1200字范文 > 1P战略 1P strategy英语短句 例句大全

1P战略 1P strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-27 23:48:19


1P战略 1P strategy英语短句 例句大全

1P战略,1P strategy

1)1P strategy1P战略


1.Career Training Should be Involved into the Furniture Enterprises"sStrategy;企业培训应上升到家具企业发展的战略层面

2.TheStrategy Game for Obtaining Oversea Petroleum Resources to China based on Analytic Hierarchy Process;中国获取海外石油资源的战略博弈

3.The CompetitiveStrategy for Imitative Innovation and Generic Drug;模仿创新与仿制药的竞争战略


1.(4) the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive;(四)战略防御和战略进攻;

2.national food strategy国家粮食战略(粮食战略)

3.Environmental Protection Strategy环境保护战略(环保战略)

4.International Institute for Strategic Studies国际战略研究所(战略所)

5.International Development Strategy国际发展战略(发展战略)

6."Strategy" and "Grand Strategy": The Evolution of Strategic Decision Making Thoughts;“战略”与“大战略”——战略决策思想的演变

7.On Strategic Network, Strategic Ecology and Strategic Behavior;战略网络、战略生态与企业的战略行为

8.An Analytical View of the USA s Cold War Strategy;大战略、遏制战略与隐蔽行动等诸战略——美国的冷战战略析论

9.Those strategies may be classified as two kinds: the catchingup strategy and the comparative advantage one.这些发展战略分为赶超战略和比较优势战略。

10.He that fight and run away may live to fight another day.战略退却,以利再战。

11.Next about strategy and tactics.其次,战略战术问题。

12.flexible strategy and tactics灵活机动的战略战术

13.Tactics is subordinate to strategy.战术是从属于战略的。

14.Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.赢得战争靠战略,打赢战役靠战术。

15.Tactics serve strategies.策略是为战略服务的。

16.A strategy usually consists of three parts: strategy aims, guiding principles, strategy tools.一项战略一般包括战略目标、战略指导思想和战略手段。

17.A Centralized Development Strategy“集束式”发展战略

18.Global Biodiversity Strategy全球生物多样性战略(多样性战略)



1.Career Training Should be Involved into the Furniture Enterprises"sStrategy;企业培训应上升到家具企业发展的战略层面

2.TheStrategy Game for Obtaining Oversea Petroleum Resources to China based on Analytic Hierarchy Process;中国获取海外石油资源的战略博弈

3.The CompetitiveStrategy for Imitative Innovation and Generic Drug;模仿创新与仿制药的竞争战略


1.Strategic Choice for the Development of Agriculture Insurance;我国农业保险发展战略选择

2.Strategic Cost Management of Enterprises Based on Electronic Commerce;浅谈电子商务环境下企业的战略成本管理


1.“5432strategies”:towards the national information assurance framework;“5432战略”:国家信息安全保障体系框架研究

2.On the Development Strategies of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area in Southwest China;西南民族地区应对中国—东盟自由贸易区的发展战略(上)

3.Strategies Adjustment for our Foreign Trade in Harmonious Development;我国对外贸易和谐发展的战略调整


1.The Stratagem and Thought of China Abrasive Belt Grinding Technique Industrialization Process;中国砂带磨削技术产业化进程的战略与思考

2.Studying of Assessment and Choice of Compete Stratagem;竞争战略评价与选择研究

3.The Stratagem of the Organization of Library and Intelligence in the Innovation System of State in China;我国国家创新中的图书情报组织战略


1.Choosing and applying to the tactic of the technology innovation in our countries building industry;论我国建筑企业技术创新战略的选择和运用

2.Study on the tactic meaning of the development frontier tourism China;论中国边境旅游发展的战略意义

3.The article tries to find subsistent problem existing in Xuzhou railway logistics and presents some countermeasures,such as the making of managerial tactics,the administration of personnel,and the building of.本文分析了徐州地区铁路物流业存在的问题,提出需要加强经营战略的制定、人力资源管理、组织结构的设置等若干对策。


