1200字范文 > 壁画艺术 Mural art英语短句 例句大全

壁画艺术 Mural art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-05 05:12:24


壁画艺术 Mural art英语短句 例句大全

壁画艺术,Mural art

1)Mural art壁画艺术

1.A good summary on it will be of help to the healthy development of the mural art.对作为公共艺术形态的壁画艺术的未来,提出建设性的意见,是壁画家、建筑家、环境艺术家和城建管理者共同的责任。

2.The retrospect of mural history and inspect from the 3 basic elements: color, unage and material of mural can be greatly beneficial to the summary of the previous experiences and the further development and flourishing of the mural art.壁画作为人类最古老的艺术形式之一,从远古人类的岩画到现代壁画,经历了漫长的发展历程,不论是西方还是东方,也出现了各种形式的壁画,我们回顾历史和传统,从壁画最根本的三要素“色”“型”“质”去透析,是为了更好的总结前人的经验,为它今后的发展和壮大提供可靠的理论依据,为繁荣壁画艺术尽一份微薄之力。


1.Mural Art and Folk Culture of Mura Mausoleum in Lingge Hall凌阁堂壁画墓的壁画艺术与民俗文化

2.mural art, decoration, etc壁画艺术、 墙上装饰.

3.Try Comment That the Fresco Art Space Processing of "Being and Not-Being Grow out of One Another";试论“有无相生”的壁画艺术空间处理

4.A Study on the Artistic Symbols of Murals Painted on the Ceiling of Cave No.249 in Dunhuang Caves;莫高窟第249窟窟顶壁画艺术符号研究

5.National Style of the Ancient Chinese Mural Art;浅析我国古代壁画艺术的民族性风格

6.THE WATER-LIGHT WORLD--Material Features of Modern Mural Art;现代壁画艺术中的材料特色——水光世界

7.A Probe into the Artistic Decoration of Fresco in Public Places;壁画艺术在公共环境中装饰性的探讨

8.On the Art of BU Qian-qiu s Tomb Mural in the Western HAN Dynasty;洛阳西汉卜千秋等墓室壁画艺术刍议

9.Digital Expression of Mural Art in New Media Context新媒体语境下壁画艺术的数字化表达

10.The Value of Dunhuang Mural in Art Education;敦煌壁画艺术在美术教育中的积极意义

11.Choosing in the Pious Quietness-The Art of the Renaissance Painter Angelico;在虔诚安静中抉择——文艺复兴时期画家安吉利科的壁画艺术

12.Research on Artistic Language and Reference Value of Assyrian Relief Frescoes亚述浮雕壁画艺术语言探究及其价值借鉴

13.Mural Painting is the oldest art in the history of human being" s painting.壁画是人类绘画史上最古老的艺术。

14.Artistic Attainments of Aptanetravana in the Dunhuang Mogao Caves莫高窟“得眼林”壁画的艺术成就

15.Outside Xiao Guan Yuan, a mural made art immanent.小观园外,一陶瓷壁画,艺术无所不在。

16.The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art.敦煌壁画是我国古代艺术中的瑰宝。

17.A Discussion of Art Language in Decoration Fresco Creation;试论装饰壁画创作活动中的艺术语言

18.From the Art of Painting Accessories Wall to Separate Modern Art从绘画艺术的附属品走向独立的现代壁挂艺术


fresco art壁画艺术

1.The interposition offresco art in the city environment can just satisfy with the requirement of people.壁画艺术对城市环境的介入正好能够满足人们的这种审美和精神的渴求。

3)style of murals壁画艺术风格

4)the artistic style壁画艺术分析

5)grotto and fresco art石窟壁画艺术

6)The Pattern of Murals Art壁画艺术的形态


