1200字范文 > 节烈观 Virtue英语短句 例句大全

节烈观 Virtue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-21 05:18:35


节烈观 Virtue英语短句 例句大全



1.DifferentVirtues under the Guise of Revolutionary Words——A Comparison between When I Was in Xia Village and Lotus Pond;革命话语遮蔽下的不同节烈观——《我在霞村的时候》与《荷花淀》的比较阅读


1.Different Virtues under the Guise of Revolutionary Words--A Comparison between When I Was in Xia Village and Lotus Pond;革命话语遮蔽下的不同节烈观——《我在霞村的时候》与《荷花淀》的比较阅读

2.The theater warmly applauded every item.全场观众对每个节目都报以热烈的掌声。

3.In the forth part, the author discusses whether these ancestress temples embody the concepts of filiality and chastity.第四部分讨论女祠堂是否含有贞孝节烈的道德观念。

4.Rock roll has a strong beat .摇滚乐的节拍热爱强烈。

5.Rock"n"roll has a strong beat.摇滚乐的节拍很强烈。

6.She was a rigorously chaste woman.她是一位节烈女子。

7.The music is strongly rhythmical.那音乐有强烈的节奏。

8.Parents strongly cautioned. This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age.家长强烈警告。此节目包含家长可能认为 14 岁以下儿童不宜观看的内容。

9.Aim To observe the effect of treatment on absolute glaucoma with acute ache with ciliary nerve ganglion cauterization and optic neurotomy.目的观察睫状神经节烧灼及视神经剪断术治疗伴有剧烈疼痛的绝对期青光眼的疗效。

10.The curtain fell to the loud applause of the audience.在观众热烈掌声中闭幕。

11.She received an enthusiastic ovation from the audience.她获得观众热烈的欢迎.

12.It"s got a quick tempo, a nice rhythm, and a heavy beat.他的音乐速度快,有节奏感,节拍很强烈。

13.Gyrate The dancers gyrated wildly to the strong beat of the music.跳舞者随着音乐的强烈节奏而猛烈地旋转着。

14.a torrid dance; torrid jazz bands; hot trumpets and torrid rhythms.热烈的舞蹈;热烈的爵士乐队;热烈的喇叭声和节奏。

15.The battle was awfully hot; the allies were steadily giving way all over the field.战斗打得异常激烈,联军在整个战场上节节败退。

16.The church thundered against birth control.教会方面激烈地谴责节育。

17.Aah, summer ? the season of relentless sun and oppressive heat.啊,夏天?烈日无情的酷热季节。

18.Aah, summer- the season of relentless sun and oppressive heat.啊,夏天—烈日无情的酷热季节。



3)Consciousness of Chastity节烈意识

4)women of moral integrity节妇烈女

1.One of the major features of his poems is that many poems are about women, especiallywomen of moral integrity.他的诗歌的一个重要特点是描写妇女的作品比较多,特别是描写节妇烈女的作品占了相当的比重。

5)Chastity atmosphere节烈风气

6)chastity phenomenon节烈现象

1.In the Ming and Qing dynasties,the womanchastity phenomenon is exceptionally prominent,which is connected with its unique geographical and humanistic environment.明清徽州妇女节烈现象异常突出,与其独特的地理人文环境相关联。


