1200字范文 > 地下温度场 underground temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

地下温度场 underground temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-27 22:29:31


地下温度场 underground temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

地下温度场,underground temperature distribution

1)underground temperature distribution地下温度场

1.Water temperature andunderground temperature distribution of heat pump coupled with aquifer energy storage system which has run for 3 consecutive years were simulated,with underground water flow and heat transfer equations put forward by Kipp K L.采用Kipp K L推出的地下水流动和热运移方程,对热泵耦合含水层储能系统连续运行3年的储能井温及地下温度场进行了模拟计算。


1.A Study on the Soil Temperature in a Hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump System with Supplementary Cooling Tower;辅助冷却复合式地源热泵地下温度场的研究

2.Study on the System Performance of U-type Ground Source Heat Pump and Ground Temperature Field;U型管地源热泵系统性能及地下温度场的研究

3.Finite Element Method of Lines for Thermal Field Analysis of Ground-Coupled Heat Pump;土壤源热泵地下温度场分析的有限元线法

4.Research on Hydraulics of Groundwater Source Heat Pump System and Its Influence on Temperature Field地下水源热泵水力学机理及其对地下温度场影响研究

5.Experimental Investigation on Backfill Material and Soil Temperature Profile for Ground-coupled Heat Pump System地埋管回填材料与地源热泵地下温度场的测试分析

6.Numerical Computation on Temperature Field and Ampacity of Underground Cables;地下电缆温度场和载流量的数值模拟

7.The Simulation and Analysis of Thermal Field and Thermal Stress Field in Roller Compacted Concrete Dam under the Condition of Different Foundation;在不同地基下碾压混凝土坝温度场温度应力场的仿真分析

8.We will now treat some examples of the temperature field in the crust.现在我们讨论一下地壳温度场的某些例子。

9.Impact of position and production of injection wells on groundwater flow and temperature field with groundwater source heat pump地源热泵系统抽灌模式对地下水流场和温度场的影响


11.Groundwater Circulation and Heat Simulation Study in the Cretaceous Basin, the Ordos Basin;鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水循环与温度场数值模拟

putation and Simulation of Temperature Field and Ampacity for Underground Cable Based on Finite Element Method基于有限元法的地下电缆温度场和载流量的计算及仿真

13.Development of Underground Concrete Heat Storage Pile Experiment Table and Numerical Simulation on Temperature Field地下混凝土储热桩实验台的研制及储热温度场的数值模拟

14.Calculation of Static Temperature Field of Buried Cable Based on FEM and Analysis of Influential Factors有限元法计算地下电缆稳态温度场及其影响因素

15.Numerical Method to Calculate the Transient Temperature Field and Short-Term Ampacity of Underground Cable System地下电缆群暂态温度场和短时载流量数值计算方法

16.Research of Temperature Field & Temperature Stress of Concrete Box Girder Caused by the Solar Radiation;日照下混凝土箱梁温度场和温度应力研究

17.Coupling Calculation of Current Field and Temperature Field of ±800kV Cirque DC Grounding-Electrode±800kV圆环接地极电流场温度场耦合计算

18.The Study on CFST s Temperature Field under High Temperatures (Fire);高温(火灾)作用下钢管混凝土温度场研究


groundwater temperature field地下水温度场

3)field temperature地场温度

1.In order to explore the effect offield temperature on the Wet Jetting Piles (WJP) quality, thefield temperature testing system is developed to monitor the characteristics offield temperature s distributing and changing, and the indoor model of WJP experimental system is developed simultaneously to test the effect offield temperature on the pile s strength.为探索地场温度对湿喷桩戍桩质量的影响,自行研制了地场温度现场测试系统,并开发了湿喷桩大型室内相似模型试验系统,研究了湿喷桩桩长范围内地场温度的季节性变化规律和地场温度对湿喷桩强度的影响规律。

4)downhole temperature distribution井下温度场

1.Numerical simulation ofdownhole temperature distribution in producing oil wells;生产油井井下温度场数值模拟分析(英文)

2.A method is put forward to calculatedownhole temperature distribution while oil wells have been shut for days.提出了一种计算生产油井关井一段时间后井下温度场分布的方法。

5)groundwater temperature地下水温度

1.The perennial change characteristics ofgroundwater temperature in phreatic aquifer, confined aquifer and Cretaceous porous-fractured aquifer in the plain area of Central Jilin is analyzed systemically.以吉林中部平原区为例,分析了孔隙潜水、孔隙承压水以及白垩系孔隙裂隙承压水温度的多年变化特征,并采用灰色关联度分析方法,确定了各含水层地下水温度与地下水埋深、气温、降水量之间的关联性,分析了影响其变化的主要因素。

2.The experimental method was employed to study optimization quantity matching intake well with injection well,injection situation during the heating period andgroundwater temperature change effect on performance of heat pump.采用实验的方法,研究了深井水源热泵系统抽水井和回灌井个数优化配置和回灌井回灌情况以及地下水温度变化对热泵机组性能的影响等问题。

3.The perennial characteristics ofgroundwater temperature in phreatic aquifer,porous confined aquifer and cretaceous porous-fractured confined aquifer in plain area in central Jilin are analyzed from 123 wells.采用灰色关联度分析法分析了影响地下水温度变化的主要因素,计算了各含水层地下水温度与地下水埋深、气温、降水量之间的关联度。

6)the earth temperature field大地温度场

1.By simplifying the physical model,build up a three-dimensional mathematics model ofthe earth temperature field.通过简化物理模型建立了大地温度场的三维数学模型,利用CFD计算软件进行了温度场模拟计算并进行了客观地分析,分析的结果对红外成像检测埋地蒸汽管道保温失效具有指导意义。


地下1.地面以下;地层内部。 2.谓政党﹑团体等处于非法﹑秘密活动状态。 3.指阴间。 4.地面上。
