1200字范文 > 教育机智 pedagogical tact英语短句 例句大全

教育机智 pedagogical tact英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 11:44:32


教育机智 pedagogical tact英语短句 例句大全

教育机智,pedagogical tact

1)pedagogical tact教育机智

1.Max Van Manen believes thatpedagogical tact is a special virtue of education,which bases on teachers love to students,and it is the deeply attention to students given by teachers,and the aims ofpedagogical tact is to promote the formation of students unique individuality.范梅南认为教育机智是教育的一种特殊品质,教育机智是教师对学生的深切关注,以教师对学生的爱为基础,教育机智促进儿童独特个性的形成。

2.Thus, to be a teacher,pedagogical tact of certain levels is indispensable.教育机智是教师从事教育工作的一种重要的心理能力。


1.Teachers Instructive Resources and Teaching Designing;教师的教育机智与教学设计之关系探析

2.The Max Van Manen s Thought of Teaching Wit for the Elicitation of the Teacher Professional Development;范梅南的教育机智思想对教师专业发展的启发


4.Pedagogical Tact and Improvement of Teaching in Teachers Post-Service Education;教学机智的生成与教师职后教育的教学改进

5.Design of Educational and Intelligent Robot Based on ARM9基于ARM9的智能教育机器人设计

6.Characteristics and application of intelligenceof P.E. teachers in teaching;试论体育教师的机智在教学中的特征与运用

7.Physical education and intelligence development of mid-mental retarded students;智力障碍学生运动机能与智力发展的全脑体育教学探析

8.The Study of Intelligent Robot Education in School-oriented Curricula in Secondary School;中学智能机器人教育的校本课程建设研究

9.Artificial Intelligent Technology Applying to The Network Educations;人工智能技术在计算机网络教育中的应用

10.The Design and Development of Intelligent Robot for Education Image Resource Searching Engine Based on MAS Thread Pools教育图像资源搜索引擎智能机器人设计与实现

11.Several Considerations on the Organic Combination of "Educating People" and "Imparting Knowledge" in the College Education;关于高校教学中“育人”与“育智”有机结合的几点思考

12.The Research on Implementation of the Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction System in the Physical Education s Teaching and Training;智能计算机辅助教学系统在体育教学与训练的实现研究

13.On the Interrelations Between Physical Training and the Education of Morale-Intelligence;论体育教育与情绪智能教育的关联性

14.Programa de Educacion Sexual y Afectiva性教育和心智健康方案

15.EMR (educable mentally retarded)可教育的智力迟钝儿童

16.education and intelligent support system教育和智能支持系统

17.Wise teachings of the ancient sages.古训古代智者明智的教育

18.To Discuss the Training of the Two Non-intellective Factors-motivation and Volition in P.E. Teaching;试论体育教学中动机、意志两种非智力因素的培养


education tact教育机智

1.It is necessarily required that quality teachers increasingly tend to master the use of"education tact",which the teachers as a guide and participant in the teaching practice or teaching situations.教师作为整个教学实践或教学情境的参与及引导者,必然需要在教师素养日益趋向专业化的背景下去了解、掌握并进而运用一种"教育机智"。

3)Intelligent Robot Education智能机器人教育

1.The Study ofIntelligent Robot Education in School-oriented Curricula in Secondary School;中学智能机器人教育的校本课程建设研究

4)Wit in Teaching教育机智浅论

5)Intelligence Quotient Education智商教育

6)educational wisdom教育智慧

1.Theeducational wisdom is one quality of a teacher s good teaching behavior.教育智慧是教师良好的教学行为体现的一种品质,是教师具有的教育理念、教育意识、教学能力、教学艺术等方面的整合统一,是教师专业化的一种新境界,具有独特性、情感性、科学性、缄默性和艺术性的特征。

2.Teaching tact is ahabitual yardstick ofeducational wisdom in the judgment of classroom.教学机智是研究者判断课堂教学是否具有教育智慧的惯用尺度,由于教学机智从表面上并不是通过教育的科学性表现出来,因此,以教学机智来判断教育智慧容易导致对科学意义的教育智慧的遗忘,而这是有失偏颇的。

3.Therefore,it focuses on the importance of teacherseducational wisdom.校本课程开发自主开放、给教师赋权增能,扩展了教师专业发展的内容,凸显了教师的教育智慧的作用。


