1200字范文 > 愤怒情感隐喻 anger emotion metaphor英语短句 例句大全

愤怒情感隐喻 anger emotion metaphor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-23 18:05:49


愤怒情感隐喻 anger emotion metaphor英语短句 例句大全

"愤怒"情感隐喻,"anger" emotion metaphor

1)"anger" emotion metaphor"愤怒"情感隐喻

2)angry affects of sanctions制裁愤怒情感

3)emotion metaphor情感隐喻

1.The result is that many similarities inemotion metaphors behind metaphorical expressions can be found at th.本文在现代认知隐喻理论的框架下基于一定的语料对英汉两种语言中5种基本情感隐喻——爱情、快乐、伤悲、愤怒和恐惧进行了对比研究,结果发现英汉两种语言情感隐喻表达式背后的概念隐喻在类指层面上存在许多相同之处;在特指层面上存在文化上的差异。

2.Like the conventional interpretation ofemotion metaphors,schemas of force dynamics reveal the mutual mappings between the source domain and the targ.情感隐喻就是这两种力相互影响与映射的结果。


1.Emotional Metaphor and Metonymy in Chinese Characters with the Radical of "Heart";以“心”为部首汉字的情感隐喻及转喻

2.Metaphor, Context and Culture;隐喻·语境·文化——兼论情感隐喻:人比黄花瘦

3.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Negative Emotion Metaphors from the Theoretical Perspective of Conceptual Metaphor概念隐喻视角的英汉消极情感隐喻比较研究

4.A Contrastive Study on Metaphorical Expressions of Basic Emotions between English and Chinese;英汉基本情感隐喻表达式的对比研究

5.A Study of "Anger" as an Emotion Metaphor in the Perspective of Experiential Philosophy;“愤怒”情感隐喻视阈中的体验哲学管窥

6.A Cognitive Approach to Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese从认知角度看英语和汉语的情感隐喻

7.A Comparative Study of Metaphorical Cognition of the Emotion of Anxiety between Chinese and English英汉“焦虑”情感隐喻认知对比分析

8.On Materialized Mapping System of Anger Metaphor in English and Chinese英汉“愤怒”情感隐喻的物质化映射系统

9.On Chinese Translation of the Vehicles in English Emotion Metaphor--Based on the Equivalence Theories of Nida and Bassnett论英语情感隐喻喻体表达的汉译——基于奈达与巴斯奈特的对等理论

10.Creation of Metaphors about Actions and Emotions: Psycholinguistic Evidence in Chinese Adults;中国成人动作VS情感隐喻产出能力对比研究

11.An Empirical Research on Chinese Preschoolers (3~5 Year-old) Metaphoric Comprehension of Basic Emotions;中国学龄前儿童(3~5岁)基本情感隐喻理解研究

12.The Application of Emotion Metaphor in Vocabulary Teaching of College English情感隐喻在大学英语词汇教学中的应用

13.A Brief Illustration of Experiential Philosophy in the Domain of Cross-language Research of "Anger" Emotion Metaphors英汉对比视野中“愤怒”情感隐喻的体验哲学刍议

14.Cognitive Realization of Emotion Concept in Metaphor and Metonymy情感范畴在隐喻和转喻中的认知体现

15.A Comparison of Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese Idioms;英汉语表达情感习语的隐喻认知对比

16.The Blending of Sense and Emotion--The Metaphorical Expression of Mobile Phone Metal Material;理智与情感的共融——手机金属材质的隐喻表达

17.Metaphorical Forms in Wu Meicun s Poetic Drama Mo Ling Chun;情感的双声重奏——论吴梅村《秣陵春》传奇的隐喻修辞

18.A Cognitive Approach to Love Metaphors in English and Chinese Love Songs;英汉情歌中爱情隐喻的认知对比分析


angry affects of sanctions制裁愤怒情感

3)emotion metaphor情感隐喻

1.The result is that many similarities inemotion metaphors behind metaphorical expressions can be found at th.本文在现代认知隐喻理论的框架下基于一定的语料对英汉两种语言中5种基本情感隐喻——爱情、快乐、伤悲、愤怒和恐惧进行了对比研究,结果发现英汉两种语言情感隐喻表达式背后的概念隐喻在类指层面上存在许多相同之处;在特指层面上存在文化上的差异。

2.Like the conventional interpretation ofemotion metaphors,schemas of force dynamics reveal the mutual mappings between the source domain and the targ.情感隐喻就是这两种力相互影响与映射的结果。

4)Emotional metaphor情感隐喻

1.Metaphorical cognition and interpretation of emotional metaphor;从隐喻式认知看情感隐喻

2.Drawing on the metaphor list provided by the metaphor Homepage sponsored by George Lakoff,the paper makes a comparative study of the conceptual mappings behind English and Chinese expressions of emotional metaphors.该文以Lakoff隐喻网站提供的隐喻列表为基础,建构出了情感隐喻的外部体验和内部体验映射系统。

3.Essentially emotional metaphor is a cognitive phenomenon,which employs dimensions or tangible materials to express abstract and complicated emotions.情感隐喻本质上是一种认知现象,借助于空间方位或有形的物体来表达抽象复杂的情感概念。

5)emotional metaphors情感隐喻

1.The great difference between Chinese and English culture will inevitably result in the difference ofemotional metaphors in both languages.人类共同的身体结构及生理特征,使得不同文化背景下的人们对情感隐喻有类似的表达;同时隐喻是以社会文化为基础的,中英文化的巨大差异又导致了其情感隐喻的不同。

2.A successful translation ofemotional metaphors requires that a linkage point be found through cognitive generality functions.情感隐喻是表达人类情感经验的思维方式和认知手段,也是英语语言的一个重要组成部分。

6)happy expression愤怒表情


