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目击者 eyewitness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-05 01:03:17


目击者 eyewitness英语短句 例句大全




1.The witness put the finger on the killer.目击者告发了谋杀者

2.an authentic account by an eyewitness.一份目击者的真实证言。

3.with witnesses reporting seeing large,目击者称看到巨大的,

4.An eyewitness account of a crime目击者对一罪行的叙述

5.The police are verifying the prisoner"s statement by questioning witnesses.警察询问目击者,以核实被捕者的供词。

6.He is the only witness of the accident.他是那桩意外事故的唯一目击者。

7.I was a witness to their quarrel.我是他们吵架时的目击者.

8.The driver"s version of the accident was different from the eyewitness".那司机对该车祸的说法与目击者不同。

9.Other observers had many explanations.另一些目击者则众说纷纷。

10.The witness was telling about the whole accident.目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。

11.Interviews with those who claimed to have seen Martians indicated,对一些火星人目击者的采访表明,

12.The witness related what he had seen.目击者讲述了他所见到的事情。

13.Reliability of Eyewitness Evidence Never Absolute目击者的证据并非绝对可靠

14.The policeman"s statement was corroborated by witnesses .目击者证实了警察的报告。

15.There were many eyewitnesses to this strange event.这奇怪的事件有很多目击者。

16.The judge instructed the witness that he should tell the whole truth.法官指令该目击者讲出全部事实真相。

17.A person who saw the accident corroborated the driver"s statement.一位目击者确证驾驶员的说法属实。

18.The witness behaved herself with great calmness.那目击者表现得极其冷静


Emergency care provided by first responder目击者救护

3)eyewitness memory目击者记忆

1.Using the procedure of Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale,the experiment simulated the process ofeyewitness memory by presenting the study materials in visual form and testing the subjects in groups.本研究借鉴GSS的测验程序,以学习材料视觉呈现、团体实验的形式,在人工条件下模拟了目击者记忆过程,通过操纵材料呈现时间(20秒、40秒)与测验次数(初测、重测)两个变量,考察了该情境下错误记忆的内在机制及其动态变化特点。

2.The article focuses on repressed memory andeyewitness memory,two important areas of applied research on false memory.本文着重从被压抑的早期记忆、目击者记忆两个角度论述了错误记忆的应用研究。

4)entanglement witnesses纠缠目击者

1.We propose a family ofentanglement witnesses.文章提出了一类纠缠目击者。

5)BrowBeating a witness.逼迫目击者

6)co-witness discussion共同目击者讨论

1.The current research aims to explore the effects that theco-witness discussion on memory accuracy and memory confidence.主要研究共同目击者讨论对目击者的记忆准确性和记忆自信度的影响,以及是否会出现事件后误导效应,即记忆一致性效应。


