1200字范文 > 当代戏曲 current dramas英语短句 例句大全

当代戏曲 current dramas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-26 09:42:37


当代戏曲 current dramas英语短句 例句大全

当代戏曲,current dramas

1)current dramas当代戏曲


1.Models for "Dramatization"and"Modernization"in the Current Dramatic Works;当代戏曲“戏曲化”与“现代化”的范例

2.From Historical Lessons to Humanistic Concerns--the Evolutionary Trace of Dramas on Chuang Wang in Modern Dramas;从历史镜鉴到人文观照——当代戏曲中闯王剧的演进轨迹

3.Exploration of the Diversity and Internationalization of Contemporary Chinese Drama:A Case Study of Zheng He;国际视野下的当代戏曲多元化探索——大型交响京剧《郑和下西洋》创作综述

4.A General View of Some Modern Minority Nationalities Traditional Opera (1949-1966);当代若干少数民族戏曲发展概观(1949——1966)

5.Looking Closely at Traditional Opera from an Angle of Modernity --Comment on "Opera and Entertainment" by Prof. Chen Jiansen;从当代性视角审视戏曲艺术——评陈建森教授《戏曲与娱乐》

6.On the Contemporary Research System of Classical Dramaturgy;论当代古典戏曲理论研究体系的建立及其内涵

7.A Comparison of Discrepancy between Traditional Opera and Modern Culture Industry Development论传统戏曲与当代文化产业发展的差异性

8.Return of Tradition;回归传统——论中国当代先锋戏剧对中国传统戏曲的借鉴陈吉德

9.The Artistic Spirit and Modernization of the Chinese Traditional Opera:An Exploration of Zhang Geng’s Aesthetics;戏曲艺术精神与戏曲现代化——张庚戏曲美学思想初探

10.Theory on the traditional opera temperament by Shen Chongsui;沈宠绥的戏曲声律论──江苏古代戏曲家研究之五

11.On Preface and Postscript in Yuan Dynasty Opera for Building Opera Theory论元代戏曲论著序跋在戏曲理论建构中的功用

12.Opera in the Han Dynasty was not the source of Chinese traditional opera. it only contained some of the elements of traditional opera.汉代百戏并不是中国戏曲的源头, 它只是有一些戏曲的元素。

13.The discussion on the traditional opera and "certain literature in each time";“一代有一代之文学”观与戏曲身份认同

14.Traditional opera to reflect modern life and opera modernization;中国戏曲的世纪命题——戏曲表现现代生活及“现代剧”的确立

15.Drama Fostering Spirit:The Northern View of Drama-On Duan’s Doctrine of“Drama Fostering Spirit” in Jishan, Shanxi in Jin Dynasty;戏养神:金代北方民间的戏曲观——山西稷山金代段氏“戏养神”砖铭论

16.The catalyzing of western drama to the"modernization/of Chinese classical drama advancement;西方戏剧对中国古典戏曲“现代化”进程的催化

17.Selecting in Drama Adapted from Novel Source from Qing Dynasty’Liaozhai Drama;从清代“聊斋戏”看戏曲改编对小说素材的选择性

18.The "originally simplicity approach"in theories about Chinese classical opera;中国古典戏曲理论中的“当行本色”论


Literary history conception当代戏曲发展

3)ancient drama古代戏曲

1.But Chineseancient drama has the unique feature of objective,formulaic,rhythmic and lyric.中国古代小说和戏曲具有综合性、教化性、愉悦性、通俗性等共同的审美特征,而古代戏曲还有直观性、程式化、节奏性、抒情性等独有的审美特征。

2.Chineseancient drama audience identity structure can be divided into sergeant, businessmen, farmers, women and literati.我国古代戏曲观众的身份结构主要可以分成军士、商贾、农民、女性和文人士大夫五类。

4)Ancient opera古代戏曲

1.The Chinese ancient opera has long history.中国古代戏曲源远流长,它集叙事文学和抒情文学之精华,已成为我们民族文化的杰出代表。

5)dramas indited in Yuan dynasty元代戏曲

6)xiɑndɑi xiqu现代戏曲


