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美德 virtue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-25 07:22:26


美德 virtue英语短句 例句大全



1.Socrates idea ofvirtue and the contemporary reflection;苏格拉底的美德思想及其现代反思

2.THE REESTABLISHMENT OF MORALITY DURING THE FRENCH SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION——On Robespierres rules ofvirtue Robespierres Rules ofvirtue;法国社会转型时期的道德重建——论罗伯斯比尔美德立国之方略


1.womanly qualities, virtues女性的特性、美德.

2.the quintessence of virtue美德的榜样 [典范]

3.Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the should. --Alexander Pope美色中看,美德感人。——蒲柏

4.V is for virtue. Virtue never grows old.v代表“美德”。美德永远不衰老。

5.V is virtue, virtue is a jewel of great price.V 是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。

6.Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand.美德与礼貌携手并行。美德便有礼貌。

7.Aristotle divides virtues into two basic kinds: intellectual virtues and moral virtues.亚里士多德把美德分成两个基本的类别:智力的美德和品格的美德。

8.Virtue is the road to honor.美德是通.向荣誉之路。

9.knightly qualities, virtues, etc骑士的气概、美德等.

10.Without virtue happiness cannot be .缺乏美德,幸福何来。

11.Warriors Of Virtue美德战士/五行战士

12.United States - German Mixed Claims Commission美德赔偿问题委员会

13.Handsome is that handsome does.〔谚语〕品德优美才算真美。

14.H-is that handsome does.[谚]品德优美才是真美。

15.Handsome is and handsome does.品德优美才算真美。

16.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Thought of Zhuang Zi;形美、德美、道美——浅谈庄子美学思想

17.Beauty as the Symbol of Morality;美是道德的象征——康德美学思想探析

18.Analysing Characteristics of Kant s Aesthetics;试析康德美学之品格——从“审美判断力”看康德美学



1.Freedom based on aesthetic sense is only a supplement to the limited actual activities, while the promise that personal virtues made should, not be confused with market activities.通过对必然性的认识而获得自由只适合于人与自然之间的关系,基于审美意识而实现的自由不过是对现实活动有限性的补充,而个人的美德对自由的承诺也不能与作为职业的市场活动混为一谈。

2.The controversy in contemporary western political justice ethics indicates that the institution of contemporary political justice won t exist independently unless it can enlist the support of virtues.西方现代政治伦理论争揭示:现代政治正义制度无法脱离公民美德精神而独立存在,必须获得公民美德精神的支撑。

3.The personality of the painters of the traditional Chinese paintings mainly includes traditional virtues accepted and practiced by the painters of many generations.艺术是哲学的体现 ,中国画画家的“人品”所包含的内容主要是指历代画家所接受并实际奉行的传统美德 :仁爱孝悌、谦和好礼、诚信知报、精忠报国、克己奉公、修己慎独、见利思义、勤俭廉正、笃实宽厚、勇毅力行。

3)Germany and USA德美

1.Causes of the Conflicts betweenGermany and USA After Cold War;试论冷战后德美矛盾的根源

4)Society will社会美德

5)Traditional virtues传统美德

1.Education in traditional virtues is a special teaching means and can play an important role in inheriting traditional virtues,constructing harmony socialist society,enhancing people s ethics level,prompting harmonious relations in the society and its all-round development and constructing a harmonious society.传统美德教育作为一种特殊的教育方式,在承接传统美德、奠定社会主义和谐社会的道德基石、提高人民群众的道德水平、促进各方面关系的和谐、促进社会的全面发展与和谐社会的建构等方面具有重要的作用。

2.The core of moral education is Chinese traditional virtues on basis of traditional culture in Beijing No.北京四中以植根于传统文化的中华传统美德为德育核心,传统文化、传统美德、四中人的精神是紧密关联、三位一体的。

3.Chinese traditional virtues are our Chinese valuable and heritable wealth.中华民族的传统美德,是炎黄子孙的宝贵财富。

6)traditional virtue传统美德

1.Traditional Virtues of the Chinese Nation and the Connotation Development of Colleges Bodyguards;中华传统美德与高校保卫人员的内涵养成

2.Actual value of thetraditional virtues of the Chinese nation;论中华民族传统美德的当代价值

3.A brief discussion of the Chinesetraditional virtue education in the Chinese language coursebook;浅析中学语文教材中的中华传统美德教育


