1200字范文 > 文学启蒙 literary enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

文学启蒙 literary enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-23 11:56:28


文学启蒙 literary enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

文学启蒙,literary enlightenment

1)literary enlightenment文学启蒙

1.There has been a missing gap in researching women’sliterary enlightenment education in Ming and Qing dynasties, so this essay discusses the implemental methods, aims, contents, and effects of women’sliterary enlightenment education in Ming and Qing dynasties.20世纪以来对明清时期女子文学启蒙教育一直缺乏专门而深入的研究。

2.For this reason, few researchers have paid due attention to the generation of modern literary current in China as they have neglected the fact that Chineseliterary enlightenment has rather great influence and restraint in the modern literary current.这种关注不够的主要原因,就是忽略了中国文学启蒙对于现代文学思潮生成的影响与制约。

2)Enlightenment literature启蒙文学

1.In the 20th century China, there are two-time vigorous growth about contemporary enlightenment literature: Revolutionary period of literature in " the May Fourth Movement", and new period in the 1980s.勃兴于20世纪的中国现当代启蒙文学有两次令人眩目的高潮:一次在“五四”文学革命时期,一次在80年代的新时期。


1.Study on the Construction and Structure of Enlightening Literature--From literary revolution to revolutionary literature;启蒙文学的建构与解构——从文学革命到革命文学

parison of the Early 20~(th) Century s Chinese, Japanese and Korean Enlightening Literature;20世纪初叶中、韩、日启蒙文学的比较

3.The Roaring of Lions: an Attempt in Contemporary Enlightenment Literature;《狮子吼》——近代启蒙文学的一次尝试

4.On the Qutset of China s Enlightenment Literary Trend at the Beginning of the 20~(th)Century;20世纪初中国启蒙文学思潮发生论

5.On the First Ideological Trend in Enlightenment Literature and the Novels During the Period of Late Qing and Early Republic第一次启蒙文学思潮与清末民初小说

6.On the Enlightening Thought of Wang Yangming and Its Ties with the Enlightening Literature of May Fourth Movement;谈王阳明的启蒙思想——兼及与“五四”启蒙文学的联系

7.On the deep cultural logic of trends of thought in modern Chinese enlightening literature;论中国现代启蒙文学思潮的深层文化逻辑

8.Enlightenment Literary Deconstruction of Popular Culture from 20th Century Since the 80"s20世纪80年代以来大众文化对启蒙文学的消解

9.The cultural resources of the literary utilitarianism of the May 4th enlightenment;五四“启蒙”文学功利性的传统文化资源

10.Three Kinds of Enlightenment Spirits in Modern Chinese Village Literature;论中国现代乡土文学的三种启蒙叙事

11.The Relationship between Modern Enlightenment Thoughts and the Literature of the Century;漫谈现代启蒙思潮与百年文学的关系

12.On Initiatory Education of Ancient Poems and the Characteristics of Chinese Subject;古代诗歌启蒙教育与语文学科的性质

13.An Enlightened Narrative of Literary Critique;文学评论的启蒙叙事——《摩罗诗力说》综论

14.The Thought About the Enlightenment :An Important Literary Subject of the War of Resistance Against Aggression;启蒙主义:中国抗战文学的重要话题

15.The Western Enlightenment Trend in the 18th Century Establish Three Types of Modern Literature启蒙主义与现代文学三种类型的发展

16.On the School of the Leftist Enlighteners against the Transformational Backdrop of China"s Modern Literary Ideological Trends论革命文学转型背景下的左翼启蒙派

17.The Puzzlement and Solution of Enlightenment--On the three problems of Chinese Enlightenment literature in 20th century;启蒙的困惑与出路——关于20世纪中国启蒙主义文学的三个问题

18.The Enlightenment and the Literature Reform--the Expressionism in the New-vernacular Literature Exploration;启蒙与文学的变革——新文学拓荒中的表现主义


Enlightenment literature启蒙文学

1.In the 20th century China, there are two-time vigorous growth about contemporary enlightenment literature: Revolutionary period of literature in " the May Fourth Movement", and new period in the 1980s.勃兴于20世纪的中国现当代启蒙文学有两次令人眩目的高潮:一次在“五四”文学革命时期,一次在80年代的新时期。

3)literature of the Enlightement启蒙的文学

4)the Literary outlook of enlightening utilitarianism启蒙功利文学观

5)literary conception of enlightenment启蒙文学观念

1.In the thirties of the 20th century,Lao She s writing took on dual characteristics of inclining to Literary Conception of the League of Leftist Writers and scrupulously abiding by theliterary conception of enlightenment.1930年代,老舍在文学创作上,呈现出向左翼功利性文学观念倾斜和对原有启蒙文学观念恪守的双重特点。

6)trends of thought in enlightening literature启蒙文学思潮

1.The theory that "salvation overwhelms enlightenment" is the internal reason for whichtrends of thought in enlightening literature are abandoned;Transference of social aesthetic trends and repression of war cultural norms on enlightenment directly result in decline of thetrends of thought in enlightening literature during Anti-Japanese War.我们认为,"救亡压倒启蒙"说是启蒙文学思潮在抗战时期被冷落的内在理据;抗战时期社会审美风尚的转移及战争文化规范对启蒙的压制,是造成启蒙文学思潮衰微的直接原因。


