1200字范文 > 慢肌纤维百分比 Slow muscle fiber percentage英语短句 例句大全

慢肌纤维百分比 Slow muscle fiber percentage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 20:04:52


慢肌纤维百分比 Slow muscle fiber percentage英语短句 例句大全

慢肌纤维百分比,Slow muscle fiber percentage

1)Slow muscle fiber percentage慢肌纤维百分比

2)slow muscle fiber慢肌纤维

1.The present study was conducted to investigate the expressions of fast muscle fiber andslow muscle fiber by using immunohistochemistry technology.取3头本地大白猪4个不同部位的肌肉组织,运用免疫组化方法,测定快肌纤维和慢肌纤维的表达情况。

3)fibers percentage肌纤维比例

4)strength deficit p肌力缺失百分比

1.extension muscle ratio andstrength deficit percentage,in order to know the development of muscle strength and make advices on middle school students muscle strength trainingMethods:Used B IODEX SYSTEM 3 isokinetic testing system to collect absolute peak torques of six joints\"flexion and extension.本研究通过实验研究,意在对握力、背力以及腿肌力反应全身力量素质的有效性进行比较,找出更好的力量监测指标;并且对关节等速向心测试的绝对峰力矩以及关节的屈伸比和肌力缺失百分比进行比较分析,了解中学生肌肉力量的发展及不同关节力量平衡情况,为以后类似的研究及对中学生的锻炼和健身提供参考。

5)muscle fible type肌纤维分型


1.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法

2.The Quantitative Study on Muscular Fiber Type in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy假肥大型进行性肌营养不良症肌纤维分型的定量研究

3.A Comparative Study on Two Kinds of Animal Models of Disuse Muscle Atrophy and Several Classification Methods of Muscle Fibres;两种废用性肌萎缩动物模型与几种肌纤维分型方法的比较研究

4.Study on the distribution of fiber type composition of the supraspinaus and infraspinatus muscles in human人冈上肌和冈下肌的肌纤维型分布研究

5.Modified Method of Metachromatic Dye-ATPase for Identification of Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types;区分肌纤维类型的异染ATPase法改良研究

6.Objective: To observe the distr ibution of fiber types of the musculus semispinalis capitis in rats, rabbits and humans.目的:研究大鼠、兔和人头半棘肌的肌纤维型分布。

7.Molecular Mechanism of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Growth and Myofiber Type Distribution;猪骨骼肌生长及肌纤维类型分布的分子机理研究

8.Purification and Characterization of Myofibril-bound Proteinases from the Muscle of Basketshell Nassarius Siquinjorensis;织纹螺肌肉中肌原纤维结合型蛋白酶的分离纯化和性质分析

9.The Correlation between Apoptosis of Rats Gastrocnemiuses Induced by Exercise Training and the Percentage of Different Muscle Fiber;运动诱导的大鼠腓肠肌细胞凋亡与肌纤维类型百分构成的研究

10.The Two Forms of Glycogenolysis in the Contracting of Different Types of Skeletal Muscles;骨骼肌不同类型肌纤维在收缩中两种形式糖原的分解状况

11.Study on the Role of FoxO1 on Myoblast Proliferation and Differentiation and the Transformation of Muscle Fiber Type in PorcineFoxO1在猪成肌细胞增殖分化及肌纤维类型转化中的作用及机理研究

12.The appearance and idstribution of ɑ-motor neuron of muscle fiber Ⅰ and Ⅱ type骨骼肌两型肌纤维的α运动神经元的形态和分布

13.matrix-fibril bicomponent fibre基质-原纤型双组分纤维

14.Quantitative analysis of collagen fiber in pulmonary veins and atria in dog models with rapid atrial fibrillation犬快速心房起搏房颤模型肺静脉及心房组织心肌纤维化定量分析

15.Effects of Exercise on Myosin and Convertion of Muscle Fiber Types;运动训练对肌球蛋白重链及肌纤维转型的影响

16.Result:There was less muscle fiber in loose order and more matrix in extraoclular muscles in strabismus.结果 :光镜下可见肌纤维排列疏松 ,肌纤维数量较少 ,间质成分多。

17.Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber.肌原纤维一种线状的纤维,它组成了有条纹肌肉的可收缩部分

18.eccentric sheath-core bicomponent fibre偏心皮芯型双组分纤维


slow muscle fiber慢肌纤维

1.The present study was conducted to investigate the expressions of fast muscle fiber andslow muscle fiber by using immunohistochemistry technology.取3头本地大白猪4个不同部位的肌肉组织,运用免疫组化方法,测定快肌纤维和慢肌纤维的表达情况。

3)fibers percentage肌纤维比例

4)strength deficit p肌力缺失百分比

1.extension muscle ratio andstrength deficit percentage,in order to know the development of muscle strength and make advices on middle school students muscle strength trainingMethods:Used B IODEX SYSTEM 3 isokinetic testing system to collect absolute peak torques of six joints\"flexion and extension.本研究通过实验研究,意在对握力、背力以及腿肌力反应全身力量素质的有效性进行比较,找出更好的力量监测指标;并且对关节等速向心测试的绝对峰力矩以及关节的屈伸比和肌力缺失百分比进行比较分析,了解中学生肌肉力量的发展及不同关节力量平衡情况,为以后类似的研究及对中学生的锻炼和健身提供参考。

5)muscle fible type肌纤维分型

6)fiber"s cross section of type Ⅰ慢肌纤维横断面积


肌纤维肌纤维muscle fiber即“肌细胞”。因肌细胞呈纤维状故又称肌纤维。肌细胞的结构特点是细胞内含有大量的肌丝、具有收缩运动的特性,是躯体和四肢运动和体内消化、呼吸、循环、排泄等生理活动的动力来源。肌细胞内的基质称“肌浆”,肌细胞的内质网称肌浆网,肌细胞的细胞膜称“肌膜”。肌纤维之间有少量结缔组织、血管、淋巴管及神经。
