1200字范文 > 思想诠释 The interpretation of thought英语短句 例句大全

思想诠释 The interpretation of thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-17 15:03:15


思想诠释 The interpretation of thought英语短句 例句大全

思想诠释,The interpretation of thought

1)The interpretation of thought思想诠释

2)Annotation study thought诠释学思想


1.There are plenty of ideology of hermeneutics in 77k Mencius.《孟子》一书中蕴含着丰富的诠释学思想。

2.Metaphor and Being;隐喻与存在—利科的诠释学思想研究

3.The Searchlight and the Mathematical--A Hermeneutic Comparison between Popper and Heidegger;探照灯与数学因素——对波普尔与海德格尔科学诠释学思想的比较

4.On "Great Education" and "Reading"--Explaining the Educational Thinking of Confucianism;论“大学”和“读书”——对儒家教育思想的诠释

5.Philosophical Annotation and Political and Cultural Significance of Confucius Theory of Customs;孔子礼学思想的哲学诠释及其政治文化意义

6.Psychological Explanation on Affective Teaching--Remarks on the Educational Thoughts of Li Jilin;情境教学的心理学诠释——评李吉林教育思想

7.The Philosophical Approach of Modern Interpretation of Confucianism and Its Significance儒家思想现代诠释的哲学化路径及其意义

8.The Annotation of the Original Confucians Ethics Politics Thoughts Nucleus The Annotation of Original Confucians Ethic Politics Thoughts Nucleus;原始儒家伦理政治思想核心的诠释学解读

9.On the Opposition of Approaches in Academic Pursuit between the Learning of the Han and Song Dynasty under the Scale of the Annotation of Mencius;从孟子的诠释思想看汉宋治学方法之对立

10.On the Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on Buddhist Inwardness Ideology from the Angle of Hermeneutics;从诠释学方法看儒、道对佛教心性思想的影响

11.A Modern Interpretation of Naturalist View of Education of Taoism;先秦道家老子自然主义教学思想的现代诠释

12.Evolutionism and Utilitarian: Interpretation of Modern Scientific Thought by Yan Fu;进化与功利——严复对近代科学思想的诠释

13.Annotation and Transformation:Positive Value of Chinese Traditional Psychological Thought;诠释与转换:中国传统心理学思想的积极价值

14.Arts and Truth──annotation of Gadamer s aesdthefic conception;艺术与真理──伽达默尔美学思想诠释之一

15.An Analysis of the Textual Interpretation Ideas in "Metaphysics of the Period of Bamboo Groves"--Ruan Ji and Ji Kang As a Case Study“竹林玄学”文本诠释思想探析——以阮籍和嵇康为例

16.Doctrine of the Mean and Annotation on Confucian Classics;中庸之道与经典诠释——朱熹经典诠释思想述略

17.On the Source of Zhang Taiyan s Classical Hermeneutics──Discussing the Associate Meaning between "Qi Wu Lun Shi "and Buddhism;论章太炎经学诠释思想渊源——《齐物论释》与佛学的关联意义

18.Hermeneutics as Imagination Art (the second half)--The Verdict of the Aged Gadamer s Thought;作为想象艺术的诠释学(下)——伽达默尔思想晚年定论


Annotation study thought诠释学思想

3)Mencius s Ideologies of Hermeneutics孟子的诠释思想

4)Hermeneutics of original Confucian School原始儒家诠释学思想

5)An Interpretation of YE Shi"s Law Thought叶适法律思想诠释

6)interpretation and reflection诠释与思考

1.The logical problem of second language acquisition:interpretation and reflection;二语习得的逻辑问题:诠释与思考


人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people"s army, thought ofrenmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j
