1200字范文 > 战略化 strategy英语短句 例句大全

战略化 strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-21 22:33:20


战略化 strategy英语短句 例句大全



1.This text hold lighted the ages character, treatise detailed the replaces to the human resource management with thestrategy and the network.本文抓住时代特征,详细论述了人力资源管理的战略化和网络化变革。

2.We can believe that, standing on the indigenous actuality and future needs, Chinese IPR system should follow international change and time\"s trend, and step on the way of internationalization, modernization,strategy and codification.中国知识产权制度应立足本土,因循国际变化和时代潮流,步入国际化、现代化、战略化与法典化的发展道路。

2)Cultural Strategies文化战略

1.UrbanCultural Strategies and its Spatial Influence:A Case Study of Nanjing;南京城市文化战略及其空间效应


1.The Cultural Globalization and the Cultural Sovereignty of China across the Age;文化全球化的挑战与跨世纪的中国文化战略

2.A study on the development of cultural strategies to deal with the challenges of financial crisis拓展文化战略研究 应对金融危机挑战

3.culture and Diplomacy: Post-war US Cultural Strategy;文化与外交:战后美国对外文化战略透视

parison with Draw Lessons from: Cultural Strategy of the Construct on Enterprise Culture of Human- oriented;比较与借鉴:人本企业文化建设的文化战略

5.Study on Chinese Cultural Strategy Toward Southeast Asia in Perspective of Geoculture地缘文化视角下中国对东南亚的文化战略研究

6.The Impact of Strategic Culture on National Security Strategy;试析战略文化对国家安全战略的影响

7.A Model on Business Strategic Management: Strategy-Culture-Structure;企业战略管理模型:战略-文化-结构

8.India"s Strategic Culture:Influences on Its National Security Strategy印度战略文化对国家安全战略的影响

9.International Strategy and American Culture国际战略与美国文化

10.Strategic Culture and State Behavior: Some Comments on Johnston’s Strategic Culture Theory;战略文化与国家行为——江忆恩战略文化理论述评

11.A Probe into the Cultural Difference and Amalgamationin in Strategic Alliance;战略联盟的文化差异与文化融合探析

12.China Nuclear Doctrine: An Analysis Based on Traditional Strategic Culture and Realistic Benefit;中国核战略:传统战略文化与现实利益之分析

13.Humanistic Olympics and Stepping-Out Stratege for Chinese Culture Industry;人文奥运和中国文化产业“走出去”战略

14.The Strategic Cultural Source of US Behavior:A Review on Colin Dueck"s Reluctant Crusaders美国行为的战略文化根源:科林·德维克的美国战略文化理论述评

15.Cross-culture Management in Small and Medium Enterprise Internationalization Strategy;中小企业国际化战略中的跨文化管理

16.On Cultural Industrial Development Strategy in the View of Globalization;论全球化视野下的文化产业发展战略

17.A Comparative Study on the Strategy of Cultural Development of International Metropolis;国际化城市文化发展战略的比较研究

18.The Strategic Choice between Cultural Globalization and Modern Chinese Culture;文化全球化与当代中国文化的战略抉择


Cultural Strategies文化战略

1.UrbanCultural Strategies and its Spatial Influence:A Case Study of Nanjing;南京城市文化战略及其空间效应

3)culture strategy文化战略

1.China must increase culture construction and establishculture strategy in accordance with Chinese national condition so as to foster nationality soul,change people s life style,develop culture industry and enhance ability to resist external decayed culture on 21st.21世纪中国必须加大文化建设,制定符合中国国情的文化战略,培育国家的民族精神,改进人们的生活方式,提高文化产业的发展,增强抵御外来腐朽文化侵蚀的能力。

2.The state of development and environment of private scientific and technological enterprises needs them to implement thinking of development of companyculture strategy, technological innovation strategy and the internationalization strategy.民营科技企业的发展状况和发展环境,需要民营科技企业实施企业文化战略、技术创新战略和国际化战略的发展思路。

4)the switch of strategy转化战略

1.The strategic theory of economic development andthe switch of strategy of superior resources in Xinjiang;经济发展战略理论与优势资源转化战略

5)strategic change战略变化

1.How strategic flexibility contributes to competitive advantage:the role ofstrategic change and technical innovation;战略柔性如何建立竞争优势:战略变化与技术创新的作用

2.Reviews on the analysis patterns ofstrategic change;企业战略变化分析模式的评述

6)strategic evolution战略演化

1.The differences and similarities ofstrategic evolutionism, biological evolutionism and economic evolutional theory are analyzed by the analogy method.在借鉴生物进化论、经济演化论的基本原理的基础上,结合企业战略变迁的特点提出了企业战略变迁的演化观点,从传承或选择单位、多样化机制、选择机制、隔离机制4个方面构建了企业战略演化论的基本分析框架,通过类比的方法,分析了战略演化论与生物进化论、经济演化论三者的异同。

2.This article illustrates the general principles ofstrategic evolution of diversified enterprises in some aspects such as the directions, the paths and th.对企业战略演化的方向、路径、动力等进行了研究,阐述了企业战略演化的一般规律。


