1200字范文 > 戏曲程式 drama form英语短句 例句大全

戏曲程式 drama form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 13:53:43


戏曲程式 drama form英语短句 例句大全

戏曲程式,drama form

1)drama form戏曲程式


1.Stylized Movement in the Traditional Chinese Opera and the Personality of the Character--On the Performing Art of the Traditional Chinese Opera;戏曲程式与人物性格——戏曲表演艺术谈

2.Cultural Implication and Historical Destination of the Stylizationof Traditional Opera;戏曲程式的文化蕴涵与历史命运——兼论现代戏曲符号体系的建构

3.Dramatic Terms "Ke", "Jie" and Their Origins of Rites in the Northern and Southern Classical Chinese Dramas;戏曲术语“科”、“介”与北剧、南戏之仪式渊源

4.Application of "Zhezixi" to Multi-media Instruction of Chinese Ancient Drama Curriculum折子戏与戏曲相关课程的多媒体教学

5.On“Jiqu and the Variational Style of Banshi”in Chinese Opera Singing;试论戏曲唱腔的“集曲板式变化体”

6.Constant Seeking for New Form: An Inspection on Art of Chinese Traditional Opera;戏曲艺术:不断地探寻新形式——戏剧反思录之二

7.The catalyzing of western drama to the"modernization/of Chinese classical drama advancement;西方戏剧对中国古典戏曲“现代化”进程的催化

8.During its development, it incorporated much from the farming songs, "Lingge"(a kind of folk song), folk wushu (a form of physical culture), acrobatics and traditional operas.并在发展过程中不断吸收农歌、菱歌(民歌的一种形式)、民间武术、杂技以及戏曲的技艺与形式,

9.As the current most ancient drama form, Kunqu Opera is one of the original three of the world"s largest ancient dramas.昆曲,中国现存最古老的戏曲形式,世界古代三大戏剧源头之一。

10.They say Chinese classical theater abounds in stylized conventions.据说传统戏剧程式很多。

11.On the Features of Melody and Mode in Xibe Drama Music;论锡伯族戏曲音乐的旋律及调式特征

12.On the Autobiographical Lyricism of WU Mei-cun s Dramatic Creation;论吴梅村戏曲创作自叙传式的抒情性

13.Research on Creation of Shape about the Stage Lighting of Opera and Drama戏曲与话剧舞台灯光的形式创新研究

14.Influences of Asceticism of Zhu and Cheng on the Plays of Late Ming Dynasty;程朱理学禁欲观念对晚明戏曲的影响

15.Historical Process of the Creation of Local Northeastern Operas(Ⅱ)创建东北本土戏曲剧种的历史进程(中)

16.More than I50 plays were presented in 23 different types of classical Chinese theatre.调演期间共演出了包括23种戏曲形式在内的150多出戏。

17.Thirdly, dialects are permitted only for artistic pursuits like theatre and film productions.三是戏曲、影视等艺术形式中需要使用的;

18.Analysese of the Applications and Performances of the XiQu Rhythm on Chinese National Opera;浅析中国民族歌剧中戏曲板式的运用及演唱


operatic form戏曲形式

3)opera style戏曲模式

1.However, in some of Guan Han-qing s works,theopera style of stylization and s ecularization weekens his subjective ideas to a certain extent.不过,在某些作品中,关汉卿的主观创作思想往往被程式化与世俗化的戏曲模式所弱化,从而呈现出大众化的、诙谐的、偏重于舞台演出气氛的创作特点。

4)XiQu rhythm戏曲板式

5)xiqu wugong jiɑocheng《戏曲武功教程》



《武英殿聚珍版程式》中国记述清代《武英殿聚珍版丛书》木活字印刷的专著。 《四库全书》 馆副总裁金简撰,乾隆四十一年(1776)成书。全书7000多字,分16目,即奏议、成造木子 、刻字 、字柜、槽板、夹条、顶木、中心木、类盘、套格、摆书、垫版、校对、刷印、归类和逐日轮转办法。记述了从制枣木活字到刷印成书的工艺过程,内容详备。如活字逐一经铜制" 漏子"检验 ,以保证规格的一致;用活闩塞紧木坯后刻字 ,可与雕刻整版无异 ;常用字、冷僻字分别存贮 ,取、还字便利 ;用梨木板刻行格线,做成套格;用套格预先刷印格纸,再套刷字版成书;实行两校制,先刷草样初校,再刷清样复校后付印等。还记录了经费、人力配备等事项。这是继王祯《农书·造活字印书法》后的又一部木活字印刷术文献。(见彩图)
