1200字范文 > 西方戏剧 western drama英语短句 例句大全

西方戏剧 western drama英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-27 05:42:55


西方戏剧 western drama英语短句 例句大全

西方戏剧,western drama

1)western drama西方戏剧

1.Identical Image,Different Culture——A Comparasion on Performance Mode of Ghost Between Chinese Opera and Western Drama;同类形象异样情——中国戏曲与西方戏剧中的鬼魂形象表现模式之比较

2.It is clear that he has experienced from criticizing Chinese Xiqu to praising it with reference to Western drama,which interestingly indicates the change of Chinese intellectuals attitude to traditional Chinese culture.齐如山研究戏曲是因为对西方戏剧的兴趣 ,经历了一个始于否定而终于肯定戏曲的过程。

3.Both Eastern and Western Dramas originated from the primitive sacrificial rites, with their common basis on primitive thoughts.东西方戏剧最初同出于原始祭祀仪式,它们的共同基础建立在原始思维之上。


1.The Greeks laid the foundation of theatre in the West.希腊戏剧为西方戏剧奠定了基

2.Imagination of Western Drama Classics in Today s China;西方戏剧经典的东方想象——我看近年来中国戏剧舞台上的西方戏剧

3.Hu Shi and Western Dramas (1910-1917);胡适与西方戏剧(1910—1917)

4.Western operas are partially like Beijing Opera.西方戏剧部分地和京剧相似,

5.Cultural Traditions of Ghost-or-Spirit Image in CHinese Traditional:Opera and Western Drama;中国戏曲与西方戏剧鬼魂形象的文化渊源

6.The catalyzing of western drama to the"modernization/of Chinese classical drama advancement;西方戏剧对中国古典戏曲“现代化”进程的催化

7.Moliere s Comedy Creation And The Turning Of Western Dramatic Narrative Model;莫里哀喜剧创作与西方戏剧叙事范型的转换

8."all characters in Chinese theater fall into rigid classifications, which is different from those in the West. "跟西方戏剧不同,中国传统戏剧中的脚色行当分类很严。

9.Analysis of the Differences on Origins, Patterns and Contents of Chinese and Western Dramas;浅谈中西方戏剧在起源、内涵与形式上的差异

10.On Construction and Deconstruction of "Three Unities" of Western Dramatic Poetics;论西方戏剧诗学“三一律”观的建构与解构

11.A Probe into the Foretelling and Delay in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty -In Comparison to Western Drama;元杂剧中的“预示”与“延宕”艺术管窥——兼与西方戏剧比较

12.On the Relationship between Chinese Realism Dramas and the Western Inherent Dramas;中国现实主义话剧与西方内向型戏剧

13.Bali theatre influenced the West theatre of post- modernism through Artaud and his theory of "cruel theater".巴厘戏剧通过阿尔托的“残酷戏剧”理论,影响到西方现代派戏剧。

14.Initial Researches on the Comparison between Chinese Drama and Western Opera;戏中曲与歌中剧——中国戏曲与西方歌剧比较初探

15.Western Women s Theatre in China: Translation,Critic and Direction;译介·批评·方向——西方妇女戏剧在中国

16.Voltaire s lntercultural Theatre;西方文化批判者伏尔泰的跨文化戏剧

17.Interactions between Local Operas and Socio-Economy in West Fujian闽西地方戏剧与社会经济互动之关系

18.The theatre company will kick off the season with a production of The Playboy of the Western World.剧团将以《西方世界的花花公子》这出剧拉开本届戏剧节的序幕。


Eastern and Western dramas东西方戏剧

3)Western theatrical classics西方戏剧经典

4)Western traditional drama西方传统戏剧

5)western absurd drama西方荒诞戏剧

1.Based onwestern absurd drama,the Chinese counterpart has been imprinted with a mark of misreading since the beginning,which finds expressxion in three aspects:the displacement of philosophy,aestheitc judgment and aesthetic concepts.由仿效吸纳西方荒诞戏剧而产生的中国荒诞戏剧从一开始就烙上了误读的印记,具体表现为三个方面的移位:哲学立意上的移位、美学判断上的移位和审美形态上的移位。

6)Western modern theatre西方现代戏剧

1.His creation itself represents the character and the development ofWestern modern theatre.其创作本身代表着西方现代戏剧的发展历程及特


《当代西方电影的美学思想》中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。
