1200字范文 > 寺观壁画 monastery murals英语短句 例句大全

寺观壁画 monastery murals英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-01 18:49:42


寺观壁画 monastery murals英语短句 例句大全

寺观壁画,monastery murals

1)monastery murals寺观壁画

1.Datong Huayanmonastery murals have always been considered Qing dynasty works by historians.本文试图通过对上华严寺壁画的实地考察,就其内容题材、构图、布局、人物形象、色彩、线条、绘制方法,以及东壁两次间经橱后原有壁画进行分析研究,并将其与辽至清各代寺观壁画的基本特点进行比较,以及与华严寺周边地区的寺观壁画,包括应县佛宫寺释迦塔辽金壁画、灵丘觉山寺舍利塔辽代壁画、朔州崇福寺弥陀殿金代壁画、繁峙岩山寺金代壁画、阳高云林寺明代壁画的壁画特点进行了比较研究,推断华严寺壁画初绘年代应在金代建殿之时,清代为后期重绘。


1.A Study of Conservation Treatment Method of Chinese Mural Painting at Traditional Temple;关于中韩传统寺观壁画的壁画保存处理方向的研究

2.Pilu Temple Mural Painting and Della Segnatura Mural Painting Comparison毗卢寺壁画与拉斐尔“签署厅”壁画之比较

3.On the Time Features of the Murals Images in the Great Hall of Shanhuasi Temple;论善化寺大雄宝殿壁画图像的时代性

4.An archeological study of the frescos in Pilu temple as Hebei culture;燕赵文化的典范——毗卢寺壁画考证

5.The Research of Shanhua Temple Main Hall Map 《Mituo Meeting》善化寺大雄宝殿《弥陀法会图》壁画研究

6.On the Modeling Style of "Angels with Wings" Fresco in Buddhist Temples of Miran米兰佛寺“有翼天使”壁画造型风格考

7.Inspired by him, Wu drew an extempore mural on the wall of the Tiangong Temple.吴道子很受启发,即兴在天宫寺墙壁上画了一幅壁画,

8.The Murals of Big Buddhist Temple in Zhangye:The Derivatives of Journey to the West张掖大佛寺取经壁画应是《西游记》的衍生物

9.Some Notes on the Mural Paintings in the Veranda of the Meeting Hall at the Shalu Temple in Tibet西藏夏鲁寺集会大殿回廊壁画内容研究

10.A Study of the Color and Plastic Arts of Murals in Bingling Temple and Maiji Mountain Grottoes;炳灵寺和麦积山石窟壁画色彩与造型艺术研究

11.On the Artistic Language and Cultural Exploration of the Wall Paintings in Yao Palace of Qinglong Temple;青龙寺腰殿壁画的艺术语言及相关文化探索

12.A Search For Mechanical Principle on The Mural of "An Picture of Water-powered Trip-hammer Workshop" of Yan Shan Temple of Fan Si;繁峙岩山寺壁画《水碓磨坊图》及其机械原理初探

13.The Identification of the Contents and an Analysis of the Style of the Jataka Murals in the Ambulatory of Qutan Temple;瞿昙寺回廊佛传壁画内容辨识与风格分析

14.Buddha temple frescoes found in Xinjiang Dandanulike site;新疆丹丹乌里克遗址新发现的佛寺壁画

15.The Skill of Polishing a Painting with Water in the Murals of the Eighteen Arhats in the Temple of Universal Peace of Chengde;承德普宁寺十八罗汉壁画晕染手法浅论

16.The Research of Murals and Several Related Subjects of Fahai Temple in Beijing北京法海寺壁画及其相关的几个问题研究

17.when he went to the Longxing Temple to paint, the temple was packed with people.在龙兴寺作画的时候,观者水泄不通。

18.according to records, he painted over 300 murals and more than 100 scrolls.据说寺廊壁画有三百余堵,有记录的卷轴画有一百多件。


Yuɑndɑi siguɑn bihuɑ元代寺观壁画

3)mural painting of Buddhist temple佛寺壁画

1.Buddhism was in full bloom within the period of the Tang Dynasty,meanwhile, themural painting of Buddhist temple was prosperous,including other cultural studies pertinent to Buddhism.佛教的兴盛也带动了与佛教相关的各类文化艺术的发展,佛寺壁画就是这些艺术之一。

4)frescos in Pilu temple毗卢寺壁画

1.An archeological study of thefrescos in Pilu temple as Hebei culture;燕赵文化的典范——毗卢寺壁画考证

5)the Yong An Temple Murals永安寺壁画

1.Part Three investigates into the dates ofthe Yong An Temple Murals by studying their patrons and patterns , reaching the conclusion thatthe Yong An Temple Murals were painted during the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.第三部分通过供养人和纹样两个角度对永安寺壁画的绘制年代问题进行了考证,得出了永安寺壁画绘制于清乾隆年间的结论。

6)the murals of Fahai Temple法海寺壁画


