1200字范文 > 动词文化 Culture Used as a Verb英语短句 例句大全

动词文化 Culture Used as a Verb英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-07 06:36:20


动词文化 Culture Used as a Verb英语短句 例句大全

动词"文化","Culture" Used as a Verb

1)"Culture" Used as a Verb动词"文化"

2)culturally-loaded animal word文化动物词

1.Many English and Chineseculturally-loaded animal words differ in meaning owing to different cultural content, tradition and psychology, and the meaning differences are likely to invoke errors in comprehension and expression.文化制约了动物词的意义演变而动物词的文化意义又折射出了丰富的文化内容由于文化内容文化传统和文化心理有异很多英汉文化动物词意义上差异较大容易造成理解和表达上的错误本文试图就以下几个带方向性的问题进行对比与分析文化动物词的总数各类动物词中文化动物词的数量多义文化动物词的数量文化意义类型及其文化成因并就如何对比与分析给出了范

3)personal names动物文化词

1.This thesis analyzes the strategies of the two versions in the translation of the two types of culture-loaded words(culture-loaded animal words andpersonal names) from the functionalist point of view.本文用功能翻译理论从动物文化词与人名这两类文化词的翻译探讨《红楼梦》两英译本在不同文化类别上翻译策略的异同。

4)cultural words文化词语

1.Oncultural words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language;对外汉语教学中的文化词语

2.Starting from a comparative study of the two versions of the poem entitled Peach Blossom, this paper discusses the translation methods applied in the translation ofcultural words,with an attempt to explore the choice of translation methods regardingcultural words.文章以其中的诗篇《桃花行》的两种英译本的对比评析为切入点,讨论两种译本对其中含有的文化词语的翻译方法,进而探讨有关文化词语翻译方法的选择问题。


1.China English and the Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words;中国英语与汉语文化词语的异化翻译

2.The Semantic Influence of National Culture on English and Chinese;民族文化对汉词语和英词语语义的影响

3.Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese;英语汉语中动物词语的文化内涵分析

4.The Cultural Meaning of the Noun Polity and the Words Derived from It;名词“政”及其衍生词语的文化意蕴

5.Improve Vocabulary Teaching by Probing into Words’Cultural Connotation;发掘词汇文化蕴涵 改进英语词汇教学

6.Cultural Comparison between English and Chinese Words and English Vocabulary Teaching;英汉词汇的文化比较与英语词汇教学

7.An Analysis of Popular Term "very+noun" in the Aspect of Social Culture;流行词语“非常+名词”的社会文化透视

8.Cultural Relations among Several Different LanguagesSeen from the Word “Sheep”;从“羊”一词词源看不同语言的文化联系

9.On the Influence of Social Culture on the Change of Chinese Words;试论社会文化对汉语词语变化的影响

10.Cultural Introdution of Target Language in English Teaching and "Lexical Cultural" Difference;外语教学中的目的语文化导入和“词语文化”差异

11.Cultural Losses: the Cultural Dimension of the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry;文化缺失:汉语古诗词英译之文化维度

12.A Comparison of the Connotative Meanings of Chinese and Kazakh Numerals;汉语和哈萨克语数词词汇文化伴随意义对比

13.A Corpus-Based Study of Delexicalized Adjectives in English and Chinese基于语料库的中英文形容词非词语化研究

14.A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Words Culture and Its Implication in College English Teaching;英汉语词汇文化对比与大学英语教学

15.Vocabulary and Culture a Cross-Language Study of Linguistic Relativity;词汇与文化:语言相对性的跨语言研究

16.Understanding & Translation of Cultural Connotations of English Words;略论英语词语文化内涵的理解与翻译

17.Study on the generalization of military words used in the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”语言中军事词语的泛化现象

18.A Comparative Study of Cultural Connotation between Chinese Plant Words and their English Counterparts;中英语言中植物词语的文化内涵比较


culturally-loaded animal word文化动物词

1.Many English and Chineseculturally-loaded animal words differ in meaning owing to different cultural content, tradition and psychology, and the meaning differences are likely to invoke errors in comprehension and expression.文化制约了动物词的意义演变而动物词的文化意义又折射出了丰富的文化内容由于文化内容文化传统和文化心理有异很多英汉文化动物词意义上差异较大容易造成理解和表达上的错误本文试图就以下几个带方向性的问题进行对比与分析文化动物词的总数各类动物词中文化动物词的数量多义文化动物词的数量文化意义类型及其文化成因并就如何对比与分析给出了范

3)personal names动物文化词

1.This thesis analyzes the strategies of the two versions in the translation of the two types of culture-loaded words(culture-loaded animal words andpersonal names) from the functionalist point of view.本文用功能翻译理论从动物文化词与人名这两类文化词的翻译探讨《红楼梦》两英译本在不同文化类别上翻译策略的异同。

4)cultural words文化词语

1.Oncultural words in teaching Chinese as a foreign language;对外汉语教学中的文化词语

2.Starting from a comparative study of the two versions of the poem entitled Peach Blossom, this paper discusses the translation methods applied in the translation ofcultural words,with an attempt to explore the choice of translation methods regardingcultural words.文章以其中的诗篇《桃花行》的两种英译本的对比评析为切入点,讨论两种译本对其中含有的文化词语的翻译方法,进而探讨有关文化词语翻译方法的选择问题。

5)lexical culture词汇文化

6)phrase culture词文化

1.To contrast English-to-Chinese cultural differences from the social intercourse and thephrase culture;从交际与词文化对比英汉文化差异


