1200字范文 > 征税公平 equitable taxation英语短句 例句大全

征税公平 equitable taxation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 21:20:47


征税公平 equitable taxation英语短句 例句大全

征税公平,equitable taxation

1)equitable taxation征税公平

2)the fairness of collection and management in taxation税收征管公平

3)fairness in taxes征税中的公平合理

4)average taxation平均征税

5)taxation fairness税收公平

1.The principles that show the constitutional essence of taxation law rules are the ones oftaxation fairness and lawful determination of taxation.宪政意义上税收的价值取向是捐税正义,能够体现捐税正义宪政精神的税法原则是税收公平原则和税收法定原则。


1.Pretax Deduction in Individual Income Tax and Tax Equity;个人所得税税前扣除与税收公平原则

2.From Tax Legalism to Tax Equality:Change of Principles of Tax Law;从税收法定到税收公平:税法原则的演变

3.Viewing Our Country s Rural Tax Reform From the Way of the Fair Tax Principle;从税收公平原则看我国农村税费改革

4.A Perspective of Fair Principle in Tax Revenue from New Value-adding Tax System in Effect;从新增值税制的运行看税收公平原则

5.On the Fair Principle of Taxation and Its Realization in the Value-added Tax Law of China;论税收公平原则及其在我国增值税法中的实现

6.On Tax Principles of Fairness and the Perfection of China s Personal Income Tax Law;论税收公平原则与我国个人所得税法的完善

7.Revenue Fairness Principle and Income Taxation in Small and Middle Enterprises in Taizhou;税收公平与台州市中小企业所得税征管

8.On the Realization of the Just Taxation Principle in the Corporate Income Tax Law of China;论我国企业所得税法税收公平原则之实现

9.Building Personal Income Tax System in Fair Ethical Perspective;税收公平伦理视角下的个人所得税制建构

10.On the Design of the Individual Income Taxation in China from the Angle of the Taxation Fairness;从税收公平看我国的个人所得税制设计

11.To Perfect China Individual Tax Law from the Principle of Tax Equity;税收公平原则下的《个人所得税法》的完善

12.From the Principle of Tax Fairness on China"s Personal Income Tax Law从税收公平原则论我国个人所得税法的完善

13.Insist on Equity of Taxation Advancing Chinese Philanthropy;坚持税收公平原则 推进中国慈善事业

14.Supportingfutures companies development need optimize taxsystem.不合理的期货公司税制已经有失税收公平与效率的杠杆作用。

15.Enhancing Tax Administration on Transfer Pricing for a Fair Tax Environment;加强转让定价税收管理营造公平的税收环境

16.The Research on Positive Correlation between Revenue and Fair Distribution of Income;税收与收入公平分配的正相关性探析

17.Discussion on limitations of taxation in current fair income distribution;税收在当前收入公平分配中的局限性

18.Taxation:the important tool of realizing equitable income-distribution;税收:实现收入公平分配的重要工具


the fairness of collection and management in taxation税收征管公平

3)fairness in taxes征税中的公平合理

4)average taxation平均征税

5)taxation fairness税收公平

1.The principles that show the constitutional essence of taxation law rules are the ones oftaxation fairness and lawful determination of taxation.宪政意义上税收的价值取向是捐税正义,能够体现捐税正义宪政精神的税法原则是税收公平原则和税收法定原则。

6)Fair tax burden公平税负

1.Due to the running personal income tax is implemented as itemized collection,itemized deduction and itemized certainty tax rate,it is really hard to reflect the principle of the fair tax burden: No scientific way of collection and low level of the administration make it hard to develop the macroeconomic coordination of the Personal Income Tax.现行的个人所得税实行分项征收 ,分项扣除 ,分项确定税率 ,很难体现公平税负的原则 ;计征方法不科学 ,征管水平落后 ,很难发挥个人所得税的宏观调控功能。

2.Realizing the fair tax burden is not only beneficial to promoting our opening to the foreign countries but also beneficial to strengthening the effective management during collecting tax and preventing the loss of the national taxation.实现公平税负 ,不仅有利于促进中国的对外开放 ,实现企业之间的公平竞争 ,还有利于加强税款征收中的有效监管 ,防止国家税款流失。


征税1.征收的赋税。 2.征收赋税。
