1200字范文 > 共同目击者讨论 co-witness discussion英语短句 例句大全

共同目击者讨论 co-witness discussion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 03:46:39


共同目击者讨论 co-witness discussion英语短句 例句大全

共同目击者讨论,co-witness discussion

1)co-witness discussion共同目击者讨论

1.The current research aims to explore the effects that theco-witness discussion on memory accuracy and memory confidence.主要研究共同目击者讨论对目击者的记忆准确性和记忆自信度的影响,以及是否会出现事件后误导效应,即记忆一致性效应。



1.There discussions were complicated.所讨论者皆纷乱错杂。

2.To hold a meeting or a discussion召开会议或者举行讨论

3.A participant in a formal discussion.正式讨论会的参加者

4.Use the General Discussion list to provide newsgroup-style discussions for contributors to this area.使用一般讨论列表为此区域的讨论参与者提供新闻组形式的讨论。

5.There are big errors in the astronomical observations for testing GR.笔者将讨论一种新引力理论的方案。

6.These participants represented only a very small portion of Zaobao Online"s readers.参加网上讨论的只占读者的一小部分。

7.Metheds: Discuss the reason of misdiagnosis and mistreatment of13 patients.方法:讨论13例误诊误治患者原因。

8.International Symposium on Victimology国际受害者心理学专题讨论会

9.See Resources for a discussion of an integration strategy for Struts and JavaServer Faces.在参考资料中有关于集成两者的讨论。

10.Today we"re going to focus on the question of homeless people.今天我们集中讨论露宿者的问题。

11.International Symposium of Policy Makers on Breastfeeding母乳喂养政策制定者国际专题讨论会

12.The journalists discussed the political implications of the war.记者们讨论了这场战争的政治含义。

13.a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic.参与者对商定的(严肃)主题的讨论。

14.Ideas,Principles and Techniques of the Biblical Translators of Chinese Versions《圣经》中文译者对翻译理论的探讨

15.Today we’re going to focus on the question of homeless people.今天,我们主要讨论无家可归者的问题。

16.Many reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.本章还讨论了两者矛盾的一些原因。

17.Numerical unity, however, will be discussed later.三者合为一体的问题将在以后讨论。

18.I shall not discuss the findings of the fuzzes or private detectives.我将不讨论警方或者私人侦探的发现。



3)study and discuss together共同研讨

1.Constructing a new classroom teaching mode, in which teachers and studentsstudy and discuss together, is the need of carrying out quality-oriented education, deepening teaching reform and training innovative talents.构建师生共同研讨的课堂教学新模式是实施素质教育、深化教学改革、培养创造性人才的需要,因此,只有贯彻“教师为主导、学生为主体”的原则,着力培养和强化学生的问题意识,师生共同讨论、研究,教给学生学习和科研的方法,指导学生开展“五小”发明创造竞赛活动,才能真正构建起师生共同研讨的课堂教学新模式。

4)item for discussion讨论项目

5)public discussion公共讨论

1.The legal scholars discourse right inpublic discussion has the theoretical basis of constitution and the basis of specific constitution rights, meanwhile has its own rationality.法学学者在公共讨论中的话语权具有正当性,其正当性融合在话语权的合法性和其自身的合理性之中。

6)cooperative conference协同讨论


