on Teaching Reform of Traditional Humanities in Institutions of Higher Learning Thoughts of, and Experiments on, the Reform of the Education of the specialty of History;高校传统人文学科教学改革的初步探索——关于历史专业教学改革的思考与尝试

10.The Retrospect and Prospect of Teaching Reform Research on Communication Subject in University传播学专业本科教学改革研究回顾与前瞻

11.The Study of Traditional Sports Curriculum Structure;民族传统体育专业(本科)课程结构体系研究

12.Undergraduate curricula structural system of Chinese traditional sports in universities;对民族传统体育专业本科课程结构体系的探讨

13.Reflections on Improving the Specialty Courses of Chinese Traditional Sports in Our College;改进我院民族传统体育专业、专业类(术科)课程的思考

14.one of the three professions traditionally believed to require advanced learning and high principles.三种传统认为的需要学问的专业之一。

15.Reflections on Teaching of Statistics as a Undergraduate Course for Non-Statistics Majors;本科非统计专业统计学教学的几点思考

16.A Discipline with a Tradition of Profound and Panoramic Perspectives: Studies of Ancient History of China at BNU;专精传统 通史家风——中国古代史学科的百年历程

17.An Investigation and Research of Development on the National-Traditional-Sports-Major Students in Universities of China;我国普通高校民族传统体育专业本科学生培养现状的调查与对策研究

18.Teaching Contents Installtion of GIS in Teachers Collage Geographical Education Speciallity for the 21st Century;面向21世纪专科地理科学专业“地理信息系统”课程内容的设置


traditional discipline and specialty传统学科专业

1.In the era of knowledge economy, in order to meet university\"s own sustainable development demand, state economy development way transformation and the science and technology education servicing socialism new rural reconstruction\"s time mission, the current university must strengthen thetraditional discipline and specialty construction positively.运用高新技术整合提升传统学科专业,是21世纪高校面向未来的战略选择。

3)science communication科学传播

1.Views of Concepts of "Science Communication;对“科学传播”概念的若干分析

2.Subject Fundamental Research on Science Communication;科学传播的学科基础研究

3.Further study shows that there is a positive correlation between the tendency for academicians to using mass media to conductscience communication and their evaluation on mass media s impact and credibility.进一步的分析显示,院士利用大众传媒开展科学传播活动的倾向与其对大众传媒影响力和公信力的评价成正相关关系,院士对大众传媒公信力的较低评价影响了其利用大众传媒参与科学传播的实际行为。

4)communication discipline传播学科

1.Despite Colombia School\"s little advantage on theory and method,its theoretical outcome could be more easily used by ideology,its quantitative method could provide the evidence in an easier way for the authorities to make the decision,and its research paradigm could be used more easily to define the boundary ofcommunication discipline and bring more resources for it.尽管哥伦比亚学派无论在理论与方法上都不能说更有优势,但其理论成果更容易被意识形态所用,其定量方法更容易为当局的决策提供证据,其研究范式更容易划定传播学科的边界并为该学科带来更多的资源,因此,急于为传播学奠定专业主义边界的施拉姆不假思索地选择了哥伦比亚学派。

5)Science Communication科学传播学

1.This paper, based on a famous journal namedScience Communication and data from Social Sciences Citation Index in the USA, draws a whole knowledge frame of modern science communication research.本文以科学传播研究领域的代表性期刊《Science Communication》为来源刊,以美国《社会科学引文索引》为数据源,绘制了当代科学传播研究的总体知识框架;同时,运用科学计量学中科学知识图谱的相关理论和方法,对当代科学传播学的知识结构进行了探索性分析,用可视化方法勾勒出科学传播研究的基本框架及其相关的知识领域。

2.With the rapid speed of science and technology,a series of changes happed in science communication.本文采用科学知识图谱的可视化方法——时间线、交叉图和地形式可视化技术,绘制科学传播研究领域的科学知识图谱,通过可视化分析,构建科学传播学的整体框架,以期为科学传播寻找到一个“整体解决方案”;在充分借鉴国外科学传播发展经验的基础上,引进和利用其他学科有效的研究范式和方法,促进科学传播学的发展进程。


1.On aim,type and function ofdisciplines evaluation;论学科专业评价的目的、类型和作用

parative Analysis of the Dependence Degree of Collections of Local Universities on Disciplines地方高校馆藏图书学科专业依存度比较分析

3.This paper introduces and analyses the current situation of the development of geological engineeringdiscipline at Anhui University of Science and Technology and main existing problems.本文介绍和分析了安徽理工大学地质工程学科专业的发展现状和存在的主要问题,通过对地质工程专业技术人才知识结构和社会需求现状与预测分析,提出了本学科专业发展目标和指导思想、发展的基本思路,并从3个方面进行了较详细的论述。


