1200字范文 > 肌纤维直径 muscle fiber diameter英语短句 例句大全

肌纤维直径 muscle fiber diameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-01 20:09:13


肌纤维直径 muscle fiber diameter英语短句 例句大全

肌纤维直径,muscle fiber diameter

1)muscle fiber diameter肌纤维直径

1.With the method of freeze section and the TIGER Cell Image Analyzer,the chestmuscle fiber diameters and densities which came from five broiler breeds were measured.采用冰冻切片法、借助TIGER细胞图像分析仪对南海麻黄鸡、江西鸡、黄鸡M系、黄鸡N系、黄鸡K系的胸部肌肉的肌纤维直径和肌纤维密度进行了测定。

pared with D×J, F×J and J×J hybrids, the average daily gain, feed conversion efficiency, ratio of carcass to ham, lean meat percentage andmuscle fiber diameter was superior, the average back fat depth, bones and skin percentage and fat percentage was lower, the crude fat percentage is fit.试验结果表明 :杜枫姜猪与杜姜猪、枫姜猪、姜曲海猪相比 ,平均日增重、饲料转化率、后腿比例和胴体瘦肉率均有所提高 ,而胴体平均背膘厚、骨皮比例和脂肪比例均有所下降 ,肌纤维直径变粗 ,肌内脂肪含量适宜 ,具备了新品系选育的种质条


1.The Correlative Analysis between Blood Biochemical Indicators and Inter-muscular Fat and Muscle Fiber Diameter on Hainan Black Goat海南黑山羊血液生化指标与其肌间脂肪含量及肌纤维直径的相关分析

2.Textile glass-Continuous filament yarns and staple fibre yarns-Determination of average diameter of fibreGB/T7690.5-1989纺织玻璃纤维连续纤维和定长纤维纱平均直径的测定

3.Fiber length to rotor diameter not near to unity.纤维长度与纺杯直径不一致(协调)。

4.Feasibility Study of the OFDA for Measuring Fiber Diameter of Angora Rabbits光学纤维直径分析仪测定兔毛纤维细度可行性研究

5.Test method for diameter and equivalent diameter of carbon fiber by microscopyGB/T3364-1982碳纤维直径和当量直径检验方法(显微镜法)

6.Test method for the average diameter of fibers constituting mineral wool and its productsGB/T5480.4-1985矿物棉及其制品纤维平均直径试验方法

7.The fibre diameter increases with increasing fluidity of the molten oxide.熔融氧化物的流化度增大,纤维直径增大。

plete adjustment method for arch dam analysis based on the straight radial fibre assumption基于径向纤维直线假定的拱坝分析全调整法

9.Effect of Electrospinning Process Parameters on the Diameter of PA6/Ag Nanofiber静电纺工艺参数对含银PA6纳米纤维直径的影响

10.Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite with Different PVA FibersPVA纤维直径对水泥基复合材料抗拉性能的影响

11.Effect of Fiber Linear Density and Its Irregularity on Yarn Unevenness纤维线密度及直径不匀率对成纱条干的影响

12.Diameter distribution and antistatic property of PA6/Ag nanofiber含银PA6纳米纤维的直径分布及其抗静电性能

13.Influence of Fiber Diameter on Liquid Diffusion within Nonwoven Structures纤维直径对液体在非织造结构中扩散的影响

14.Museum spindle is find within the belly muscles and run in parallel with the main muscle fiber腹肌里有肌梭,它们与主要肌纤维平行

15.Muscle spindle is found within the belly muscles and run in parallel with the main muscle fiber.腹肌里有肌梭,它们与主要肌纤维平行。

16.Study on the Changes of Ultrastructure and Fibronectin in the Resected Medial Rectus Muscles in Patients with Concomitant Exotropia;共同性外斜视内直肌超微结构及纤维连接蛋白变化研究

17.A fibroma or myoma occurring especially in the uterine wall.纤维瘤纤维瘤或肌瘤,尤形成于子宫壁

18.of or relating to sarcolemma.属于或关于肌纤维膜。


Diameter of muscle fiber肌纤维直径

1.The review summarized the relationship of meat quality and diameter of muscle fiber, density of muscle fiber, the percent of muscle fiber, the percent of connective tissue, the percent of fat tissue in muscle, sarcomere length and so on.本文综述了骨骼肌肌纤维直径、肌纤维密度、肌纤维面积比例、结缔组织面积比例、脂肪组织面积比例以及肌节长度等组织学特性与肉品品质的关

3)muscle fiber diameter measurement肌纤维直径法

4)fiber diameter纤维直径

1.Study on measurement offiber diameters in tropical meltblown webs;薄型熔喷纤网纤维直径测试方法探讨

2.Effect of broken fiber and technological process on spunbonded PPfiber diameter;断裂纤维及工艺对纺粘法PP纤维直径的影响

3.150 wool samples including 3 types of fineness(≤18 μm,18~20 μm and ≥20 μm) were taken,and the variations offiber diameter along and within staple were studied.结果表明,不同细度类型羊毛沿毛丛方向纤维直径有相似的变异规律且与饲草料资源的季节性变化吻合,但细度18μm以下羊毛纤维直径变异最小(P<0。


1.Thediameters of fibers electrospun under different process conditions are obtained by computing the dynamic variations of the thickness of the polymer jet.实验结果表明,当接收距离在14~40 cm范围内,纤维直径随接收距离的增加有逐渐变细的趋势。

6)fibre diameter纤维直径


肌纤维肌纤维muscle fiber即“肌细胞”。因肌细胞呈纤维状故又称肌纤维。肌细胞的结构特点是细胞内含有大量的肌丝、具有收缩运动的特性,是躯体和四肢运动和体内消化、呼吸、循环、排泄等生理活动的动力来源。肌细胞内的基质称“肌浆”,肌细胞的内质网称肌浆网,肌细胞的细胞膜称“肌膜”。肌纤维之间有少量结缔组织、血管、淋巴管及神经。
