1200字范文 > 征税成本 taxation cost英语短句 例句大全

征税成本 taxation cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-12 06:43:12


征税成本 taxation cost英语短句 例句大全

征税成本,taxation cost

1)taxation cost征税成本

1.A study of the administration shows that the reasons resulting in the hightaxation cost include six aspects: the quality of tax collectors,the system of tax collecting and administrating,the punishment to illegal actions,the integrity of tax resources,the share of data,and the collection of tax information.征税成本的高低可以直接反映税务部门的行政效率。

2.The high cost of tax collection constitutes an important part oftaxation cost in China.征税成本是税收成本的重要组成部分,我国大部分地区征税成本较高。

3.To the tax revenue which participates in the national income redistribution and displays the regulation in the national economic management, it has the vital practical significance to discuss thetaxation cost and strengthen the management of collection cost.与城市征税成本比较而言,县域经济税源的丰裕度和集中度较差,因而县级国税机关所耗费的征税成本普遍高于全国平均水平。


1.Some Thoughts on the Methods of Reducing the Tax Collection Cost;征税成本分析方法和降低途径的探讨

2.The Study on the Question of Taxation Cost of County Level National Tax Institution;县级国税机关征税成本问题的现状分析及对策研究

3.Study of China s Taxation Costs Actualities and Countermeasures;中国征税成本问题的现状分析及其对策研究

4.Local Government Competition,Taxation Cost and Financial Assets Quality;地方政府竞争、征税成本与金融资产质量

5.The rate of taxation links with the input and output of taxation, and the cost of taxation in China is higher than in the developed countries in the world.税收的效率关系到税收的投入产出,我国的征税成本远高于国外发达国家的水平。

6.On Relationship between Tax Cost and Tax Levy and Paying;试论税收成本与税收征纳关系的关系

7.Research of How to Control the Tax Collection Cost in Grassroots Tax Authorities控制基层税务部门税收征收成本的研究

8.a tax levied on the difference between a commodity"s price before taxes and its cost of production.对商品税前价格和生产成本之间差价征收的税务。

9.China,Not Ready to Levy a Capital Gains Tax on Stock-trade;我国开征股票资本利得税的条件和时机尚未成熟

10.The Assignable Operating Cost for Economic Policy: A Case with the Collection of Tax;不可轻视经济政策执行的操作成本——以税收征管为例

11.She hinted at the idea of “taxing capital more than work”.她也暗示会将“资本征税制与工资征税制”并举。

12.Experiments on separating management of revenue and expenditures and reforming the unified treasury collection and payment system progressed steadily.税制改革和税收征管改革成效显著。

13.Unless the levy is very large, the only costs would be those to administer and collect it.除非税额非常大,否则唯一的费用就是对该税进行征集和管理的成本。

14.The administration of collection of agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, cultivated land usage tax and deed tax shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of this Law.农业税、牧业税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理,参照本法有关规定执行。

15.An Analysis on Impacts of Tax Compliance Cost on Tax Compliance Behaviors;税收遵从成本对纳税遵从行为的影响

16.What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector?标本剥制员与征税员有何不同呢?

17.a capital tax on property imposed by municipalities.市政当局征收的财产资本税。

18.In 1904, Japan imposed a tariff on rice imports.1904年,日本对进口大米征收关税。


cost ratio of collecting tax征税成本率

1.Administrative efficiency of taxation mainly reflects incost ratio of collecting tax,cost ratio of tax compliance and average amount of tax,and it\"s a important criterion for scientific evaluating the work of revenue departments.税收行政效率主要体现为征税成本率、纳税成本率和人均征税额,是衡量税务机关工作效果的重要指标。

3)tax collection costs税收征收成本

4)Tax collection and administration cost税收征管成本

5)tax cost税务成本

1.When facing division enterprises would strategize for their taxation, take into account related businesses and preferred taxation policies before and after the division, to minimize the extratax costs resulted from the enterprise division.为了降低分立所增加的税务成本,企业在分立时应结合分立前后的相关业务事项及相关税收优惠政策进行税收策划。

6)tax cost税收成本

1.Reducingtax cost and improving tax efficiency;降低税收成本 提高税收效率

2.Author points out that financial management plays an major role in economic activities of enterprises to reducetax cost and realize maximizing economic returns.介绍了企业在税务筹划中所应遵循的基本原则、基本方法 ,对企业在进行投资、筹资、运营等经济活动中减少税收成本、实现收益最大化具有指导性意

3.The two relations must be dwelt with well in controlling ourtax cost,the relation of administering tax by law and controllingtax cost,the relation of cost of levying cost and cost of paying tax,and short-term cost and long-term cost.当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系。


