1200字范文 > 宛转 tactful; roundabout英语短句 例句大全

宛转 tactful; roundabout英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-13 03:36:12


宛转 tactful; roundabout英语短句 例句大全

宛转,tactful; roundabout

1)tactful; roundabout宛转


1.The river winds around the fragrant islet where The blooming flowers in her light all look like snow.月照花林皆似霰 江流宛转绕芳甸

2.Close association like reciprocally twined:A mode of phrase combination and continuation in the parallel prose;宛转相承:骈文文句的一种接续方式

3.Discusses on the External Visual Angle of the Pragmatic Principles of Chinese Talking Structure Organization Once Again;离合错综,宛转伏应——汉语话语组织论之三

4.Interacted with the Inanimate,Intertwined with the Spirit--On Sympathy of the Inanimate in Literary Creation;随物宛转 与心徘徊——论文学创作中的“感物”

5.The Generative Mechanism of Poetry--Studies of Ancient Chinese Psychological Poetics;随物宛转 与心徘徊:诗的生成机制——中国古代心理诗学“感”论研究

6.On English-Chinese Euphemisms in Social Life;迂回宛转 曲径通幽——英汉社会生活委婉语的文化内涵

7.On the Serpent of Qi State Culture and Its Literature Connotation;从狞厉神秘到屈曲宛转——委蛇的齐文化特征及文学内涵

8.You won"t give in and admit you were wrong, so the only thing is for this old fellow to act as mediator and write her a nice, tactful letter.She"s sure to go along for my sake."你不肯受委屈认错,只有我老头子出面做和事老,给她封宛转的信,她准买我面子。”

9.At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east.山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。

10.The loch lay as still as a lake, only the gulls were crying round the sides of it, and the whole place seemed solemn and uncouth.海湾水波不兴,宛如一个湖泊,只有一些海鸥在海边上空旋转,啼叫,整个地区是一片肃静、荒凉。

11.Dawan Commentary Section of the Historical Records《史记 大宛列传》

12.of or relating to or characteristic of Lithuania or its people or language.属于或关于立陶宛的、立陶宛人的、立陶宛语言文化的,或有其特点的。

13.The Baltic language of the Lithuanians.立陶宛人的波罗的语

14.It bocomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.它变的如此渺小宛如一首诗,宛如一个永世的吻.

15.It was a double barrier he knocked down: a white man dancing like a black man, and a white man dancing almost like a woman, like a burlesque queen.他突破了双重藩篱:他是舞技宛如黑人的白人,而且是舞技宛如女人、宛如脱衣舞后的白种男人。

16.the capital and largest city of Lithuania; located in southeastern Lithuania.立陶宛共和国首都和最大城市;位于立陶宛共和国东南部。

17.as unperceptive as a boulder.无知无觉宛如一块大石头。

18.A gift untaught is a ship unguided.未经传授的天赋宛如无人引领的船舰。


To weep plausibly宛转娇啼


1.This paper is a case survey ofWanbang, a traditional local drama.本文是关于传统地方戏剧——宛梆的个案调查。


1.The Commentary on the Education of Self-government inWaxy in the Republican Period (1930-1943);民国宛西自治教育述评(1930—1943)


6)as it were宛如


