1200字范文 > 礼乐思想 theory of propriety and music英语短句 例句大全

礼乐思想 theory of propriety and music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-30 17:30:27


礼乐思想 theory of propriety and music英语短句 例句大全

礼乐思想,theory of propriety and music

1)theory of propriety and music礼乐思想

1.Confuciantheory of propriety and music in the Pre-Qin days was humanistic and humanitarian.先秦儒家的礼乐思想筑基于人性论、人道主义。


1.The Myths in Han Shi Wai Zhuan and the Confucian Thought of Courtesy and Music;《韩诗外传》的神话与儒家礼乐思想

2.A Study on Confucian Thoughts of Propriety and Music in the Perspective of Ritual;论仪式学视角下儒家礼乐思想的解读

3.On the Reasonableness and Limitations of the Virtue-and-Harmony-Centered Thought of Zhou Dunyi论周敦颐礼乐思想的合理性及其局限

4.On Value of Confucianist Thoughts of Rites and Melody in the Building of a Harmonious Society;儒家礼乐思想在构建和谐社会中的价值探讨

5.Harmony in Beauty and Good--Tsunzi s Thought of Relations between Ritual and Music;美善相乐——论荀子的礼乐关系思想

6.On literary and thoughts of centrality and harmony of “Musical Records” in the“Book of Rites”;论《礼记·乐记》的“中和”文艺思想

7.The Culture of Ceremonial Music-the Double Construction of System and Thought礼乐文化——制度与思想的双重建构

8.On the Confucian "Ritual Music Enlightenment" Thought and its Contemporary Value论儒家“礼乐教化”思想及其当代价值

9.Cultivated by Poetry,Established by Propriety and Accomplished by Music;兴于诗立于礼成于乐——孔子的诗教礼教乐教思想及其当代意义

10.Aesthetic Education Ideas of Earlier Period in China --Feudal ethical code and artistic guality education中国早期的美育思想——礼乐教化与艺术素质教育

11.Elegant Legitimism: the core of Tang Taizong s etiquette-music cultural view and literary thought;雅正:唐太宗礼乐文化观和文学思想的核心

12.On the Chinese Idea of the Legal System Based on the Comprehensive Administration of " Etiquette,Music,Criminal Laws and Politics";浅谈中国古代“礼乐刑政、综合为治”的法制思想

13.On the Thoughts of lntersubjectivity in the Studiesof Li and Yue of Coufucius and Xunzi;孔子和荀子礼乐学说中的交互主体性思想探析

14.The Significance of "Li and Yue Cultivation Aesthetic Education" in Ideological and Political Education论“礼乐教化”对当前思想政治教育的意义

15.The thoughts of using rites and music to educate people received plenty of explanation among works of later Confucian scholars.礼乐教化思想在后世儒家学说中得到了充分的表述。

16.The Origin of the Spirit of Li, Yue and Benevolence--On the Intersubjective Thought of Confucianism before Qin D ynasty;礼乐与仁爱精神的起源——先秦儒家的交互主体性思想论

17.Influence of yi-learning thoughts on the interpretation and practice of propriety in the Northern-Southern Periods;南北朝易学思想对礼学与礼制的影响

18.An Analysis of Wang Yangming"s Worshiping of Ritual Philosophy and His Idea of Practice on Rite王阳明崇礼理念与礼之践行思想探析


thinking of rite and music"礼乐"思维

3)Li culture礼制思想

4)propriety thought礼学思想

1.Xun Zi was excellent for hispropriety thought.尽管其历史观具有浓厚的唯心主义色彩,但是他继承并发展了孔子儒家以礼治国的思想,批判总结先秦诸子思想又多有融合,从人文和历史的高度挖掘礼仪制度的深层蕴涵,从社会、政治、人生、道德等纬度全面开拓礼仪制度的广泛外延,从而构筑了博大精深的儒家礼学思想体系,奠定了上古殷周文化模式向中古封建文化模式转型的理论基础。


6)etiquette theory礼仪思想

1.He founded an etiquette system centered round people and families and established the golden mean style of Chineseetiquette theory.孔子的礼仪思想 ,体系庞大 ,内容丰富 ,为我国礼仪思想趋向成熟并在世界上独树一帜奠定了重要的理论基础 ,经过取舍、改造和重构 ,已经转化为现代文明的精神要素 ,在社会主义新时代具有重要的借鉴意


