1200字范文 > 新文学作家 new literature writers英语短句 例句大全

新文学作家 new literature writers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-13 10:52:03


新文学作家 new literature writers英语短句 例句大全

新文学作家,new literature writers

1)new literature writers新文学作家

1.During the period of May 4th Movement,manynew literature writers were devoted to the creation of new poetry.“五四”时期,大量的新文学作家投身于新诗创作,这一现象出现是因为古诗词发展到近代已经不能很好地适应情感表达的需要,近代文人开始对古诗词进行改革,但都不成功,最后新文学作家全盘否定古诗词,用白话新诗取代古诗词成为中国现代诗歌的主要样式。

2.4,manynew literature writers devoted to the creation of the new poetry,On the surface,the old poetry writing was not modern,but it is a modern thing: firstly,the the old poetry writing has its modern quality,its content has the same quality as the new poetry;secondly,the old poetry writing is a modern thing from which the new poetry writing gains enlightenment.五四新文学作家中不少人在五四落潮以后重新进行古诗词创作,表面上看没有什么现代性,甚至有复古的嫌疑,而事实上,新文学作家重新开始创作古诗词是一个现代性事件:一从现代古诗词自身来说,它们已经具有了现代新质,其内容和五四时期的新诗内容的现代新质具有共同性。

3.The Symbol of Depression had great impact on the development of Chinesenew literature writers with its plentiful theoretical connotation.新文学作家主要从“苦闷”主题的书写、现代意识的吸纳、象征主义的运用三个方面吸纳了该书的核心观点并把它内化到自己的创作中,从而使他们的创作呈现出鲜明的时代特色和现代品格。


1.The Symbol of Depression and the Creation of Chinese New Literature Writers;《苦闷的象征》与中国新文学作家的创作

2.The Times that Early New Writers Create Classical Poetry and Cultural Roots早期新文学作家创作旧体诗的时代与文化根源

3.The Inspiration to the Modern Poetry of the New literature WritorsOld-poetry Writing after "五四";“五四”新文学作家古诗词创作对新诗的启示

4.A Review of Researches on the Relations Between the New Literature Writers in China and the Chivalrous Culture and the Prospect;新文学作家与侠文化关系研究的现状与前瞻

5.The Regional Humanistic Tradition and the Construction of the Zhejiang Group of New Literature Writers地域人文传统与浙江新文学作家群的建构

6.Analysis on Context and Phenomenon of New Literature Writers Old-poetry Writing Post-May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”后新文学作家古诗词创作语境及现象分析

7.The Utterance in the May Fourth New-Vernacular Literature of East Zhejiang Writers;浙东作家建构“五四”新文学的话语姿态

8.On the Relationship between Writers" Identity and Christian Culture during the New-era Literature"s 30-year History新时期文学三十年作家身份与基督教文化

9.contemporary literature [writers]现代文学 [作家]

10.May 4th Writers Occupational Status and the Emergence of May 4th New Literature;“五四”作家的职业身份与“五四”新文学的发生

11.Focus on Literature: the Significance of Zhejiang Writer Group in New Youth;聚焦文学:《新青年》中浙江作家群凸现的意义

12.Snow’s Noble Spirit: the Mirror and Light forJournalists and Non-fiction Writers;斯诺精神—新闻记者和报告文学作家的镜与灯

13.Literature attitude and recognition ofidentity of Neo-idealistic writers;“新理想主义”作家的文学态度与身份认同

14.The Spiritual Congeniality and Literary Ties between the Writers of the "Crescent Moon Group"with Virginia Woolf论“新月派”作家与伍尔夫的精神契合与文学关联

15.A Throughbreaking of New Immigrant Literature --On Canadian Chinese novelist Zhangling s Writings;新移民文学的崭新突破——评华人作家张翎"跨越边界"的小说创作

16."Mirror" of the State in Literary Works--Based on the New Chinese Language Textbook of PEP文学作品中的“国家”镜像——以人教社新版中学《语文》教科书为例

17.To Reappraise the Arising of the Modern Female Writers-Focusing on the Female Authors of the New Literature Magazines,1917-1925;重估现代女作家的出现——以新文学期刊(1917-1925)中的女作者创作为视点

18.Significance to Literary History of Writers the New Feeling and the Left Wing;新感觉派作家与左翼文坛缘起缘落的文学史意义


new writer新文学家

1.At the beginning period of May 4th new literature,manynew writers main occupation is a teacher in new universities."五四"新文学发轫期,许多新文学家的主要职业是新式大学的教师。


1.Analysis on theliteratures of Minority Writers in the Early 20th Century;试析我国20世纪初的少数民族作家文学

2.Han and Jin periods are not only the formative stages of Literature, but also the transitional and prosperous days of the development of Chinese education.汉晋时期是中国作家文学的形成阶段,同时也是中国教育发展的转折期和兴盛期。

4)"New School" writers新派文学家

5)reportage writer报告文学作家

1.The splendor of reportage, one of the main - stream genres of 20th century Chinese literature, is closely related to the sense of genre pursued by thereportage writers.20世纪中国报告文学成为文坛主流文体的辉煌,与报告文学作家奉行的文体意识密切相关。

6)Li nationality writer literature黎族作家文学


中国新文学大系《中国新文学大系》中国最早的大型现代文学选集。赵家璧主编,1935~1936年间由上海良友图书印刷公司出版。全书分为10卷:①《建设理论卷》,胡适编选。②《文学论争集》,郑振铎编选。③《小说一集》,茅盾编选。④《小说二集》,鲁迅编选。⑤《小说三集》,郑伯奇编选。⑥《散文一集》,周作人编选。⑦《散文二集》,郁达夫编选。⑧《诗集》,朱自清编选。⑨《戏剧集》,洪深编选 。⑩ 《史料·索引》,阿英编选。书前由蔡元培撰写总序,各卷编选者还分别就所选内容写了长篇导言(第十卷为《序列》)。《建设理论集》 、《文学论争集》和《史料·索引》选辑近200篇理论文章,系统地反映了新文学运动和新文学理论建设从无到有、初步确立的历史过程。编选创作的7卷,共收小说81家的153篇作品,散文33家的202篇作品,新诗59家的441首诗作,话剧18家的18个剧本。其中不少篇什是对新文学的创建起了积极作用和脍炙人口的名作,其他的也大多在思想或艺术上有一定的代表性。总序和各篇导言,对于新文学的发生、发展、理论主张、活动组织、重大事件、各种体裁的创作,或作历史的回顾,或为理论的阐述。在中国现代文学研究中,这些导言的影响比《中国新文学大系》本身更为深远。
