1200字范文 > 艺术创作规律 the law of artistic creation英语短句 例句大全

艺术创作规律 the law of artistic creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-30 08:48:30


艺术创作规律 the law of artistic creation英语短句 例句大全

艺术创作规律,the law of artistic creation

1)the law of artistic creation艺术创作规律

1.Artistic creation is the intelligent work of the individual,the law of artistic creation is totally reflected by the characteristics of personality,Therefore,the identity of artistic creator should emboday the personal capacity,the pursuit of personality in artistic creation has essential distinction from the individualism in social life,while it has no contradiction to collectivism.艺术创作是个体心灵劳作,个人人格特性的表现是艺术创作规律的根本体现,因此,艺术创作者的身份应体现为个人身份。

2)creation rule创作规律


1.Making Creation Through Basic Rules: The Principle of Visual Identity Design;从“胸有成竹”到“胸无成竹”看VI设计的创作规律

2.The Research on the Composing Rules and Performing Techniques of Talking and Singing in Quyi;对曲艺中说与唱创作规律及演唱技巧的探讨

3.Talking about the Law of Creation from the Development of the Western Color of Landscape Painting;从西方风景画的色彩演变谈风景画的创作规律

4.A ritual can be created for just about any task.几乎任何工作都可以创造一套规律。

5.Grasping Network Transmission Rules Innovating Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities;把握网络传播规律,创新高校思想政治教育工作

6.Basic Principle on Creating Teaching and Learning Means of the Physical Education Skill Motion;体育技术动作教学方法创新的基本规律

7.Follow The Law And Work With Innovation--To Strengthen & Improve Ideological & Political Work In Enterprises;遵循规律 创新工作——加强和改进企业思想政治工作探析

8.Approach to Literary Creation s Complexity and Regularity --and an argumentation that writing courses should not be exclude literature;文学创作的复杂性及其规律探微——兼论应用写作课不应拒绝文学

9.The rule must follow the law of plastic arts if it needs to obey the art originality.透视法则要服从于艺术创作,必须遵从造型艺术的规律。

10.Creativeness has objective discipline as a thinking phenomenon.创新思维作为一种思维现象,其产生有客观的规律。

11.Personnel devoted to the suppression of drug and traffickers should be specialized.公安机关缉毒部门在工作中,应体现时代性、握规律性、有创造性。

12.The Work of Legal Popularization and Governance according to Law should be Creative, Grasping the Regularity, and Reflecting the Spirit of the Time普法依法治理工作要体现时代性 把握规律性 富于创造性

13.On the Regular Pattern of Psychological Factors in Calligraphic Creation;书为心学——论心理诸因素在书法创作中的活动规律

14.Talking about the Law That Design Art Creation Should be Followed According to Marx s Theory of "Nature s Personalization";从马克思的“自然的人化”的观点谈设计艺术创作中所应遵循的规律

15.On the Law of Growth of Creative Talents: Inspirations of Survey on the Authors of National Excellent Doctorial Dissertation;谈创造性拔尖人才成长规律——全国优秀博士学位论文作者调查启示

16.Law of Development of Ancient Chinese Style and the Correlation with Creation Perceiver;中国古代文体发展规律及其与创作主体之间关系浅探

17.The Harmony Study on the Creation of Science Film and Receivers’Cognitive Laws--Taking"DigitalAgriculture" for Example科普片的创作与受众认知规律的和谐性研究——以《数字化农业》为例

18.On Innovation Laws and Fostering Innovative Individuals;关于创新规律与创新人才培养的探讨


creation rule创作规律

3)artistic law艺术规律

1.The article discussed elaboratively and systematically the main idea of "stem from people,design for people",through analyzing the character of container mold-making,container classification,feature of container design andartistic law.通过对容器造型的分类、容器造型特点、设计要点和艺术规律4个方面的分析,较详细地论述了"以人为本,为人设计"的主题思想。

2.This is a laborious process with fully creating power,in this process just reflect writers artistic talent and particular hold ofartistic laws.这是一个既充满创造力而又艰苦的劳动过程,但恰恰是在这个过程中,体现出写作者的艺术才华和对艺术规律的独特把握。

4)artistic rule艺术规律

5)artistic creation艺术创作

1.The enlightenment and significance of Zhao MengFu s theory of paintings antique style to presentartistic creation;赵孟頫“古意”说对现今艺术创作的启示与意义

2.By relating to the making of Leptin,this paper analyzes the following issues concerning the application of multimedia technology inartistic creation of video teaching material: natural image,key teaching points,difficulty processing and organic combination of sound effects with typical pictures.在应用多媒体技术进行视听教材的艺术创作中,结合《瘦素》的制作对视听教材中的自然形象、教学中的重点、难点的处理以及音响效果与典型画面的有机结合等问题进行了探讨。


1.This paper makes a comprehensive comparison of Mark Twain s three children s novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in terms of theircreation time, contents, themes and characters, and it points out that during this period there were great changes in Mark Twain screation and ideology.对美国作家马克·吐温的三部儿童小说《汤姆·索耶历险记》、《王子与贫儿》、《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的创作时间、内容、主题和人物等方面进行了全面的比较 ,指出了这一时期马克·吐温在艺术创作和思想上的重大变化 :一方面 ,他在艺术创作上完全成熟 ;另一方面 ,他在思想上由热爱生活、乐观向上转而变得愤世嫉俗。


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
