1200字范文 > 创建措施 Foundation of measures英语短句 例句大全

创建措施 Foundation of measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-25 12:43:58


创建措施 Foundation of measures英语短句 例句大全

创建措施,Foundation of measures

1)Foundation of measures创建措施

2)Measures of Excellence创优措施

3)innovative measure创新措施

1.Analysis on Innovative Measures and Achievements for Safety Engineering Speciality Construction;安全工程专业建设创新措施及成果分析


1.Probe into Teaching Innovating Measures of Advertisement Designing and Making in Vocational Colleg;高职广告设计与制作专业教学创新措施探讨

2.Adopt Effective Measures to Improve Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities;采取得力措施 搞好科技创新设计活动

3.The Background and Measurements of Constructing Innovative Higher Learning Institutions in Russia;俄罗斯建设创新型高校的背景与措施

4.The researches and measures for training tourism management talent in university;高校旅游管理创新人才培养措施探究

5.Institutional Innovation:Key to Increasing Farmers Income;创新制度:增加农民收入的根本措施

6.Reasons Analysis and Measures of the Innovations in Ideological Work;思想政治工作创新的原因分析及措施

7.The Corresponding Measures of Speeding up Our Financial Innovation;加快我国银行业金融创新的应对措施

8.On Cause and Concrete Measures of Developing Adult Education in Blazing New Trails;成人创新教育的发展动因和实施举措

9.Measures to Cultivate Students’Innovative Consciousness in Chemistry Teaching化学教学中培养学生创新意识的措施

10.The Change of Concept and Implementation Measures about Innovative Education in Engineering Colleges;工科院校创新教育的观念转变与实施措施

11.The Innovation and Implementation Measures of Knowledge Aids System of Library图书馆知识援助制度的创新及实施措施

12.The Measures of Applying Technological Innovation to the Construction of the Nation in Japan日本实施科技创新立国发展战略的措施

13.Research on the Innovations of China Forestry Subsidy Policies Based on WTO "Green Box Policies";利用WTO“绿箱”措施创新中国林业补贴政策研究

14.Measures of Management and Control on the Risk of Technic Innovation of Enterprise;论企业技术创新中的风险管理和防范措施

15.Problem and Management Measures on the Innovation and Development of China s Iron and Steel Industry;我国钢铁产业创新与发展的问题及管理措施

16.The two Dimensional Risk Characteristic of the Enterprise Technique Innovation and Prevention Measure;企业技术创新的二维风险特性及其防范措施

17.New Strategies in EU Policies and Measures to Promote Women in Science and Technology;欧盟促进女性参与科技创新的政策与措施述评

18.Solutions to Independent Innovation Fund Bottleneck of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises;中小企业自主创新资金瓶颈的解决措施


Measures of Excellence创优措施

3)innovative measure创新措施

1.Analysis on Innovative Measures and Achievements for Safety Engineering Speciality Construction;安全工程专业建设创新措施及成果分析

4)measures and suggestions措施建议

1.Themeasures and suggestions for perfecting personal housing loan insurance;完善个人住房贷款保险的措施建议

5)construction measure建设措施

1.The differentconstruction measures of social economy development ane ecological environment will be taken in each areas.根据对西安市临潼区自然状况与社会经济状况分析,在充分了解区域生态环境特征、地区差异及存在的主要生态问题的基础上,结合社会经济发展有利条件、制约因素,将该区划分为四个经济分区,对不同类型区域采取不同的社会经济发展和生态环境建设措施。

6)Construction measures建设措施

1.Through the analysis on the Eco-environment Situation in the area around the lake Qinghai,Construction measures were suggested including revising crop land into pasture and forests destocking comprehensive methods for desert control and high efficient livestock developmen通过对青海湖区生态环境现状分析 ,针对性提出退耕还林还草、减少牲畜数量、综合防治沙漠化及建立高效畜牧业等生态建设措


创建1.亦作"剙建"。 2.建造;建立。
