1200字范文 > 书法思想 the thought of calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

书法思想 the thought of calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 14:36:40


书法思想 the thought of calligraphy英语短句 例句大全

书法思想,the thought of calligraphy

1)the thought of calligraphy书法思想

2)thought of calligraphic aesthetics书法美学思想

1.Su Shi sthought of calligraphic aesthetics is mainly shown in the emphasis of “Yi”, which means “Shengyi”, or, to put it simply, “nature”.苏轼的书法美学思想集中体现在其尚“意”的观念上 ,而“意”的实质即“生意” ,即“自然”。


1.On the Influence of Confucianists and Taoists Thoughts Upon Wang Xi zhi s Aesthetical Ideas of Calligraphy and His Calligraphy;论儒道思想对王羲之书法美学思想及书法的影响

2.The Study of the History about the Evolution of Calligraphy Aesthetic Thought and Subjectivity in Tang Dynasty唐代书法美学思想与主体精神演变史研究

3.His aesthetics ideology in calligraphy enlightens and influences the following aesthetics theory of calligraphy and their creative practice in calligraphy.他的书法美学思想启迪和影响了之后的书法美学理论和书法创作实践。

4.Aesthetic Criticism Thought in "The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy" of JIANG Kui;论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想

5.Discussion of "qu" in the Aesthetic Visual Field of Chinese Calligraphy论书法美学尚“趣”思想的历史嬗变

6.Cai Yongs Ecological and Aesthtical Thinking of Calligraphy;散怀恣性 物我同一——论蔡邕的书法生态美学思想

7.Evolution of Calligrphical Thought and the Laws and the Ideas of Calligraphy being Emphasized in Tang Dynasty (Ⅰ);唐代书学思想嬗变(上)——兼及“唐书尚法”辩

8.On WEI Heng s Theory of Esthetics in Callifgraphy;“睹物象以致思”:卫恒的书法美学

9.Rearch into Bao Shichen s Ideas of Calligraphy and His Educational Concept of Calligraphy;包世臣书学思想及其书法教育理念探微

paring the Aesthetic in "Script of Aesthetic Education" with Those in "Economics-Philosophy Manuscript in 1844";《审美教育书简》与《1844年经济学哲学手稿》美学思想比较

11.Aesthetics Is Rooted in the Depth of Hunan Nature--On the Aesthetical Anthropology thought Embodied in the "Letters of Aesthetical Education;美根植于人性深处——《审美教育书简》中的审美人类学思想

12."Being" and "Nonbeing"-the Dialectic Aesthetic Thoughts of Zhuangzi;“有”与“无”——庄子美学思想的辩证法

13.The War between America and Iraq and the Philosophical Thought in 《Art of War》;《孙子兵法》的哲学思想与美伊战争

14.A Comparison on the Academic Thought and Research Method Between Chen Yinque and Qian Zhongshu;陈寅恪与钱钟书学术思想及治学方法之比较

15.esthetic thoughts of K.Marx and F.Engels马克思恩格斯美学思想

16.The Research on the Acedemic Thought and Methodology to the Summary of General Catalogue of SIKUQUANSHU;《四库全书总目提要》学术思想与方法论研究

17.The Method for University Library’s Participating in the Ideological Quality Education of University Students;高校图书馆参与大学生思想素质教育的方法

parison Research of Huang Tingjian s Verse Theory and Calligraphy Theory;论黄庭坚诗学思想和书法理论的互通与互补


thought of calligraphic aesthetics书法美学思想

1.Su Shi sthought of calligraphic aesthetics is mainly shown in the emphasis of “Yi”, which means “Shengyi”, or, to put it simply, “nature”.苏轼的书法美学思想集中体现在其尚“意”的观念上 ,而“意”的实质即“生意” ,即“自然”。

3)formation of MaoZhedong"s Calligraphy thought书法艺术思想

4)Calligraphy ideology书学思想

1.By researching history materials, art works of Sushi, and primary discussing the reason of forming Sushi calligraphy ideology, the paper focuses on the contribution which Sushi has made to the aesthetic ideology of esteeming Dan through the follow three ways: the characteristics of esteem Dan, way of making it into reality and the aesthetic standard of esteeming Dan.本文阐述了苏轼以前我国尚淡美学思想发展的概况,通过对苏轼生平史料,文艺作品的广泛查阅和精心研读,对苏轼尚淡书学思想形成因素进行了初步探讨,从尚淡的书法审美特征、实现的途径以及尚淡的审美标准三个方面论述了苏轼对尚淡书法审美的贡献。

5)thoughts of reading读书思想

6)secretarial thought秘书思想

1.His main points onsecretarial thought include: firstly, a secretary cant separate him/herself from practice.周恩来在革命和战争年代长期担任秘书工作,积累了极为丰富的秘书工作经验,其秘书思想的重要观点包括:一,不能“坐而论道”,要调查研究,根据实际解决问题;二,秘书要认真负责地工作;三,做好人民来信来访工作,全心全意地为人民服务;四,要强化秘书保密意识。


