1200字范文 > 壁画题材 Mural themes英语短句 例句大全

壁画题材 Mural themes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-01 18:41:20


壁画题材 Mural themes英语短句 例句大全

壁画题材,Mural themes

1)Mural themes壁画题材

2)mural inscriptions壁画榜题

3)mural material壁画材质

4)painterly matters绘画题材

1.This article narrates patriotism of her paintings which rooted in her essentiality and her revolutionary thought through two points that one is her painterly activities and the other ispainterly matters.本文从其绘画活动和三大绘画题材入手分析贯之于其中的爱国情怀,这种情怀是她独特的本性,亦是其坚定的革命思想使然,这也足以表明何香凝在中国近现代绘画史上的大师级地位。


1.The Influence of Shanghai"s Style of Painting on the Development of Traditional Subjects and Aesthetic Standard论海派绘画对传统绘画题材与审美观的发展

2.A Study of Chinese "Elegant Assembly Paintings" That the Spread of the Joseon Era“雅集”绘画题材在李氏朝鲜的流布研究

3.Leaders and the Mass-the Image Transformation of a Type of Painting Subject under the Influence of Literary and Artistic Policies in China;“领袖与群众”——新中国文艺政策影响下的一种绘画题材的图像转换

4.However, he is related to traditional literati painting in terms of friends he made, subjects, style and technique of painting.但他又自觉不自觉地在交友、绘画题材、风格和技法资源等方面 ,与传统文人画发生着关联。

5.On the Evolution of the Contents and Meaningof a Traditional Motif in Pictorial Art:A Case Study of the Horses and Carriage Depicted inThree Mural Tombs of Liao Dynasty at Xuanhua;绘画题材中意义和内涵的演变——以宣化辽墓壁画中的车马出行图为例

6.An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.以神话、历史或圣经为题材的传统绘画。

7.Square in Western Figure Paintings;规矩天地——西方人物题材绘画里的方形元素

8.Applications Of Oriental Signals in Lin Feng-mian’s Traditional Opera Paintings;论林风眠戏曲题材绘画中东方符号运用的流变

9.Painting Historical Themes of Mass Values Presented历史题材绘画中的群体性价值观念呈现

10.Tempera Painting and Modern Painting Materials;丹配拉绘画与现代绘画材料研究综述

11.The Romantic Pictures of a Drunken Poet--the Study of Iconology about Antiquity Portrait of Tao Yuanming醉酒诗人的传奇绘画——古代陶渊明题材画像的图像学研究

12.Transmission and Versatility of Traditional Painting Materials in a Modern Painting;西方传统绘画材料在现代绘画中的传承与变通

13.There are then a small number of trees which are more constantly painted in paintings and sung about in poems.所以,世间有少数的树木比较常常成为绘画和诗歌的题材。

14.The Significance of Minority People-Based Paintings in the Fine Arts Teaching of Universities for Nationalities;少数民族题材绘画在我国民族院校美术教育中的意义

15.The Creation and Criticism of Painting about the Peasants:A Case study of the Invitational Exhibition “Peasants·Peasants”;农民题材绘画的创作与批评——以“农民·农民”藏品暨邀请展为例

16.Material and Impressionist School材质的光色影像:媒材与印象派绘画

parison between Primitive Rock Art Materials and Modern Rock Painting Materials原始涂绘岩画材料与现代岩彩画材料之比较

18.most pictures depict things of the natural world, such as landscape, flowers and birds.画家描绘的题材也基本上以自然景物为主。于是,山水、花鸟画发展很快,


mural inscriptions壁画榜题

3)mural material壁画材质

4)painterly matters绘画题材

1.This article narrates patriotism of her paintings which rooted in her essentiality and her revolutionary thought through two points that one is her painterly activities and the other ispainterly matters.本文从其绘画活动和三大绘画题材入手分析贯之于其中的爱国情怀,这种情怀是她独特的本性,亦是其坚定的革命思想使然,这也足以表明何香凝在中国近现代绘画史上的大师级地位。

5)Themes of New-Year Picture年画题材

6)Oil painting theme油画题材


辽庆陵壁画辽庆陵壁画 陵址位于内蒙古自治区巴林右旗索博力嘎(白塔子)北约十余公里的大兴安岭中,包括永庆陵、永兴陵、永福陵,通称为东陵、中陵和西陵。现仅东陵保存了摹本和照片资料。墓内砖砌仿木结构细部及墓壁上方,用工笔彩绘龙凤、花鸟、祥云、宝珠以及网格状图案,是已发现的辽墓彩画中等级最高的。在墓道、前室及其东西侧室、中室和各甬道壁面上,彩绘与真人等高的人物70余个。墓道两壁为15个执骨朵的仪卫和1匹备有鞍辔的马。前室南甬道与中室南甬道绘有同样的仪卫。前室前半部分两壁各绘6人乐队。其余40个人物,大部是男像,多数髡发,均拱手或叉手侍立。仅有两幅并立的女像。人像上方都墨书契丹小字榜题。中室四壁绘春、夏、秋、冬四季山水,表示辽皇室四时捺钵的所在,这是辽陵中所特有的壁画。
