1200字范文 > 商务经济型酒店 commercial economy hotel英语短句 例句大全

商务经济型酒店 commercial economy hotel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 19:11:09


商务经济型酒店 commercial economy hotel英语短句 例句大全

商务经济型酒店,commercial economy hotel

1)commercial economy hotel商务经济型酒店


1.Ibis is a business and economy hotel, which mainly services the business and leisure travelers, with good value for money.宜必思连锁酒店是商务经济型酒店,主要服务于商务和休闲的个人旅行,具有很高的性价比。

2.Strategic Study of LuShang Group Entering into Economic Hotel Industry;鲁商集团进入经济型酒店业策略研究

3.Research on the Business Model of Web-based Economy Hotel基于网络的经济型酒店商业模式研究

4.Application of Services innovation to economic hotel--case study on 7DaysInn Group服务创新在经济型酒店中的应用——以7天连锁酒店为例

5.The Discussion of Outsourcing Management in China s Economy Inns;业务外包在我国经济型酒店中的运用探讨

6.The Efficacy and Management Policy of Economical Hotel Outsourcing in China;我国经济型酒店外包业务的功效及管理策略

7.The Comprehension and Analysis of the "Economy" of Economy Hotels in China;经济型酒店的“经济型”理解与分析

8.A Marketing Plan Study of Transferring from Low-Star Hotel to Economy Hotel;低星级酒店转型经济型酒店营销策划研究

9.Star-rated Hotel, Economy Hotel, Apartment House and also we good at housekeeping service and management,etc.星级酒店、经济型酒店、各类物业、公寓式酒店、家政管理等等。

10.Research into Economized Consumption of Budget Hotel on the Basis of Customer-Perceptive Service Quality基于感知服务质量的经济型酒店节约型消费研究

11.The Study on the Competency of Professional Managers in the Budget Hotels;经济型酒店职业经理人胜任特征研究

12.Study Strategies of Investing and Operating Economic Hotels;经济型酒店投资与经营管理策略研究

13.Personalized Hotel Service in Experience-driven Economy;浅析体验经济时代的酒店个性化服务

14.The Trend and Countermeasure to Develop Economy Hotel in Guangzhou;广州发展经济型酒店态势与对策研究

15.A study on the construction of the differential brand in China s economical-type hotels;中国经济型酒店品牌差异化建设思考

16.An analysis of the spatial distribution of the economical hotels in Nanjing;南京主城区经济型酒店空间布局分析

17.A Brief Analysis Economy Hotel in New Time Development Strategy;浅析经济型酒店在新时期的发展策略

18.Exploration of How to Foster the Core Power in Competing in Our Country’s Economy Hotel;论我国经济型酒店核心竞争力的培育


economy hotel经济型酒店

1.An Analysis of the Developing Prospects and Strategies of Chinese Economy Hotel;浅析中国经济型酒店的发展现状及战略选择

2.The Study of Economy Hotel Security Management from Non-traditional Security Perspective;非传统安全视角下经济型酒店安全管理

3.Research on the Management Strategy of Economy Hotel in China;中国经济型酒店经营战略研究

3)budget hotel经济型酒店

1.Research on China Budget Hotels Capital Operation and Risk Control;我国经济型酒店资本运作与风险控制研究

2.Reformation Scheme for Beiyuan Hotel of Sichuan University to Budget Hotel;四川大学北苑宾馆的经济型酒店改造方案

3.The Status and the Development of China"s Budget Hotel under the Environment of Financial crisis论金融危机环境下中国经济型酒店的现状及发展思路

4)economical hotel经济型酒店

1.Present Situation Analysis and Developmental Countermeasure of Chinese Economical Hotel;中国经济型酒店现状分析及对策研究

2.An analysis of the spatial distribution of theeconomical hotels in Nanjing;南京主城区经济型酒店空间布局分析

3.Reflection on developingeconomical hotels in Chongqing;对重庆发展经济型酒店的思考

5)economic hotel经济型酒店

1.Analysis and research on IPA model of customers satisfaction oneconomic hotels;经济型酒店顾客满意度IPA模型分析及实证研究

2.A SWOT Analysis of Economic Hotel Development and its Strategies;广西发展经济型酒店的SWOT分析与策略探讨

6)budget hotels经济型酒店

1.As a new type of China Hotel,budget hotels are the outcome of the developing of China Hotel.经济型酒店是我国饭店业的新兴业态,也是我国饭店业发展新阶段的产物。

2.This paper applied the core concept of Blue Ocean Strategy to analyze the cause of the development of China sbudget hotels,did a SWOT analysis ofbudget hotels in view of their industrial features.本文运用“蓝海战略”的主要观点,分析了经济型酒店在中国的发展历程,针对本土经济型酒店的行业特征进行了SWOT分析,研究了经济型酒店价值创新的诉求点和4项行动框架,提出了本土经济型酒店价值创新的核心问题。

3.With the development of popular domestic tourism,budget hotels grow rapidly in China.伴随国内大众化旅游的发展,经济型酒店在我国得到迅速发展。




