1200字范文 > 饮食动词 eating verb英语短句 例句大全

饮食动词 eating verb英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-08 05:19:28


饮食动词 eating verb英语短句 例句大全

饮食动词,eating verb

1)eating verb饮食动词

2)vocabulary in diet饮食词语

1.In this thesis Middle Chinsesvocabulary in diet is chosen to be researched.本文选取了中古时期的一类词语——饮食词语进行了专门研究。

3)diet vocabulary饮食词汇

4)dietary neologisms饮食新词

1.In our study of English and Chinesedietary neologisms, we find that a large number of them are created by analogy which is a hot topic of linguistic studies.在研究中,我们发现相当数量的饮食新词是由类比方式构成的。

5)dietetic words饮食类词语

1.This paper studies the meaning transferred of Guangzhou dialect indietetic words with practical examples, analyzes its application characteristics and the implicit cultural connotation.本文结合实例探讨广州方言里饮食类词语的词义转指情况、分析归纳其使用特点,及其隐含的文化内涵。


1.Transferred Usage and Cultural Connotation of Guangzhou Dialect in Dietetic Words论广州方言饮食类词语转指用法及其文化内涵

2.On Ancient Chinese Verb in the Diet Category and the Related Culture;中国古代汉语中的饮食类动词及有关文化研究

3.The Lexical Sematic Evolution of Diet Verb "Taste" and Its Reasons饮食类动词“尝”的词义演变及其动因

4.Reflect the Cultural Meaning in Diet Idiom, Proverb is Studied;反映在饮食类成语、谚语里的文化意义研究

5.Abstract The paper,based on the entry“cuisine”in the“Dictionary of the Turkic Languages”,studies the Uigur cuisine culture in the Middle Ages.本文以《突厥语大词典》中所记载的饮食词条为据,论述中世纪维吾尔族饮食文化

6.From Behavior of Action to Behavior of Drinking and Eating--A Kind of Evolvement of Word s Meaning in Ming - Qing Dynasty Dialect of Shandong;从肢体行为到饮食行为——明清山东方言里一类词义的演变

7.Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases英语单词词组类词词典

8.A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Cooking Terms --With comments on differences between English and Chinese food culture英汉烹饪词汇语义对比研究——兼谈英汉饮食文化差异

9.A Probe into Catering Culture in Shaoxing Based on the Catering Terms in the Novels in Ming, Qing Dynasty;由明清小说中的饮食词看绍兴饮食文化

10.Catering Culture and Ethnic Boundary --A Conversation about Catering Anthropology;饮食文化与族群边界——关于饮食人类学的对话

11.Talking about Chinese Diet Culture from the Standard of Diet in “the Analects of Confucius” and “Mencius”从《论语》、《孟子》饮食规范说到中华饮食文化

12.A Philological Study of the Medicinal Herbs and Vegetables Represented by Characters under the Radical "艸" in Shuo Wen Jie Zi;《说文解字》艸部药食类植物词语名称考释(之二下)——草药类

13.An Investigation on the Chinese Characters Connected with Medicinal Food《说文解字》艸部药食类植物词语名称考释(之三)——蔬菜、草药类

14.A Diachronic Study of the Verb Chi (吃) and its Objects;饮食义动词“吃”带宾情况的历史考察

15.The main course served in American meals is usually meat, fish, or poultry,美国饮食的主菜通常是肉类、鱼类或鸡,

16.The article is a part of speech in the English language.冠词是英语的一种词类。

17.and loss of appetite, or eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.没胃口或有像厌食症或暴食症之类的饮食紊乱。

18.The cultural implication of The phrase related to diet;浅论包含饮食语素惯用语的文化意蕴


vocabulary in diet饮食词语

1.In this thesis Middle Chinsesvocabulary in diet is chosen to be researched.本文选取了中古时期的一类词语——饮食词语进行了专门研究。

3)diet vocabulary饮食词汇

4)dietary neologisms饮食新词

1.In our study of English and Chinesedietary neologisms, we find that a large number of them are created by analogy which is a hot topic of linguistic studies.在研究中,我们发现相当数量的饮食新词是由类比方式构成的。

5)dietetic words饮食类词语

1.This paper studies the meaning transferred of Guangzhou dialect indietetic words with practical examples, analyzes its application characteristics and the implicit cultural connotation.本文结合实例探讨广州方言里饮食类词语的词义转指情况、分析归纳其使用特点,及其隐含的文化内涵。

6)food craving饮食冲动


