1200字范文 > 新世纪文学 new century literature英语短句 例句大全

新世纪文学 new century literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-20 02:06:03


新世纪文学 new century literature英语短句 例句大全

新世纪文学,new century literature

1)new century literature新世纪文学

1.With the arrival of"new century literature"daily life trivial detail and consumption value have been bulged by literature appearing.随着"新世纪文学"的到来,日常生活的琐碎细节和消费价值开始被文学凸现出来,个体生命的历史和运行也被赋予了越来越大的意义,文学越来越重视对个人生存实在经验的描述。

2.The thirty years contemporary literature can be divided into four stages:new period literature, 1980s literature,1990s literature andnew century literature.当代文学三十年,大致可以划分为四个阶段:新时期文学、80年代文学、90年代文学、新世纪文学。


1.JIA Ping-wa and the Literary Turn to Grassroots in the Current Century;贾平凹与新世纪文学的“底层”转向

2.On the Progress of Chinese Literature in the New Century;“两全”背景下中国新世纪文学进展论纲

3.Glorious "Multiple-Matter-on the Tendencyof Literature Development in the New Century;走向辉煌的“合题”——新世纪文学发展趋势

4."Working Poems" Phenomenon of New Century Literature论新世纪文学中的“打工诗歌”现象

5.New Expand of the 1980 s on-the-spot Literature;20世纪80年代纪实文学的新拓展

6.Ever Emerging Military Literature in the New Century;浮出地表的新世纪军事文学——新世纪军事文学低迷原因探讨

7.Literary expectation in the new century --Reflection of culture phenomenon of Chinese literary history written in the 20th century;新世纪的文学期待——20世纪中国文学史写作的文化现象反省

8.Study on the Chinese Mainland Literary Theory and Aesthetics History in New Century;新世纪中国大陆文艺美学学术史研究

9.Humanities social science and school s physical education in the new century;人文社会科学与新世纪学校体育改革

10.Idea about How to Develope the Journal of Social Science in the New Century;关于新世纪人文社会科学学报的构想

11.New century School physical education needs the regression of Yangzhou spirit;新世纪的学校体育与人文精神的回归

12.How to Write Chinese Literary History of the Past 20 Years (special topic for discussion);20世纪90年代新诗的文学史叙述

13.Five Developing Tendencies of college Campus Culture in the New Century;新世纪大学校园文化发展的五个趋势

14.A New Angle of Looking at Literary Criticism of 21st Century;试论21世纪文学评论变革的新视角

15.The Relationship between the 20th-Century Hong Kong New Poetry and Foreign Literature;20世纪香港新诗与外国文学关系浅探

work Literature in Ten Years:The Current Situation and Problems in New Century十年论剑:新世纪网络文学现状与问题

17.Singaporean Chinese-Language Literature in the New Century from the Perspective of Archetypical Criticism;原型批评视野下的新世纪新加坡华文文学

parative Literature: Back to LiterarinessReflections on Comparative Literature Studies in China in the Coming Century.;重申文学性——对新世纪中国比较文学研究的思考


literature in the new century新世纪文学

1.Since the entry into the new century,studies ofliterature in the new century have gradually become a hot topic for studies of our current literature.自人类进入新世纪以来,有关新世纪文学的研究渐已成为我国当前文学研究的热门话题。

3)new century literature and art新世纪文艺学

4)reportage in the new century新世纪报告文学

1.Investigation on Chinese Farmers has not only rescued thereportage in the new century but also reflected the "San Nong" problems deeply.《中国农民调查》不啻是对新世纪报告文学的拯救,而且还从全面深刻地反映“三农”问题,作品的批判精神与作家的战士品格以及运用多种文体的表现形式增强作品的表现力、深刻度等方面作出了新贡献。

5)Chinese literature in the new century中国新世纪文学

1.The economic foundation determing the progress ofChinese literature in the new century is changing at an unprecedented speed.决定中国新世纪文学进展的经济基础正发生着前所未有的变化。

6)New Century Literature view新世纪文学观


