1200字范文 > 水产品 Aquatic products英语短句 例句大全

水产品 Aquatic products英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-29 16:00:13


水产品 Aquatic products英语短句 例句大全

水产品,Aquatic products

1)Aquatic products水产品

1.Determination of Chloramphenicol Residues in Aquatic Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry;水产品中氯霉素残留的气质联用法检测

2.Determination of Olaquindox Residues in Aquatic Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry;高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定水产品中的喹乙醇

parison of rapid detection of chloramphenicol residues in aquatic products on by ELSIA and GICA;ELISA和GICA快速检测水产品中氯霉素残留的比较


1.Classification of aquatic products in foreign trade水产品对外贸易的产品口径问题研究

2.The refrigerated vehicles are suitaBle for long-distance transport of live aquatic products for sale.水产保鲜车,适宜长途贩运鲜活水产品。

3.Effects of freezing and thawing on the quality changes of aquatic product冻结和解冻过程对水产品品质的影响

4.Discussion on the Construction of Tourism Aquatic Products about Brand Personality--Take the Case of Tourism Aquatic Products of Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province旅游水产品品牌个性的构建——以浙江舟山旅游水产品为例

5.Peanut protein applies to meat products, the aquatic product broadly, milk products, drink and candy product. If you are interested in our goods, please contact us.花生蛋白广泛的应用于肉制品、水产品、乳制品、饮料生产和糖果生产。

6.Research Progress of Water-holding Capacity of Quatic Products by LF-NMRLF-NMR在水产品持水性方面的研究

7.and livestock, poultry and aquatic products also increased to varied extents.畜禽产品和水产品都有不同程度的增长。

8.The total output of aquatic products was 45.13 million tons, up by 3 percent.全年水产品产量达4513万吨,增长3%。

9.Oil plants, pod and sea food also take the top place in Jiangsu.油料、蚕茧、水产品产量也居全省首位。

10.On Aquatic Saffety and Organic Aquaculture of China;中国水产品质量安全与有机水产养殖探讨

11.Differentiation Brand Marketing Strategy of Conventional Aquatic Product;常规水产品差异化品牌营销策略——以重庆水产市场为例

12.Aquaculture, valued foods, formation foods, oversea incorporation, breed aquatics, feeds &livestock product.水产品,加工食品业,化成食品业,海外合并业,增养殖业,饲料畜产业。

13.Farm products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables.农产品农产品,尤指新鲜水果和蔬菜

14.test methods for water content of chemical products化学产品含水量测定法

15.Product Development Plan of Rice Seed s New Variety Ⅱ-718;水稻新品种Ⅱ优718产品开发实施方案

16.On Lateral Marketing of Geographical Indication Agricultural Brand地理标志农产品品牌的水平营销策略

17.Method for determination of water content in starch hydrolysis productsGB/T12100-1989淀粉水解产品含水量测定方法



aquatic product水产品

1.Determination of arsenic inaquatic product by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry after aluminum oxide the ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate complexes;APDC和氧化铝富集氢化物发生原子吸收光谱法测定水产品中的砷

2.Present situation and development ofaquatic products processing industry in China;中国水产品加工业的现状及发展

3.Research progress of biogenic amine inaquatic product;水产品中生物胺的研究进展

3)fishery products水产品

1.Improvement on determination of total volatile basic nitrogen infishery products;水产品中挥发性盐基氮测定方法的改良

2.Discussion on development of quality monitoring offishery products;水产品质量检测服务方向探讨——以南通市水产品质量检验测试中心为例

3.High-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of residue of malachite green infishery products;液相色谱-串联质谱法测定水产品中孔雀石绿的残留量


1.Simultaneous Determination of Five Residual Antibioticsin Seafood by Capillary Electrophoresis;毛细管电泳用于水产品中五种抗生素的同时测定

2.Present situation and quality control ofseafood safety;水产品安全性现状与质量管理

3.Laboratory Testing and Analysis of Microbiological Contamination of Seafood in Loudi City娄底市水产品微生物污染的实验室检测与分析

5)fishery product水产品

1.Study on rapid determination of formaldehyde infishery products;水产品中甲醛的速测方法研究

2.Development and application of electronic noses in freshness assessment offishery product;电子鼻技术的研究进展及其在水产品鲜度评价中的应用(英文)

3.Investigation of Anisakis infection in partialfishery product of Shandong Province;山东部分水产品异尖线虫感染调查

6)aquatic product output水产品产量

1.The forecasting model of the seawateraquatic product output本文在分析山东省沿海渔港布局现状的基础上,依据“十二五”末海水产品产量的预测结果,运用“点—轴”空间结构系统理论,构造了沿海渔港的梯级布局体系,提出了到“十二五”末的渔港布局方案。


